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The passing of Pope John Paul II is a somewhat somber event. Though Sinead O'Connor may have shredded his picture to pieces on Saturday Night Live and summarily shredded her career with it back on October 3rd, 1992 while shouting "FIGHT THE REAL ENEMY!". I remember this whole controversy, and found a very interesting article on it, her and the NBC post incident cover-up. Read it here: http://www.notbored.org/sinead.html

Anyway... These days, it seems like the world has been in a funk. You can't turn on the news or TV at all without live dead pope coverage. Ok... I can understand that. He was a great and charismatic leader, for which the world mourns his loss. With this, many will claim to have re-discovered god or Jesus or what have you. Others will go to church more or try to feel more christian. This post traumatic stress is akin to when New Yorkers all decided to be noticeably nicer to each other in some sort of mass kumbaya attitude after the 9/11 attacks.

But now comes that bastard stepchild of media sensationalism... Obscure semi-related stories. I found one in today's New York Post. It boggles my mind how people misconstrue things and re-interpret them to suit their needs during major world events.

In an article next to the "Weird but true" section (this had to be intentional) titled: "CRASH MIRACLE ;'Born again' driver survives fiery death collision on Belt'".

The irony starts from the first ludicrous lines: "A born again Christian in an SUV- whose license plate read "I M SAVED" - miraculously survived a fiery collision yesterday that killed a retired firefighter who was going the wrong way on the Belt Parkway. Curtis Plunkett, 30, of Elmont L.I. was in stable but critical condition at Brookdale Hospital after the 4 am crash."

Here's where I start to boggle.

"Retired FDNY Lt. Walter Knobloch, 59, of Massapequa L.I. was killed after his 1999 Ford Crown Victoria crashed into Plunkett's 2003 Mercedes SUV."

Ok... How do we end up glorifying this? Jesus didn't save this man... A 3 ton truck did. A Crown Vic hitting an Mercedes SUV is like a like a man trying to tip a rhino. How can you go on and say Jesus saved this man? I hate when people try to make things look more mystical and religious than they really are. I guess this is a prime example of what we call "spin".

If Jesus really saved this guy, why didn't he save this decorated hero fireman? You don't get to be Lieutenant by just getting kitties from trees. He must have saved countless lives in his career, now retired since 2002. But no... Jesus saves the guy in the behemoth instead. My mother used to tell me when I was young "God looks out for fools and babies..." Well this guy was foolish for driving the wrong way on the Belt Parkway, but god didn't save him, evidently.

15 years ago, when I was younger and more foolish, I slammed into a bridge backwards in a spinout at 125 mph. I was in my first sports car, a tiny 1979 280ZX. I should have died that day, but I walked away from it literally. At the point of impact, prior to this collision, someone had spray-painted an inverted pentacle and 666. Does this mean Satan saves too?

I'm sorry... This just rubbed my fur just enough to write this.

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The $ and the riligious affiliations of the channel. This is why you'll never see any commercials for satanists nor will you see Fox news actually have a fair non biased oppinion. The media makes me sick.

Kinda off topic, seperation of church and state has to be the greatest farse ever.

Jesus saves at S-Mart, shop smart, shop S-Mart (or jesus will see you burn in hell)

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of course satan saves, but yes i get the jist of what ur saying and agree too, i dont watch tv anymore either can make u mad at the world for all the sdtupidity u see on it but anyways


reminds me abut sarges story bout the gulf from Dog Soldiers

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This was a daily NY newspaper... not tv, but media is media all the same. This world will never take alternative religions or views seriously. From the "Godless America" people, to La Vey Satanists, humanists, Oder of Nine Angles type Satanists, Temple of Set Satanists, Agnostics, Atheists, Right to die... none of them will ever become a force to reckon with unless some show of organized force is established ... perhaps under one umbrella name.

We need an alternative Pope. Like a pope of darkness, that can be taken seriously.

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I'm avoiding the news currently because of this. When I talk to ppl I end up saying "HE IS A MAN NOT A GOD"

The $ and the riligious affiliations of the channel.  This is why you'll never see any commercials for satanists nor will you see Fox news actually have a fair non biased oppinion.  The media makes me sick.

Kinda off topic, seperation of church and state has to be the greatest farse ever.

Jesus saves at S-Mart, shop smart, shop S-Mart (or jesus will see you burn in hell)


Now I'm not calling you a Lib but...

Why is it the only news a lib qoutes as having biased oppinion is Fox?

Come on! What about CBS NBC ABC CNN ect. ect. etnausium?

Don't forget about all those mags and news papers. EVERY single news agancy IS BIASED and some place in the background is being manipulated by a religious organization.

Lets keep S-Mart out of this don't forget the southern baptists protested S-Mart because the mighty ASH worked there. why would a x-tian protest a demon killer?

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