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Ocd For Odd Numbers?


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I never ask questions I don't want an answer to. It's how people learn.

BTW, I never said OCD did not exist.

Interesting read. So it is a fringe hypotheses.

You should not use such definitive statements when talking about an untested hypotheses.

I'm still going with the widely accepted science that OCD is a genetic flaw in the brain of some kind.

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Yes, science is the process of gathering more an more and more and more and more and more evidence for a hyppothesis until it becomes a theory, which can be thrown out as well. Science is NEVER finished. So, I suppose I should have qualified my remarks and said things like "there is evidence to believe that OCD is an evolutionary adaptation".

That was my fault, I mangled the language in my previous posts.

In any event, the theory of relativity was once a "fringe hypothesis". Genetic flaws have to come from somewhere. The idea that OCD has always been with us, and our environment is turning it into a mal adaptation seems less frightening than the idea that we are spontaneously mutating and developing a mal adaptation.

Indeed, that begs the question... what is causing this spontaneous mutation?

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Well, not sickle cell anemia... the sickle cell trait. When both parents have it, you get sickle cell anemia (well, maybe not all the time). When one parent has it, you have a higher resistance to malaria, or so the research shows.

Moreover, if the OCD... artifact... has been in our code since the caves, is it really a "mutation" more than it is a "trait"?

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Gaf + Ttogreh,

Really REALLY interesting convo...however I must tell you that you've probably threadjacked that last 20 posts (exaggerating of course, but you know what I mean).

Please either cut it out or make a new thread before one of you gets a SCHPANKING! :tongue::wink Thanks for the understanding.

This topic is moreover about "What is YOUR personal OCD habits".

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Hmm. Oh, all right.

My OCD issues? Well, I have an inordinate compulsion to clean at the homes of my friends, yet my place is disordered at best and a disaster area at worst. I don't know what that actually says about me, though.

That's funny you say that because I'm the same way. I used to be a sloppy pig though and now I'm a neat freak, out and about and even at my house. Somethings get cluttered when I get busy or my sink might fill with dishes but other than that I've pretty much dropped the clutter bug ways.

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Well, not sickle cell anemia... the sickle cell trait. When both parents have it, you get sickle cell anemia (well, maybe not all the time). When one parent has it, you have a higher resistance to malaria, or so the research shows.

Moreover, if the OCD... artifact... has been in our code since the caves, is it really a "mutation" more than it is a "trait"?

Yes, all the time.

don't get confused by the terms. "Trait" is just the generic term for any genetic option. Anything outside the known norm is a mutation. Hemoglobin S or Sickle Cell Anemia is one of 9 differnt mutations that give some protection from Malaria. Of them, it's the one you really don't want to have as your chance to reach adulthood is severly decreased. No one is sure if it was a direct evolutionary change to combat Malaria or not. If it was, it was a failure.

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On the subject....

I have certain types of OCDish drawing habits.... I tend to draw things in my sketch book in extreme detail of technological nature.... kind of hard to explain I guess, but Rayne has seen it.

Maybe I should scan some and put them on DGN... IDK

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I cannot STAND it when my hands aren't doing something. I need to be doing something with them at all times. When I'm watching T.V. I will be doing a crossword puzzle or something like that. If I'm not doing that, I at least have to be holding hands with my boyfriend if he is with me or holding my own hands. It ticks people off sometimes because if I don't have access to a crossword while I'm watching television, I tend to drum my fingers on the table or side of the chair.

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Phee, I would like to see your sketches. However, If they are novel and innovative ideas, perhaps you should consult a copyright or patent law professional before posting them here.

Thanks... some of them are in some odd shape from the pen and paper quality (acidity and whatnot). I doubt that the skill level is worthy of copyright... but I will see if scanning them will be possible...

Thanks for the interest.

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