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Ocd For Odd Numbers?


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I have a great ocd with odd numbers. they have to be just that. except i don't like 'cut-end' numbers that i guess stop things in my head...like 5's and numbers ending in zeros. don't like the hard clock numbers like 15, 30, 45.

drives me crazy! only odd numbers are okay 1 3 not 5 6 is okay because it's a special odd number for not liking 7 because it feels too 'heavenly' to me, so it rounds itself off to be an unofficial even number. but also double numbers almost drive me nuts...like 11's

so i'm picky about numbers. point being - i so wish i could get my member number changed. it's 2,872. FULL OF EVEN NUMBERS. adds up to 19, which means it equals 10 ( 1+9 for those who are a little slow) in my head.......and that means it's full of my head exploding!!!!

anyone OCD about numbers as much as i am?

...don't even get me started with the corresponding colors to each number... BAH!

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No....but I will tell you about my OCD oddity.

I have this thing, where when I see a word, I have to make it 6 letters long in my head. It comes into play on a keyboard (like typing keyboard) in my head where the word ends up having to be 6 letters; 3 letters on one line of the keyboard, two on another, and then one letter on the last one. Also, constonants and vowels generally have to rotate, but that's only generally, sometimes my head accepts things that aren't in that fashion. There at least has to be two vowels though, no less (obviously can have three, due to the rotation thing)

For instance the word "letter" in itself isn't okay in my head. Yes, it's six letters, but one letter is typed on the middle line, and then "etter" is typed on the top line. So when I see the word "letter" my head changes it into something else, for instance it could become: Lettan. So...that's pretty much how I read the world, with all these crazy words that my head made up. Whenever I see a word that isn't six letters long, three on one line, two on another, and then one on the last with at least two vowels in the word, then I go crazy.

I guess I'm messed up a little, huh? :laugh:

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Um.. how is 6 an odd number? or did I read that wrong? and um.. 19 is 1 cause 1+9=10 and 1+0 = 1

everything is 1-9, 11 or 22 if your jesus and budah respectivly. if memory serves... really tired today...

6 is only an odd number in my head from the 'feel' of it...since the 666 thing...if feels evil to me, which makes it okay in my head lol

and i can't get rid of numbers after a specific identified number, like the 0 after the 1...it just stays for some reason....and i can never subtract. i like negative numbers respectivelym but everything just adds.

make it stop, make it stop!

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No one but you can make it stop.

OCD can be beaten with will power. At least it worked for me. I fought OCD with "even" for years. If I stepped on a crack with my right foot.. and the crack went across at a 45 degree angel sorta "cutting off" the big toe and part of the next one over.. I would go out of my way to step on a crack with my left foot with the line in a mirrored position. If I even accidently bumped into a counter with my right hip.. I would have to thump it with my left hip.. and it I then realized there wasa seem where my left hip touched and not with my right hip... well, i think you can figure out it looked like I was trying to fuck the counter.

It's one of ther reason I stopped playing my coranett. I never got to touch a valve with my pinky and it drove me nuts that all my other fingers tapped the valves a different number of times...

Then one day.. while walking across a tile floor and trying to make sure there was enough red tiles to get the ball of my left foot wholy on without touching any lines at least two more times.... I stopped. I refused to look down. People stopped bitching about how slow I walked. I got things done faster. I still fight it everyday. I just refuse to indugle the need to make everything even.

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Gee, and I thought my little ocd of having toliet paper or paper towel rolling a certain way, or pictures, etc, must be level, certain things having to be in a specific spot in a specific way, etc., was bad. Guess not, since most of those things I can block out of my mind before they drive me crazy.

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yeah...i wish...just an ongoing cycle. i used to have to always 'air-draw' or on the table...leg...whatever my hand was touching, little stars. i'd see them in my head, i'd draw them with my eyes until i felt like i was going to explode! all i kept seeing, hearing, and thinking was up, down, left, right and back down. over and over.....ahhhh

ocd's make me hurt.

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I used to be OCD...it was great!! Trying to make light of things...I know its a serious issue.

I really did used to have it...sometimes it still sneaks up on me.

Like having a fear of germs and having to wash doorknobs before I opened them and wash faucets before I turned them on...yeah it was pretty bad. It really doesnt bother me much anymore...it may creep up on me from time to time..but Im definitely better able to deal with it now.

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I feel really bad for you guys.

I have some slight OCD behaviors. I often will type words I'm hearing or thinking on an invisible keyboard. I don't do this as much as I used to, and sometimes I just picture the letters in keyboard order. But it's not an "all the time" thing and I don't go nuts if I don't do it.

Sometimes I do this thing where I will touch my fingers one at a time to the thumb on the same hand and count. Sometimes I will just pulse the fingers at the knuckle, and sometimes I'll do it with my toes. But again, this is something I don't do all the time and it's barely a compulsion, really.

I am somewhat compulsive to have clean hands. This mostly stems from the fact that I was a nail biter into my teens, so I wanted to be sure I wasn't nibbling a bunch of germs. I don't bite my fingernails anymore, unless I'm really stressed. And if one is slightly ragged and I don't have a nail file on me, generally I'll keep scraping at it with my teeth until it's somewhat smooth. I try to keep a nail file on me now so I don't scrape the nail all the way down.

But I still nibble at my nails and cuticles sometimes. So I still don't like to have dirty hands. I don't wash them until they bleed, I just wash them like a normal person. But if I get something obvious on my hands like something unidentified and greasy or smelly, I'll be kinda miserable until I can get to a sink. This also causes me to smell my hands after petting a dog or stray cat. If it's a smelly animal, I really need to get to a sink. If the animal isn't smelly, I can be fine for a while, just careful not to put my fingers in my mouth. I also can't handle fish for the same reason. If I go fishing, I can bait my hook with a worm and everything, because it's not as smelly. But I won't take a fish off the hook and I won't let my husband touch my fishing pole.

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  • 3 months later...

No one but you can make it stop.

OCD can be beaten with will power. At least it worked for me. I fought OCD with "even" for years. If I stepped on a crack with my right foot.. and the crack went across at a 45 degree angel sorta "cutting off" the big toe and part of the next one over.. I would go out of my way to step on a crack with my left foot with the line in a mirrored position. If I even accidently bumped into a counter with my right hip.. I would have to thump it with my left hip.. and it I then realized there wasa seem where my left hip touched and not with my right hip... well, i think you can figure out it looked like I was trying to fuck the counter.

It's one of ther reason I stopped playing my coranett. I never got to touch a valve with my pinky and it drove me nuts that all my other fingers tapped the valves a different number of times...

Then one day.. while walking across a tile floor and trying to make sure there was enough red tiles to get the ball of my left foot wholy on without touching any lines at least two more times.... I stopped. I refused to look down. People stopped bitching about how slow I walked. I got things done faster. I still fight it everyday. I just refuse to indugle the need to make everything even.

Holy shit, I've found my OCD twin. Srsly.

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i have a weird thing about numbers (i mostly only like odd too- faves are 3,5,9,11,23,33 as for even i really only like 8 and 44) and i have weird thing about words but i won't get into it :tongue: started when i was a kid. not sure if it is an ocd thing for me or not? but i just kind of keep it to myself when i am doing what it is i do with numbers/words/letters ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Open cabinet doors bother me...

I have found, just the other day, when Helping someone move... that I just had to wrap the last remaining mug of its kind, before we left to unload the car into the storage until, even tho we were coming RIGHT BACK!!!

I hate a dirty bathroom....

My room drives me crazy, and i feel way overwhelmed when it comes time to clean it, and sometimes it gets way out of hand.. its not filthy, its just messy....

My mom does that finger thing, tho its not touching each finger with her thumb, its tapping it on whatever surface she is touching..... looks like she is counting...

Every time i go to set out knick knacks on a surface, like a mantel or dresser or shelf, it ALWAYS takes the appearance of an altar (as in Wiccan/Pagan altar) I think that's why Wicca appeals to me so much... everything HAS to have balance, or symmetry.. it drives me crazy when there isn't symmetry... Hence why my signature looks the way it does... lol...i think that this is my worst one... I am always looking, where ever I go, and fixing things in my head as to make the layout of (ex:) rooms, or whatever, symmetrical...

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Just reading this is driving me nuts.


I second that!

OCD runs in my dad's side of the family. I used to have minor OCD about stuff like not being able to sleep if I could see light outside my room in the crack of the door. I used to put tape over my door and windows before I could sleep.

Then I spent and evening playing Mexican Train Dominoes with my family. OMFG! All the tiles had to be at straight or at a 90 degree angle and all the trains had to be perpendicular to the tiles or my uncle would flip out, and the clashing colors would make my cousin flip out, and my other cousin's tiles had to be arranged in a certain pattern stacked to build a fortress so that no one else could possibly see his tiles, and no one could talk if it wasn't their turn, and no one could have food or drinks on the table, and AAAHHH!

After that I quit cold turkey. I didn't sleep the first two nights with the light coming into my room, but after that I learned how to ignore it. I decided I was not going to grow up to be THAT! Now I just ignore any type of OCD annoyance that would affect any one else in any way.

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Obsessive compulsive disorder... isn't all that disordered at all. It is an evolutionary adaptation. Those of us that worried whether or not we had enough arrowheads for the hunt, that always had our spears along side us... tended to survive longer and have more children than our more mellow cousins.

Nowadays, with our rather artificial environment of our own making, what kept us alive is now making us socially awkward. It is quite odd how we have essentially created an environment in the course of ten or 12 generations that is so alien to the thousands of generations before that...

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I know, and it drives me crazy, ttogreh! i know where you are coming from, but symmetry? where does the need to have symmetry come into play here? Not arguing, just curious!

Also, things have to sit a certain way! OMG... in front of me is my box of cigarette tubs, on top of that is the little machine that stuffs the tubs, along with my lighter.. out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that the box was not parallel to the edge of the deck, the machine wasn't parallel to the edge of the box, and I had to turn the lighter so that the lighter was making a "T" but not touching (something to do with the fact that the lighter is as long as the width of the top of the box) This whole thing that I have described all goes back to the whole symmetry thing... it has to look neat and balanced.. now if i could just clean my room (which the layout drives me nuts, btw! Cuz its not big enough to have symmetry. If I were to have symmetry, I couldn't have a shelf or a dresser! My room is so small!)

Okay, I'm done... for now... :p

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