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Ahmadinejad visiting Ground Zero  

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Lol personally I think we should get him there and when we do be like "GET 'EM!" and that to me, well that's a damn worthy pre-emptive strike. Better to take him out with a gun rather than have him take us out with the nukes they're trying so very hard to get.

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I voted yes as I would think he needs proof that it happened, whether he is involved in the terrorism or not. He is constantly a reminder of the problems that are rooted in the arabic world. Even though he may believe it was justified, let him see that we are adamant about our role.

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I say let him.. i mean there's all this propaganda that's been fed to us by our government saying he's trying to get nukes and all this so... play the accomodationg host to him, lets talk to him and find out exactly what the fuck is going on here and see if we can't solve this shit without blowing anything else up. Maybe he might be a puppet president like we have, maybe he's not. But if we refuse to make a connection, we'll never know and we just might do something else that will get the rest of the world to hate us even more than it already does.

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know - He has stated in plain english what he wants. He wants the country of Isreal destroyed... wiped off the map were his words. He wants the history books changed so that the Halocaust is never mentioned because according to him, it never happened. He wants a global Islamic government with Iran in charge.

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know - He has stated in plain english what he wants. He wants the country of Isreal destroyed... wiped off the map were his words. He wants the history books changed so that the Halocaust is never mentioned because according to him, it never happened. He wants a global Islamic government with Iran in charge.

sauce it (provide source for i cannot find this video of him actually speaking this in english)

if no sauce can be given, I chalk it up as bullshit propaganda. I'm not pro iraq or pro iran now, but i am anti bullshit, and at this point, i know our people are lying just as bad as everyone else.

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We can go back and forth on this forever. You can choose to take the words of the women on "The View" as gospel, and I can keep pointing you to the Washington Post article. You want a video of him saying it in English....not going to happen. Even if there were video of it, anyone who decided to become a 'truther' could always play it off with "he doesn't speak English well......he didn't know what he was saying". So..to begin...here's the Washington Post article.


Besides, this Israel/Iran issue has been going on for thousands of years....I'm more inclined to believe that this man, who was brought up believing that Israelites were his mortal enemies, would be for the eradication of Israel.

And don't even spout off that "propaganda" horseshit......it's ok to trust the media once in awhile.

But, judging by your sig, you're not going to accept anything unless it passes your strictess scrutiny.

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We can go back and forth on this forever. You can choose to take the words of the women on "The View" as gospel, and I can keep pointing you to the Washington Post article. You want a video of him saying it in English....not going to happen. Even if there were video of it, anyone who decided to become a 'truther' could always play it off with "he doesn't speak English well......he didn't know what he was saying". So..to begin...here's the Washington Post article.


Besides, this Israel/Iran issue has been going on for thousands of years....I'm more inclined to believe that this man, who was brought up believing that Israelites were his mortal enemies, would be for the eradication of Israel.

And don't even spout off that "propaganda" horseshit......it's ok to trust the media once in awhile.

But, judging by your sig, you're not going to accept anything unless it passes your strictess scrutiny.

Ok i'm gonna start living what Billo says on Fox news as the word's of god himself since i should trust the media right?

oh and also, if you're going to post a link.. be sure to get it right.. not a 404 redirect.

And what does my signature suggest anything to do with my "truth" scruteny that you so want... I'm just really suprised that despite you being played for a fool about Iraq's wmd's and typical media spin (like we all were) that you're willing to be fooled twice about iran. Fuck it, the media sources have lied before, not just fox news, and it's the same fucking scenario repeating its self but with iran, not iraq, and this time there's an even more insanely fucked up dictator who's even a puppet and they have nukes this time, not wmd's!! YAH YAH I heard It all before, I fought in the Iraqi war. I was IN IRAQ BEFORE THE WAR WAS OFFICIALLY STARTED. Not that that's a big deal or anything... but i certainly didn't see what CNN and all these reputable news media sources were spilling out to the american public at the time.

My trust always has been, and always will be a one chance thing. From girlfriend, to friend, to family, to polititians (disquallified by default mind you), to media. Give me bullshit once, I'll never fucking listen to your ass again. I could go on, but i'm progressively getting drunker and i'm one beer short of taking a digital picture of my ass and posting it on here. It's time to call it a night and deal with this in a sober frame of mind tomorrow

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Lol personally I think we should get him there and when we do be like "GET 'EM!" and that to me, well that's a damn worthy pre-emptive strike. Better to take him out with a gun rather than have him take us out with the nukes they're trying so very hard to get.

Chernobyl, thankyou, thankyou so much for giving me just what i needed to read to be able to put 2 and 2 together....

If the situation really is that iran is dead set on trying to topple us (fuck isreal, they're not us, that's a different can of worms that I'm aware of but not really relevant in this thread) then how come he's wanting to come here to take a personal tour? Actions have always spoke louder than words to me. And for him to do this shows a great deal of ideas that would conflict against what the bush administration along with main stream media sources are telling us...

What it's really honestly looking like to me is he knows Bush has his sight's set on Iran, and he's really probably trying to see things for himself personally as to exactly why this is happening. We don't need to forcefully take him into custody.. but what really bothers me is why the obvious question's aren't being asked, let alone answered...

"Why is he taking such an interest in this?"

"Why aren't we giving him the opportunity of a public interview to be displayed on the news media?"

"Why are the sources that are speaking for him instead of letting him speak for himself in such interview? (mind you the ones that are speaking for him are notorious for spreading libel and slander that is commonly known as propaganda)

But the biggest question I've yet to see asked, or even answered are,

"Why are we always after countries that taking in consideration motivation and ability to carry out such ideas, are the least of our threats compared to other countries?" Have we already forgotten about effing Korea and that missile they tried firing at us? Keep in mind here Korea is not only capable of nuclear weaponry, they HAVE it.

Never assume anything, because you cannot spell assume without "ass"

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I know your going to not believe this, no matter how many links to major news orgs all over the world I might post... Bush's policy in NK is working. They are in talks and negotiating. They have agreed to disarm. They are letting inspectors go where ever they want. They have shut down their reactors.

I also think they are doing things that would not make us happy if we knew about it... like dumping as many of thier nuke tech as they can in other counties.

No, I have not forgotten NK. The people that have forgot about NK are the people that will not give Bush credit for doing anything right.

Also, you can not have a conversation about Iran, it's President, it's government or it's foreign policy without also talking about Islam, Palistine, Hezzbolla and Israel. It's just can't happen.

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Hmmm doesn't want to kill America, huh? Well then why was it this morning before he left on his journey here to America was he giving a speech in front of a banner that said "Death to America"? Hmmm maybe his "english" isn't good and he REALLY meant he wanted to just sit down and play Yahtzee with us *rolls eyes*. I guess that's no proof there that he hates us, maybe we should all have a tea party with the guy *note the sarcasm*.

I can understand people also who are SLIGHTLY skeptical of the news, but those hardcore conspiratists usually just need some fucking hobbies, you know? No the news and govt isn't out to get us 100% of the time, I'm sorry, but that doesn't even make sense. Yeah I'm sure they hide stuff from us, I'm sure it's stuff that also NEEDS to be hidden, and sure they probably have their cover-ups here and there, but I'm sick of people who everything that's on the news it's automatically "they're just spewing out bullshit!". I get so sick of the "they're hiding this, they're hiding that, everything is fake in the media" with no plain proof of it to me, and as a matter of fact, just the contrary.

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I say let him.. i mean there's all this propaganda that's been fed to us by our government saying he's trying to get nukes and all this so... play the accomodationg host to him, lets talk to him and find out exactly what the fuck is going on here and see if we can't solve this shit without blowing anything else up. Maybe he might be a puppet president like we have, maybe he's not. But if we refuse to make a connection, we'll never know and we just might do something else that will get the rest of the world to hate us even more than it already does.

It's not propaganda. It's fact. Iran is actively trying to get nuclear weapons. They mask it as nuclear power, but it is WIDELY known that they want weapons-grade material.

I am tired of people caring about what the rest of the world thinks about us. Do you go about your day hoping that you don't offend anyone? Do you really care what others think about you? Please. Get over yourself. The United States is conducting foreign policy in the interest of it's population. Personally, I could care less what the rest of the world thinks of us. We are doing what we see fit, and if someone does not like it, they can come (and try to) stop us.

Why allow this man that openly denies the holocaust happened. Says Israel should be wiped off the planet.

FUNDS TERRORISM. Supports Iran military involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, does not allow freedom of speech for his people, does not believe in womens rights, and publicly stones people to death.


Let him speak at the UN. It's his right as a member. But anything past that (Columbia, Ground Zero) is fucking sick.

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It's not propaganda. It's fact. Iran is actively trying to get nuclear weapons. They mask it as nuclear power, but it is WIDELY known that they want weapons-grade material.

I am tired of people caring about what the rest of the world thinks about us. Do you go about your day hoping that you don't offend anyone? Do you really care what others think about you? Please. Get over yourself. The United States is conducting foreign policy in the interest of it's population. Personally, I could care less what the rest of the world thinks of us. We are doing what we see fit, and if someone does not like it, they can come (and try to) stop us.

Why allow this man that openly denies the holocaust happened. Says Israel should be wiped off the planet.

FUNDS TERRORISM. Supports Iran military involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, does not allow freedom of speech for his people, does not believe in womens rights, and publicly stones people to death.


Let him speak at the UN. It's his right as a member. But anything past that (Columbia, Ground Zero) is fucking sick.

:thumbsup: Amen brotha!

He probably wants to just come to the WTC site as a "pissing on their grave" kind of gesture. He wants to stand on the ground of his conquered enemy...that man needs to be taken out of power and FAST.

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:thumbsup: Amen brotha!

He probably wants to just come to the WTC site as a "pissing on their grave" kind of gesture. He wants to stand on the ground of his conquered enemy...that man needs to be taken out of power and FAST.

I would not be all that surprised if a former Marine/soldier recently back from iraq where he may have lost a brother to Iranian sponsored terror, to be posted in a tree half a mile from Columbia, waiting to pick this guy off.

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I would not be all that surprised if a former Marine/soldier recently back from iraq where he may have lost a brother to Iranian sponsored terror, to be posted in a tree half a mile from Columbia, waiting to pick this guy off.

Oooohhh let us hope...let us hope :laugh:

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It's not propaganda. It's fact. Iran is actively trying to get nuclear weapons. They mask it as nuclear power, but it is WIDELY known that they want weapons-grade material.

I am tired of people caring about what the rest of the world thinks about us. Do you go about your day hoping that you don't offend anyone? Do you really care what others think about you? Please. Get over yourself. The United States is conducting foreign policy in the interest of it's population. Personally, I could care less what the rest of the world thinks of us. We are doing what we see fit, and if someone does not like it, they can come (and try to) stop us.

Why allow this man that openly denies the holocaust happened. Says Israel should be wiped off the planet.

FUNDS TERRORISM. Supports Iran military involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, does not allow freedom of speech for his people, does not believe in womens rights, and publicly stones people to death.


Let him speak at the UN. It's his right as a member. But anything past that (Columbia, Ground Zero) is fucking sick.

Educate yourself fool

There, from an expert that they cant make nuclear bombs.. it's the same fucking spin as last time with iraqi WMD's... but nevermind their accusers, Isreal, are guilty themselves of what they accuse. You all forgot that didn't you.. they got bombs too...

and you all say you didn't forget Korea's failed missile launch at us, yet you're all about fucking up Iran for what they say and not do, guess words speak louder than actions eh?

And a highlight to that link, Iran can only enrich their stuff by a measly 3.5% It takes at least 80% enrichment to make a fucking bomb...

And just a reminder to you all.. WE HAVE NO INTELLIGENCE IN IRAN. Remember Joe Wilson everyone? Sure you don't... He was one of the head inspectors for Iraq's WMD's before the war started... I've posted the source here before but he told Bush that there's not anything of the sort in Iraq. So what did Cheney and Bush do about this? Oh yeah that's right, they went and spilled the beans about how his wife is in the CIA...

Oh and that's right... she was a player in a delecate network over there that literally collapsed as soon as she was outed, because then they knew that her team members must also be CIA agents... leaving us with shit for intelligence over in there. So now we have no one over there to tell us there's no nukes aside from the media spin from the same media organizations that spoon fed us that horse shit about Iraq having WMD's... jeez people, haven't you learned your lessons yet? Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me...

Oh yeah and another thing that no one's mentioning on the news stations is... Iran has Russia and China backin them up... but bet you all didn't know that either... why's that a big deal? Oh only because the biggest portion of our NATIONAL DEPT BELONGS TO CHINA. Oh yeah I almost forgot, The Saudi's fucking own this country financhially through investments... the whole balancing our currency with the gold in fort knox thing stopped happening in the 70's.... Since then Saudi's have invested in us and hold most of our economy's money in their own personal accounts.

Honestly, I don't mind going back in the military, and I really don't mind fighting in another war. But at least this time I really wish people would stop being so fucking stupid and go after the countries that actually have TRIED TO HARM US... like uh... KOREA?? Iran is just a whaste of my time and risking of my life... and if you guys belive in this so badly, HOW ABOUT YOU JOIN EH?? OUR MILITARY IS SO EXHAUSTED AND BURNED OUT WE CAN'T EVEN HANDLE SHIT IN IRAQ LET ALONE ATTACK ANOTHER COUNTRY... KER DUH!!!

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