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Horrible Movies

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...Phee seriously. You gotta stop stealing the words outta my mouth :laugh:

WELL I guess since he stole my first two...I would also have to suggest the other shitty movie made by the same shitty actor/actress combo: Runaway Bride

My friends MADE me go see it (hence the reason I don't generally hang out with much vagina anymore) because they were having a girl fit due to the fact that they "were too scared to go see Blair Witch Project"

You were just hanging with the wrong vaginas, Cher. =P

On topic: Dracula 3000 - Dracula in space?!




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The one movie that i've seen that made me actually Angry was...Happy Feet... a protest on the fishing industry disguised as a kids movie. I actually bought it on dvd thinking it was a good regular kids movie for my son. I'm glad at the time he wasn't old enough to understand what was going on. To him it was just a dancing penguin. That was the first and last time he got to watch that movie because i have a major problem with propaganda of any type being disguised as a kids movie. Sorry. End of rant!!!

Have you see the Bee Movie? They kepted talking about suicide in it.

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The Black Hole

Disaster Movie

any movie with Meg Ryan in it :yucky:

Killer Klowns from OuterSpace (that movie was soooo bad it was funny) :laugh:

I'm not a big fan of Adam Sandler or Will Ferrall, but, I did like 'Happy Gilmore' & 'Blades Of Glory'. I didn't care for 'Happy Feet' or 'The Bee Movie' because of the left leaning propaganda political bullshit in it.

Some older 'B' movies that I did like growing up were:

The Screaming Skull-1957

Fiend Without A Face-1950's era

Attack Of the Giant Leeches-1950's era

Night of the Living Dead-1968 Since Halloween is a week before my b-day, that movie is played quite a bit during the last week of October. I was a week from my 23th b-day in '86 when I could actually watch that movie without getting scared half to death & have nightmares. :laugh:

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The Black Hole

Disaster Movie

any movie with Meg Ryan in it :yucky:

Killer Klowns from OuterSpace (that movie was soooo bad it was funny) :laugh:

I'm not a big fan of Adam Sandler or Will Ferrall, but, I did like 'Happy Gilmore' & 'Blades Of Glory'. I didn't care for 'Happy Feet' or 'The Bee Movie' because of the left leaning propaganda political bullshit in it.

Some older 'B' movies that I did like growing up were:

The Screaming Skull-1957

Fiend Without A Face-1950's era

Attack Of the Giant Leeches-1950's era

Night of the Living Dead-1968 Since Halloween is a week before my b-day, that movie is played quite a bit during the last week of October. I was a week from my 23th b-day in '86 when I could actually watch that movie without getting scared half to death & have nightmares. :laugh:

I love most of those movies. Most would probably consider any Fangoria movies horrible too but that is usually because they compare them to movies these days with the technology. I own Killer Klowns and still think it rocks. All the great movies I think were made in the late 70s into the 80s.

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I love most of those movies. Most would probably consider any Fangoria movies horrible too but that is usually because they compare them to movies these days with the technology. I own Killer Klowns and still think it rocks. All the great movies I think were made in the late 70s into the 80s.


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I once went over to a friend's house and they were watching this horrible made-for-TV movie, I think it was called Frankenfish or something like that. It wasn't my house, so I couldn't change it, but that made me want to claw my eyes out.

Bring It On made me want to commit homicide just to have something else to do.

Other I've hated include Star Wars Episode I, Eye of the Beholder, Vanilla Sky, Hostel, Final Destination (or pretty much any marketed-for-teens horror movie) and pretty much any thing after the original Scary Movie that falls into the same genre.

Chick flicks for me generally fall into a whole other category. They are not bad or good. They are cheesy movies, some of which I occasionally enjoy, particulary when I'm in a "Men are Jerks" mood. But I will say that two I've been forced to endure and hated were Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood and Legally Blonde.

I actually liked Titanic the first time I saw it, then the media kind of ruined it for me.

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Abbot and Costello meet Frankenstein

Cannibal Holocaust

Evil Dead

(The original) Psycho

Nosferatu(Original as well)

Rosemary's Baby


Original House on Haunted Hill(Vincent Price)

Original House of Wax(Vincent Price)


Pet Semetary (Especially when that kid bites out the old man's throat O_o)

Amityville Horror



Dead Alive

The Shining(original)

etc. so on

alls i can hear in my head is Jon Lovitz voice in my head in the cartoon "the critic"

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I love "Titanic"...from the moment when the ship hits the iceberg to the moment when dead Leo sinks like a stone.

I noticed lots of Vanilla Sky hate - check out the original Spanish version. Much better movie.


And spanish version??? I will have to find that

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Guest greyhalo

I love "Titanic"...from the moment when the ship hits the iceberg to the moment when dead Leo sinks like a stone.

I noticed lots of Vanilla Sky hate - check out the original Spanish version. Much better movie.

I actually liked "Vanilla Sky," including the soundtrack. I didn't care for the original Spanish version as much.

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Guest greyhalo

I also hate that horrible '90s version of "Romeo and Juliet" with Leo DiCaprio and Claire Danes. I can't believe how many high school students are subjected to this movie in their Shakespeare classes. The 1968 version with Olivia Hussey is awesome.

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The Star Wars prequels. Every single one of them. Even in ROTS, for every "good" scene, there was 10 bad ones. Also, Anakin and Padme were one of the most irritating couples of all time.

Please oh please do not forget Jar Jar every word out of his mouth made me wanna hurl lol

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get carter (sly stalone version)

Peal Harbour. (god it was a stinker.)

Nightwatch (seriously, this film couldnt decide if it was a drama or a comedy, the whole yellow bus sequence just did not fit)

shock waves (so bad its good)

transformers. (sorry, its a "WHEE LOOK AT THE CGI" film that forgot to budget in a plot)

star wars epi's 1-3 lucas should be taken outside to a small cold tin shed and shot for those)

daredevil (a lame comic, i didnt think they could make it any worse except they budgeted inben afleck and again, forgot to budhget in a script writer)

jersey girl. (a film so bad it must have given kevin smith a kick up the arse to write clerks 2)

oooh so many out there

Nice play on the Dardevil. That did suck and so did Electra.... and Ghost Rider. Oh, and Spiderman 3.

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