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[04/09, Sat] City Club Aftermath

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Troy - Acts like an abandoned puppy.  A drunk, abandoned puppy.

Nienna - More out of control cleavages than usual.  This is not a complaint!

Daevion - Looking extra pimp for some reason.

Onyx - I said hi and you disappeared before I could corner you!

DarkChylde - Master of the dance floor!  And the ladies!  All while holding his liquor!  Impressive, most impressive.

WishesSheWasDead - Or, at least, I was introduced to someone by Troy who said this is who you were.

ManicQueen - You have such pretty hair!

Paradox - Thanks for proving the "if it looks like Jarod, it must be Jarod" Theory.  Nice to meet you!

LadyWindstone - Yes, your eyes are quite beautiful.

Donnie - Extra stealthy this evening as I barely had a chance to say hi.

Ugh, I'm forgetting somebody.  Sorry!

Also, hello to many non-DGNers in attendance.  Stop lurking and post already!


you're forgetting me!!! but i met you the first, ever, night i went... I had loads of fun...that weekend and this just past weekend...OMGoonness!!! (and you saw me this weekend with WishesSheWasDead...bc i was stalking her around the club so i wouldn't lose her in case we needed to leave and found her and her virgin by you and troy




Daevion...saw ya, but didn't know it was you, so i didn't meet you :doh



and i think that's about it for the DGNers...i think...THINK...i may have seen Paradox...but i'm not sure

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DarkChylde, You're gonna give my boyfriend and I both a heart attack.  Joey's not my husband ;)   though we have been dating for about a year now and I totally adore him, no plans for marriage at the moment.


LOL oh shit my bad :doh When the place gets very loud I tend to mis-hear things sometimes, sorry about that.

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Well those of you that went know I got derailed en route



jarods new pic looks more like him than the others.  i spotted him 1st, though it was one of those: "is that...he looks like it but...could it be?" things.  so i said hi.  good ta meet ya, man.

troy was...having ALOT of fun.  maybe too much.  he was trying to tell me something, but i dont think he knew what it was.  sok man, i think i gottcha. :grin

also met nienna and her man-toy towards the end of the night.  hello :grin

i dont think i saw anyone else, but it was pretty crowded, so sorry if i missed ya.

i was wearing my black and white death contrast t-shirt, so if you saw this and some bad dancing, you saw me.


had more fun once the crowd thinned a little and the music got better.  :cool

maybe ill see yall again in about a month.

1st paragraph: haha 2nd Paragraph: True 3nd Paragraph: True 4th Paragraph: Im jealous 5th paragraph: hah nice 6th paragraph ... omg a month? bummer =(

I ended up going afterall, with Dianna- and we got there about 12:30ish. I was VERY dismayed to see the parking structure had closed up. We got inside the club

The only DGNer I spotted was Troy. If you saw the crabby looking girl holding a Smirnoff and wearing a plaid skirt and bondage-themed shirt- that was me.

It was good to see you Troy.  :grin  I'm sorry I went missing- the alcohol crews were coming so we ran and hid so that we could finish our drinks.

You need to come more often. Yeah the structure thing is irritating.

I saw Troy - drunk as usual and groping me

bah :wink:happy:

Danced, saw people, had fun!  been so long, I forgot how I love to dance.  Why don't I go more often?  I have to get myself out there more and quit telling myself I'm too tired.

Now to the part that makes me sweat bullets... 

I am horrible at this but will try.  Seems I met so many people in one night my brain isn't wanting to give me the names.

- Saw Troy - wow, looking goood!  Saw Daevion around the club and again on the dance floor.  Wishesshewas dead - I think I met you, and dressedlikeme?  Saw darkchylde and chatted for a sec.  Saw Manicqueen and Jarod, and please forgive me if I saw you and can't remember your name on here.   

I spent a lot of time dancing this time and now I wish I could've stayed a bit longer and socialized a bit more.

I'm sad there were so many others there and I didn't get to see you all :(

OMG I SAW ONYX!!! We need to get you out more often. Was nice to see you , albiet briefly. I actually was looking around a few times later in the evening for ya, guess you were already gone, or i was just to blasted to see more than 20ft away from me. But i did see you clearly earlier in the evening, cute as usual and cute outfit too. =)

Troy-The amnesia pimp!!! j/k :laughing and kewl ta see you friend again.



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man, i feel like troy tonight.... :p

6th paragraph ... omg a month?  bummer  =(

You need to come more often.   


4/29. im working on it. creative writing class (maybe including prof) is slated (3 showed up on the 9th). we'll see.


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Daevion...saw ya, but didn't know it was you, so i didn't meet you :doh




Please come say hi when you see me. My memory isn't as bad as Troy's :tongue: , but I do need some reinforcement. It's hard keeping track of all the dgn n00bs!

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i don't know if i could punch you...i'm too passive sometimes...but if you really want me to...i might be able to...it all depends on how my day goes  :tongue:

I think you do know her jarod you just dont recognize her from that picture, i remember (no really i do remember sometimes) you , her and I all standing in one spot back like a month ago, i actually thought i sort of met her "through" you , at least indirectly .. ok my memory is sucking again. She looks quite a bit different than that picture though, which might be throwing you off. Much cuter in real life. =)

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I think you do know her jarod you just dont recognize her from that picture, i remember (no really i do remember sometimes) you , her and I all standing in one spot back like a month ago, i actually thought i sort of met her "through" you , at least indirectly .. ok my memory is sucking again.  She looks quite a bit different than that picture though, which might be throwing you off.  Much cuter in real life.  =)


Holy SH**!

If it is who you're remembering Troy, I've known her since I was in about the sixth grade. I dated her older sister. Her name is Gabrielle, and I think she's going to be there tonight. (4/16) And you're right. She is much cuter in real life. :happy:

Wait a minute... That means... Wow, Troy really did remember! LOL


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