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Movies That More People Should See....

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Talking about music more people should listen to, and some films that are a bit obscure that some haven't seen, just got me thinking...

Near Dark (Best vampire movie ever... and yet not that many people have seen it)

The Stalker (Russian Sci Fi.... it's all in what you don't see)

Miricale Mile (Bleak and romantic...)

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Silent Running

"Look on the wall behind you. Look at that little girl's face. I know you've seen it. But you know what she's never going to be able to see? She's never going to be able to see the simple wonder of a leaf in her hand. Because theres not going to be any trees. Now you think about that."

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Talking about music more people should listen to, and some films that are a bit obscure that some haven't seen, just got me thinking...

Near Dark (Best vampire movie ever... and yet not that many people have seen it)

The Stalker (Russian Sci Fi.... it's all in what you don't see)

Miricale Mile (Bleak and romantic...)

Saw Near Dark on showtime last night.....not a bad flick considering its 80's horror

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I love and own both near dark and nightwatch.

OK now for me to name a movie....hmmmmmm

"BASIC" Is a good one, its got John Travolta, great mystery movie.

BASIC was really good. Great twists and turns in the plot right up to the end.

Another one I really liked, but don't come across many who've seen it, is Identity with John Cusak and Ray Liotta.

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OK here we go, and I'm not limiting myself to movies either.

While the above list is alright, my list is better.


America: Freedom to Fascism

American Investigative Reports (AIR)

An Inconvenient Truth

Bowling for Columbine

The Century of the Self (documentary)

Fahrenheit 9/11

The Power of Nightmares (documentary)


Generally good viewpoints or things that make you think:


American History X

Falling Down

Fight Club


Soylent Green

Things to Come

Maybe someone should start a new thread for movies that changed you as a person. Not just ones you thought were "neat".

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The big problem with amercan history x was that to many people missed the point of it because all they can seem to ever remeber was the bite the curb part. ask anybody if they have seen it and theres a very good chance that will be the first thing they bring up about it.

as far as movies that everybody should see im throwing behind the mask into the ring.

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Wow, I have never in my life seen anyone list those movies under "informational".

Now, I'll admit, I've only watched 4 of those "informational" movies....but, since they're all grouped together, I think I'll skip the rest.

Nightwatch is overrated tripe.

Basic couldn't quite figure out how it wanted to end. Twists are one thing, but when you keep overdoing them until you get an ending that's so ridiculous it's almost painful, you need to cut the movie by about 20 minutes.

13th Warrior - Blew.

Identity was decent, but seemed like they weren't sure how to end it, either. I wanted to build to some grand payoff, and then didn't quite deliver. Yep, a kid was the mastermind. Overall, it made sense, but the execution ruined the excellent acting.

Falling Down - Excellent.

Near Dark - decent for what it is.

Shit. There's some people starting shit outside.

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i file Michael Moore's stuff under both fiction and informational. theres an equal element of both. he's good at putting spin on things but also laces it with porkies. he'd make a succesful politician, but njot necesarily a good one

That's how I view it. You should take anything anyone says at face value anyway.

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Holy Mountain

Buffalo 66'

Brown Bunny

Anything by Pier Paolo Passolini.


Suicide Club

Strange Circus


Y tu Mama Tambien

Ovoce Stromu Rajskych Jime



Dead Alive

Being John Malkovich

The Motorcycle Diaries

Color Me Kubrick

Run Lola Run

Ichi the Killer



Pink Flamingoes

Female Trouble

The Hardcore Collection

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Holy Mountain

Buffalo 66'

Brown Bunny

Anything by Pier Paolo Passolini.


Suicide Club

Strange Circus


Y tu Mama Tambien

Ovoce Stromu Rajskych Jime



Dead Alive

Being John Malkovich

The Motorcycle Diaries

Color Me Kubrick

Run Lola Run

Ichi the Killer



Pink Flamingoes

Female Trouble

The Hardcore Collection

A fine list

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Battle Royale -SWEET ass movie....good luck finding a bootleg, its illegal here (wooo...and you know how that'll stop us, muah!)

Loose Change -Another opinion worth checking out.

Nosferatu - Because its sweet! There's a version floating out there hosted by David Carradine with the music of Type-O-Negative. :)

Garden State -Has a special place in my heart.

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battle royale is banned there. WTF???

its not much more than what hollywood tries to spin, infact less gory but has something called a story which hollywood doesnt want you to know that they exist in movies, for fear of profit loss as punters desert the cinemas AND dvd sales

Yeah, I guess since Tarantino is having such a hard time getting it here, they are going to remake it instead :(

LOL, battle royale, staring Hillary Duff..................fuck cinema, muah!

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