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(didn't we already do this in the polls section?)

Anyhow going with the theme of the subforum. I guess the christians or some other group taking over and going nuts. Governmentally I say totalitarian rule (more so than we have now I guess).

Edited by Scary Guy
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oh and ghosts...

never seen one, but I have thought to have Sensed presences.....

and they are terrifying feelings.....I don't like them....

but I also think it could just be suggessted fears and my over active imagination????

if it is evil....I can only hope it will never "appear" to me...cause I'll die of a heart attack.

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Dying and knowing that my life ment nothing.

meant nothing to whom? if you're (generic you) living your life to be remembered, or for it to mean something to someone else, you're not living your life for you, and at that point, you're not really much good to anyone else, either...

as for me? whatever comes along is what's meant to happen, and i'll have to explore that particular situation when it arrives, until then - why fear anything? (having respect for danger isn't the same thing as fear, to me, either)

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meant nothing to whom? if you're (generic you) living your life to be remembered, or for it to mean something to someone else, you're not living your life for you, and at that point, you're not really much good to anyone else, either...

as for me? whatever comes along is what's meant to happen, and i'll have to explore that particular situation when it arrives, until then - why fear anything? (having respect for danger isn't the same thing as fear, to me, either)

Why fear anything?

Most people (and there are exceptions) don't fear by choice. When you ask that question, there is an implication that one would choose to be afraid.

Now over time one can control fears...

But fear is the basist human emotion, fear motivates almost every action (arguably) and emotion on an evelutionary scale. Fear is what makes us love, eat, fuck, just about everything....

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meant nothing to whom? if you're (generic you) living your life to be remembered, or for it to mean something to someone else, you're not living your life for you, and at that point, you're not really much good to anyone else, either...

as for me? whatever comes along is what's meant to happen, and i'll have to explore that particular situation when it arrives, until then - why fear anything? (having respect for danger isn't the same thing as fear, to me, either)

your are so wonderfully consistent Mike.

for me a purpose filled life consists of (and I KNOW this is just me) honoring the legacy of that which is rooted in my own ideals.....leadership and mentoring, spiritual growth and application, edification and encouragement, transparancy and strength. To me (and agian I KNOW this is just me) those types of things multiply and offer themselves as values to others who may witness them or be so inclined to ponder them. Who knows how or why or what I have done in my life and how it may affect others? I now that I have definately learned from studying other's examples - like the J. Christ fellow, long dead and long gone, I've learned amazing things from him and his purpose filled life. He stated over and over again that he lived to fulfill "The Father's" will.....yet no one can argue his impact. But he also laid claim to his sheep being "his".....with pride and love. I think there is a dual purpose and fulfillment to these things. Commuinity is a huge part of my lifestyle - it has everythign to do with others.

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Waking up on my death bed and realizing that i failed at something important.... and waking up on my death bed and realizing that i am alone... nothing else scares me, not death, not taxes... not heart break. i have had too much of the last thing to be worried by it, anymore.. so yeah, just those two things.... OH YEAH.. true ghosts can't hurt you, only poulerguists and demon like enteties. i know i didn't spell that right.. i can't spell worth a damn

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Why fear anything?

Most people (and there are exceptions) don't fear by choice. When you ask that question, there is an implication that one would choose to be afraid.

Now over time one can control fears...

But fear is the basist human emotion, fear motivates almost every action (arguably) and emotion on an evelutionary scale. Fear is what makes us love, eat, fuck, just about everything....

having been in car accidents where you have a couple seconds to act, to do your best to avoid it, then realize you can't and are most likely going to die, i think fear is over-rated. in these cases, my last thoughts had nothing to do with "i'm scared", they were "well, that's that".

as far as "fear as an instinct" goes, sure, it's primal, but you don't have to live at that base level unless you choose to, by not learning to face your fears. fear is letting something else control you, and i don't like that idea, so whenever i realize something bothers me to that extent, i face it & try to determine what it is that triggers that response in me. once i understand it, it no longer has a hold on me, and i can function as i should...

but maybe that's just me...!?

Edited by torn asunder
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having been in car accidents where you have a couple seconds to act, to do your best to avoid it, then realize you can't and are most likely going to die, i think fear is over-rated. in these cases, my last thoughts had nothing to do with "i'm scared", they were "well, that's that".

as far as "fear as an instinct" goes, sure, it's primal, but you don't have to live at that base level unless you choose to, by not learning to face your fears. fear is letting something else control you, and i don't like that idea, so whenever i realize something bothers me to that extent, i face it & try to determine what it is that triggers that response in me. once i understand it, it no longer has a hold on me, and i can function as i should...

but maybe that's just me...!?

maybe, maybe not.. i think that the two fears that i have are petty, and unrealistic. i mean, all my life, ppl have hurt me, sooo i don't think that waking up on my death bed, and realizing that im alone might not be so bad, and in the same sence, i'd be alone because all the ppl that i love have passed on before me. the other fear, waking up and realizing that i have failed, isn't realistic, either, because i am a good person, and i know that i might still have time to make a mistake and not beable to make it right, but i have ppl that love me, so i can't totally fail... i have succedded in friendship. corny, i know. but i do agree with you. its not just a human instinct, is animal, and humans are born with the fight or flight encoded in the primitive part of their brains, just like any other animal.. but that's also there with the instict to prtect what's your's, and to reproduce... so that should tell you alot.. lol

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I'm sorry Mike, but you are out of your depth here.

For one... some people choose to live thier lives in such a way as to make a lasting impact on generations to come. Living for others is what makes them truly happy. Who are you to belittle that choice? Why is a self centered life the only valid one? Doies invalidating other peoples life choices somehow make yours bertter?

and the second... Your example doesn't float. You last thoughts will prolly never be "I'm scared". no matter what the situation. Accepting that you can do nothing to stop an inevitable death does not equate to over coming fear. i say this because as long as there is a way, a chance... you will keep fighting to live... Thats fear. I know, you don't believe that... and thats your choice to do. There are a great many people who study human emotions and thier base afects on oour everyday lives that say you are DEAD wrong. Fear is our most basic and eepest set survival tool. Just like every other animal on this planet.

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there are certain things, that cropped up earlier this year, that made me feel very fearful. Since then, I have been trying to purge my mind of those certain things in an effort to continue on with my life and not have those certain things on my mind anymore.

However, I still to this day, fear mullets, and especially mullets on women.

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being left behind.

once, that one came true when i got left behind at a concert at pine knob. it was..... a really really bad experience.

being alone.

especially in the dark, when i need to sleep. i seriously cant sleep whenever my husband goes outta town. it also kills me to think something could happen to him and he'd leave me here by myself....


or really anything with a lot of legs. these give me the deep down screaming heebie jeebies.


or more specifically, syringes. if anyone tries to poke me with one, i start to shake uncontrollably and cry. seriously. when i was a toddler, my dad took me to the e.r. for what turned out to be strep throat, and he let someone take blood by syringe. i think my ma said i was 3 or 4. she's told me its been ever since then i've had my phobia.

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