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I Got Hit By A Car Today.


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Yeah. Um interesting new experience. I was crossing Cass near Woodward and had my gaze averted a little farther down the street looking for oncoming traffic and THUMP. Point blank. I think the guy was pulling away from the curb I caught his left front bumper and got a little spin action on. Fell to the ground. Got back up without a scratch on me, didn't even scuff my shoes. My left buttock is a little sore, maybe bruised a glut. Damn, I got reeeeaalllly lucky this afternoon.

Anybody else have any close encounters like that?

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But I saw a guy get hit before. Saw it coming at the intersection ahead of me, slowed down for the inevitable screeching halts, and saw him get hit, sail arms-and-legs-splayed over the vehicle and hit the ground.

It was one of the most sickening things I've witnessed. Really upset me. I have no clue how badly he was hurt. The woman who hit him stopped, as did a bunch of other people, and there were plenty of cell phones present, so no need for me to stop.

I hope to never see anything like that again.

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Yes. 16 mile and Gratiot I sorta got hit/run over when some guy stepped on the gas before the light changed (he was goofing off and appoligized allot but I was just bruised and pissed......)

I was on my bike, it knocked me over.....I got a bit tangled in his bumper but he saw me in time before he stepped on the break. This was a few years ago.

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I once hit a car while on foot...

A few years ago, I was crossing Washtenaw just west of Arborland, and traffic was backed up because of the light at Huron Parkway. I started jogging across the street, because the two closest lanes were backed up. As I got to the center left turn lane, a car passed in front of me. Yes, driving in the left turn lane. I didn't have enough time to stop so I crashed right into the side of the car and ended up on the road. I managed to get my wits about me and get out of the road, and I wasn't hurt or anything, but it was a bit of a shock; had I started running just a fraction of a second sooner, I've have ended up in front of him and who knows what would have happened.

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You didn't ever tell me that. Was it while we were together? PM me...

Anyway, I myself have never been hit by a car, but two friends were.

One was hit by a drunk and was killed, the other was hit and broke his collarbone, from the same group of friends and everything, it was really fucking scary.

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I'm always running myself into things, I'm acutally surprised I haven't hit someone while they're in their car (me walking). I'm so oblivious about my surroundings. I'm like the abscent minded professor most times.

I'm SO glad that you're okay. Did that person at least stop and appologize? Pay for your dinner, call the cops..

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I'm always running myself into things, I'm acutally surprised I haven't hit someone while they're in their car (me walking). I'm so oblivious about my surroundings. I'm like the abscent minded professor most times.

I'm SO glad that you're okay. Did that person at least stop and appologize? Pay for your dinner, call the cops..

ah a fellow lampost magnet!

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I got bumped a few times.... I used to work for one of the car rental facilities up at metro airport... them people are the worst.... always forget to put their car in park when they return it...... I used to know someone who was hit by like 3 trains how he's still alive i dont know! lucky guy i guess

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When i was 10 i was riding my bike with my friends and as we were going down the street some asshole came flying backwards out of his driveway so fast his tires screeched. he hit the front tire of my bike (i had hit my brakes and tried to swerve away but it was too fast) i flipped over the handlebars and onto the hood of his car, then rolled onto the ground. my friends started screaming and freaking out the guy started swearing then a woman came out of the house and she was screaming and getting hysterical. from what i gathered, the couple was already in a fight which is why the guy was driving like an asshole, he was pissed off and leaving the fight. i was basically okay, a few bumps and bruises and scrapes. scared the bejeezus out of me, but in the end i got to go to school and tell everyone how i got hit by a car, and i had two witnesses. so it wasnt so bad from a kids point of view.....
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Not me personally, but I think Raven's been hit by cars about 800 times. The most recent happened last winter when he was riding his bike to work early in the morning I think and a car hit him going like 35 - 40 mph or something along those lines. I remember going over his house after that (this was when we were still friends) and I was like "Hey assface, what the fuck is wrong with your hair not being gelled, lazy mother fucker?" and he was all "....I have STAPLES...HOLDING my HEAD together" and I felt like a real dick after that.

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LOL have you seen david? using a car is your only defence he's a big dude! :whistle:


it was some idiot that wasnt lookin.

they knew thy hit him, but sped off anyway.

and they call it the happiest place on earth...... heh

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Anybody else have any close encounters like that?

Three times. Once on a bike (ten speed, in high school), I flew off the bike and over the hood of the car, got up and rode off. My friend that was with me almost shit himself.

The other two times = an old guy in a van hit me, I got up, he hit me again.

Fun times.

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Yeah. Um interesting new experience. I was crossing Cass near Woodward and had my gaze averted a little farther down the street looking for oncoming traffic and THUMP. Point blank. I think the guy was pulling away from the curb I caught his left front bumper and got a little spin action on. Fell to the ground. Got back up without a scratch on me, didn't even scuff my shoes. My left buttock is a little sore, maybe bruised a glut. Damn, I got reeeeaalllly lucky this afternoon.

Anybody else have any close encounters like that?

I'm so glad to hear that you're okay.*hugs*

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