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Dealing With The Sickly..

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I was too lazy to see if this has already been posted, but I need to vent a little bit.

My boyfriend of sorts has a cold. Its just a little cold but he is making it out into a big on his deathbed kind of thing. He is whiny, grouchy, irritable and just plain pissy. Why is it that guys are such babies when they are sick? I mean, I know I'm not pleasent to be with when I feel miserable, but I don't think I'm this bad when I'm sick.

Today he made me, MADE me buy him some orange juice and cough drops. He told me that if I didn't cater to him today, the next time I'm sick, he wouldn't cater to me. *sigh* Sometimes... sometimes he drives me up the wall.

Oh, and add that he is bi-polar and off his meds to the picture. I have the patience of a saint, I swear I do!!!


oh, btw, to the mods, he is of age, and I have his consent to b*tch about it. :)

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My husband's the same way.

And he's a hypocondriac. During the time I've known him, he was certain that he had scurvy, the plague, kidney failure, several auto-immune disorders that only occur in the tropics and cancer of the lymphnodes (it was actually a rash).

But, when he's with the boys, oh my, he's IMMORTAL. They play all sorts of terrible games, like 'Punch', where one person sits in a chair with their fist extended and the other person runs as fast as they can towards said fist. When he's with the boys he will hike for MILES on a broken ankle, but if I'm anywhere around he collapses into a whiny mess.

I don't know why he does that either.

I'm like the worst fake doctor ever.

I have no idea how to treat even the simplest of maladies (much less the scurvy and plague to which he's so prone) and I have about zero sympathy for the sick. I think it's because I so rarely get sick myself, it's just not an experience I can relate to. I'm always like 'Butch up, you suzy! It's just a head cold!'

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My guy is the same way. I get more frazzled on the job than he does......I whine and come home in a bad mood or call him in the middle of the day when he is at work on his regular job if we have a problem with the home buisness......

But when he is sick......he is the weak one. I am the strong one. He always says he is surprised how strong I am in that way......I take a licking and keep on ticking.......the sight of blood, vomit....poop......nothing to me...it turns his stomach.

This may seem sexist but I wonder if there is not some inherent.....thing......in women.....as we do have babies.......to be able to handle it better. I know our pain threshhold is more for childbirth...so......

When he gets sick god does it get on my nerves. We all know you feel like crap.......don't keep reminding us.......he can't even get up for his own kleenex.......I have to make him drink his oj......everything.

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My husband's the same way.

And he's a hypocondriac. During the time I've known him, he was certain that he had scurvy, the plague, kidney failure, several auto-immune disorders that only occur in the tropics and cancer of the lymphnodes (it was actually a rash).

But, when he's with the boys, oh my, he's IMMORTAL. They play all sorts of terrible games, like 'Punch', where one person sits in a chair with their fist extended and the other person runs as fast as they can towards said fist. When he's with the boys he will hike for MILES on a broken ankle, but if I'm anywhere around he collapses into a whiny mess.

I don't know why he does that either.

I'm like the worst fake doctor ever.

I have no idea how to treat even the simplest of maladies (much less the scurvy and plague to which he's so prone) and I have about zero sympathy for the sick. I think it's because I so rarely get sick myself, it's just not an experience I can relate to. I'm always like 'Butch up, you suzy! It's just a head cold!'

Scurvy dogs lol that cracked me up. He really thought he had scurvy??? The plague??? Sounds like a riot!!! :w00t:

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its a guy thing, every guy ive ever met has been this way. mho is that its psychological. they spend all their time beeing bad asses and acting tough and when they get sick its kind of a. . .relax you have a reason card. . .make sence?

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Jon uses the slightest sign of illness as an excuse to come home from work.

Amazing how he's fine after about an hour - fine enough to go fishing or treasure hunting, but not fine enough to go back to work. :D

I don't mind taking care of him when he's sick. When he's REALLY sick, he's not real demanding. Matter of fact, it can be hard to get him to just take it easy. And he doesn't get sick often.

But when I'm sick, I do wish he'd cater to me a bit more. When I'm sick, it's usually a really bad cold. I'm prone to BAAAAD allergies, and (according to my dentist via x-rays) I have massively cavernous sinuses. So when I get sick, I am absolutely MISERABLE for an obnoxxiously long time because it takes forever for my sinuses to drain.

The main thing I really need help with when I'm like that are things that are bad for my nose. Especially cleaning the litterboxes. I really, really wish he'd just take initiative and take care of that without my having to ask. And if I finally do ask, that he doesn't say, "o.k." and turn back to the computer screen and forget until I have to do it myself anyway.

It seems like each time we've had a new puppy and needed to be massively attentive for housetraining, I've gotten really sick. And each time, again, I've had to be solely responsible for taking care of that, and Jon didn't step up and take over. Once, I recall, we had a span of DAYS of constant rain. And there I was, sick as a dog, standing outside in the rain, waiting forever for the puppy to figure out it was time to get down to business. I know I'm much, much more patient with things like that, but it would be such a caring gesture to take over and force some patience on himself so I can rest & recover.

Of course, things are better in our relationship right now. So let's hope there will be some improvement in that area next time I get sick!

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Welcome to our club sweetie.


OH, it happens.... think about PMS, dont you ever feel like death is knockin' at your door?

I do.

*looks around to see if I am alone on this one*

I have been with my man for over 2 years now.

He is the SWEETEST guy....

...til he gets sick.


And I understand.

Sometimes I wanna put the pillow over his face and push down...J/K (but no, seriously!)


Sadly "sick" happens.

And when you are in a relationship, it happens to BOTH of you.

(My trick is, do for him what I NEED him to do for me when I am sick. And it works.)


Thats what love is all about, Sweetie.

Hang in there.....


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That's the one thing that I will miss about me being on my own now. I don't get sick often, but when I did, my ex was SOOO good to me. He would get me some soup, or go out to the store and buy me cough drops, or whatever he thinks I need.

Now I must suffer on my own, but I think I can be self sufficient *looks brave*

When he got sick he was a little baby, I agree, I think most guys are. Some people are self sufficient, I think I somewhat like being needed. It was quiet, I could get stuff done around the house, and I would check up on him on occasion. I guess I'll miss that also out of being in a relationship. *sighs*

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Jon uses the slightest sign of illness as an excuse to come home from work.

Amazing how he's fine after about an hour - fine enough to go fishing or treasure hunting, but not fine enough to go back to work. :D

Recently, Guy was SO sick he had to stay home from work for three days.

He claims that it is merely coincidence that he fell ill at the exact moment the new Harry Potter book arrived at our door.


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Oh its funny now. All day he was complaining that we used up all his tissue. *we ran out of toliet paper last night, and no stores were open around us.. so we made do* We bought him a brand new box of tissue and he used it up in one day. ONE DAY! I went to the store today, and bought him MORE orange juice and MORE cough drops (and more toliet paper **shudders**) but he still finds more reasons to whine. Oh and everything is my fault now. "I never listen". AND to make matters worse, this is my time of the month. I'm just now getting over the hormonal rages that I go through.

Does anyone recommend a miracle cure for the sickly? Like some home remedy I can force down his throat to make him less sickly? So far I've done the chicken noodle soup thing, the oj thing, the cough drops, the tissue, the expectorant (makes him cough up the flem).. anything else im missing.. oh yeah, I also did the tea thing too.

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Oh its funny now. All day he was complaining that we used up all his tissue. *we ran out of toliet paper last night, and no stores were open around us.. so we made do* We bought him a brand new box of tissue and he used it up in one day. ONE DAY! I went to the store today, and bought him MORE orange juice and MORE cough drops (and more toliet paper **shudders**) but he still finds more reasons to whine. Oh and everything is my fault now. "I never listen". AND to make matters worse, this is my time of the month. I'm just now getting over the hormonal rages that I go through.

Does anyone recommend a miracle cure for the sickly? Like some home remedy I can force down his throat to make him less sickly? So far I've done the chicken noodle soup thing, the oj thing, the cough drops, the tissue, the expectorant (makes him cough up the flem).. anything else im missing.. oh yeah, I also did the tea thing too.

Hot Toddy

1 1/2 ounces Whiskey (Brandy works, too)

1 ounce Honey

1/3 ounce Lemon Juice

3 ounces Hot Water or Hot Tea

If you have a microwave, the easiest way to make this drink is to warm the honey and lemon juice for about half a minute and then to add hot water and the whiskey. And then he has to drink it as fast as he can.

I know, I know, it sounds like some frat initiation drink, but my mom's been giving it to me and my sis since we were kids, and I'll tell you, if your darling man doesn't feel better after this, he'll at least pass out and go to sleep, and when whiny sick people are sleeping, the whole world is a happier place.

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Hot Toddy

1 1/2 ounces Whiskey (Brandy works, too)

1 ounce Honey

1/3 ounce Lemon Juice

3 ounces Hot Water or Hot Tea

If you have a microwave, the easiest way to make this drink is to warm the honey and lemon juice for about half a minute and then to add hot water and the whiskey. And then he has to drink it as fast as he can.

I know, I know, it sounds like some frat initiation drink, but my mom's been giving it to me and my sis since we were kids, and I'll tell you, if your darling man doesn't feel better after this, he'll at least pass out and go to sleep, and when whiny sick people are sleeping, the whole world is a happier place.

Winter's in MI I would make this for everyone in the house, sick or not and really does help, even it is just w/ dealing w/ family

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Oh its funny now. All day he was complaining that we used up all his tissue. *we ran out of toliet paper last night, and no stores were open around us.. so we made do* We bought him a brand new box of tissue and he used it up in one day. ONE DAY! I went to the store today, and bought him MORE orange juice and MORE cough drops (and more toliet paper **shudders**) but he still finds more reasons to whine. Oh and everything is my fault now. "I never listen". AND to make matters worse, this is my time of the month. I'm just now getting over the hormonal rages that I go through.

Does anyone recommend a miracle cure for the sickly? Like some home remedy I can force down his throat to make him less sickly? So far I've done the chicken noodle soup thing, the oj thing, the cough drops, the tissue, the expectorant (makes him cough up the flem).. anything else im missing.. oh yeah, I also did the tea thing too.



Grrl, next time I am sick can I call you to come stay with me?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


hahaha!!! YOU RULE at this!

(when I am sick I eat cajun and drink lemon juice and eat garlic. It helps sometimes.)

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I know, I've found almost 100% of men to be pussies when sick. They're "raised" up to be all macho and manly, but just because they're raised that way doesn't mean they are. In my experience you have to practically fucking hold their hand to get them to do anything and yeah when they're sick it's the end of the world. When girls have cramps though EVERY MONTH and it's the most painful thing we've ever experienced in our entire life everytime that we have them, but guys always scoff at our pain saying that we're wussies and can't handle anything. That's why men are so cute, 'cause they're pretty much children that got really big, sexy and legal and are willing to "pay you back" ;) for all the shit 'n' hassle :laugh:

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its a guy thing, every guy ive ever met has been this way. mho is that its psychological. they spend all their time beeing bad asses and acting tough and when they get sick its kind of a. . .relax you have a reason card. . .make sence?

gods, i hope i'm not like that... (not that i ever get sick, but...) if so, i will be absolutely sure it will never happen again - that kind of shit is really irritating! :X

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gods, i hope i'm not like that... (not that i ever get sick, but...) if so, i will be absolutely sure it will never happen again - that kind of shit is really irritating! :X

naw your pretty good ;) you dont turn into a big whiney baby so i enjoy doing what i can to make you feel better when your sick

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