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Whats The Scariedest

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1) jaws

because I was only 12....it was something at that time, it was the first gore movie I had ever seen with real live red blood gushing out of a guy being bit in half by an huge shark.....near a popular beach area...

People were just starting to pay attention to these sort of attacks on a wide scale.

2) Alien 1. Again, a first......full color and good cinematography....and effects. I mean, the pukey thing coming out of his stomach.....again a new boundary in gore was reached for its time.

Oh and I was only 14 and had not seen much gore/horror. Puke used to really bother me before twins with the flu and a few drunk friends. And morning sickness. I am imune now.

4) Hellraiser.....because.....if there were a hell it could be like this.

5) In Dreams......because........I have this serial killer and Robert Downey Jr attraction thing......

And it has you sitting on the edge of your seat when he almost gets her, almost gets her again....and again......although if you do that too much in a movie it loses its impact and becomes overdone.

Its fun to go back and see a movie like this because......you can sit in the back and watch everyone jump out of their seats and make a noise all at the same time.

Being scared is fun!

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I have my uncle to thank for this one, because of this movie I can honestly say that no movie has ever made me scared since... I remember it like it was yesterday. I was 8, maybe 9 years old and we just got done watching Ernest goes to camp. By that time it was late and my uncle made me watch the original Dawn Of The Dead. After seeing the black women at the beginning get her throat ripped out by her zombie husband, I became desensitized to horror, but obsessed with the genre ever since.

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1) jaws

because I was only 12....it was something at that time, it was the first gore movie I had ever seen with real live red blood gushing out of a guy being bit in half by an huge shark.....near a popular beach area...

People were just starting to pay attention to these sort of attacks on a wide scale.

2) Alien 1. Again, a first......full color and good cinematography....and effects. I mean, the pukey thing coming out of his stomach.....again a new boundary in gore was reached for its time.

Oh and I was only 14 and had not seen much gore/horror. Puke used to really bother me before twins with the flu and a few drunk friends. And morning sickness. I am imune now.

4) Hellraiser.....because.....if there were a hell it could be like this.

5) In Dreams......because........I have this serial killer and Robert Downey Jr attraction thing......

And it has you sitting on the edge of your seat when he almost gets her, almost gets her again....and again......although if you do that too much in a movie it loses its impact and becomes overdone.

Its fun to go back and see a movie like this because......you can sit in the back and watch everyone jump out of their seats and make a noise all at the same time.

Being scared is fun!

If you think those parts of movies are scary then just think of how freaked out you will be when you find out about the number 3

sorry I couldnt help it

Most movies dont actually scare me while I watch them the part that I get freaked out at happens late at night when I have to get up and grab something to drink or go to the bathroom thats when whatever ghost or other creepy little things from the movie I had just watched seemed to get to me. So if I want a cup of mt dew at 2am then I have the ghost of a thai woman on my shoulders. One thing that had a lasting affect on me though was creepshow the one part with the crate (cant think of the name at the moment) I cant go into the attic without thinking a monster will pop out of a box and eat me.

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I have my uncle to thank for this one, because of this movie I can honestly say that no movie has ever made me scared since... I remember it like it was yesterday. I was 8, maybe 9 years old and we just got done watching Ernest goes to camp. By that time it was late and my uncle made me watch the original Dawn Of The Dead. After seeing the black women at the beginning get her throat ripped out by her zombie husband, I became desensitized to horror, but obsessed with the genre ever since.

That movie made my 45 yr old sis hate horror to this day lol

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I know its probably imature, but going into the basement after one of these types of movies still scares me....


Most movies dont actually scare me while I watch them the part that I get freaked out at happens late at night when I have to get up and grab something to drink or go to the bathroom thats when whatever ghost or other creepy little things from the movie I had just watched seemed to get to me. So if I want a cup of mt dew at 2am then I have the ghost of a thai woman on my shoulders. One thing that had a lasting affect on me though was creepshow the one part with the crate (cant think of the name at the moment) I cant go into the attic without thinking a monster will pop out of a box and eat me.

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Pretty Woman

Runaway Bride

Erin Brokovich

*slides under desk in fetal position, shaking slightly and whispering "There is no Julia Roberts...There is NO Julia Roberts..."*

I shouldn't have to explain myself.

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I have my uncle to thank for this one, because of this movie I can honestly say that no movie has ever made me scared since... I remember it like it was yesterday. I was 8, maybe 9 years old and we just got done watching Ernest goes to camp. By that time it was late and my uncle made me watch the original Dawn Of The Dead. After seeing the black women at the beginning get her throat ripped out by her zombie husband, I became desensitized to horror, but obsessed with the genre ever since.

I think Ernest is pretty scary... :tongue:

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The Exorcist. I watched it for the first time when I was about 12 and I never EVER watched it again until I was like 30. When I seen it at 30, it was no longer scary. It was kinda funny actually, but when I was 12, man that movie was scary!!! The book that scared the hell out of me was Amityville Horror. I was about 15 and when I got to this one part about a cross turning upside down in a closet and I had had enough. I threw the book outside, put on a rosary, and sleep the lights on. Of course having the lights on didn't help because I was waiting for the cross on my wall to turn upside down all night lol.

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I was pretty scared by Hellraiser when I was a kid.

Nothing has ever frightened me more, however, than Silent Hill (the original video game, NOT the lameass film).

I second the Silent Hill part. Makes me damn near poop muh pants...not that I ever...poop myself...annnnnnyway. Yeah scares me good. Same with the Fatal Frame series, the story in number two was SO compelling that I forced myself to play the entire game through...and almost cried the whole damn time. The only way I could get through it was when I was REALLY drunk and had a walkthrough so I knew where the ghosts were going to be :laugh: . Then the Resident Evil series used to make me jump, but it's definately not as scary as Fatal Frame or Silent Hill, except those damn dogs. I still won't go in the basement on RE2.

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I know its probably imature, but going into the basement after one of these types of movies still scares me....

I have a fear of basements period movies have nothing to do with it.

I was pretty scared by Hellraiser when I was a kid.

Nothing has ever frightened me more, however, than Silent Hill (the original video game, NOT the lameass film).

Horror movies have had less of a effect on me since I played silent hill.

I second the Silent Hill part. Makes me damn near poop muh pants...not that I ever...poop myself...annnnnnyway. Yeah scares me good. Same with the Fatal Frame series, the story in number two was SO compelling that I forced myself to play the entire game through...and almost cried the whole damn time. The only way I could get through it was when I was REALLY drunk and had a walkthrough so I knew where the ghosts were going to be :laugh: . Then the Resident Evil series used to make me jump, but it's definately not as scary as Fatal Frame or Silent Hill, except those damn dogs. I still won't go in the basement on RE2.

Fatal frame two when you a hand touches your shoulder and you think its your sister so you grab it just to have your sister walk by you at that moment is up there along with the first time you see pyramid head scary

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The Shining really did a number on my head when I was a kid. The two girls in the hallway, "Come play with us, Danny." and the walls gushing blood, gawd I loved how that movie frightened me. Salem's Lot freaked me out, too, when the vampire kid is floating outside the window scratching to get in. That movie started my love of vampire flicks. (remember, I'm one of the elders on here, so those movies were really something when I was a kid).

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The original Black Christmas, especially the opening scene, still scares the hell out of me whenever I watch it.

And for some reason, the scene in Friday the 13th part 2, near the end, when the lead is saying "Paul, there's someone in this room" really gets to me, too.

Thinking back, I can't really think of times I've been really scared at movies.

edit - oh yeah...in Evil Dead, the playing card scene.

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Alright, I know its cheezy and I am probably going to take some flack for it, but I have never been more creeped out in a movie that I was at the end of "The Blair Witch Project" when that chick walked down the stairs and in the background of her being killed or whatever, her friend is just standing there facing the wall. Getting goosebumps just typing it, and I havn't seen it since it came out.

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Not much really has gotten to me in my adult life.... with a few exceptions...

Event Horizon... Not a great film but something about it got to me.

Blair Witch Project... The first time I watched it, all the rest of the times is was just silly though, but that first time in the theater.

The Oman (original)... I had seen this movie many many times, but once I had a kid, it effected me differently. The concept of being forced to hurt ones kid... spooky

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Blair Witch Project... The first time I watched it, all the rest of the times is was just silly though, but that first time in the theater.

Same here...that also goes for the first The Ring movie. Scared the hell outta me the first time I watched it, other than that the suspense was killed the second time through. The Ring 2 sucked though, seriously was like I was watching deleted scenes from the first movie.

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Not much really has gotten to me in my adult life.... with a few exceptions...

Event Horizon... Not a great film but something about it got to me.

Blair Witch Project... The first time I watched it, all the rest of the times is was just silly though, but that first time in the theater.

The Oman (original)... I had seen this movie many many times, but once I had a kid, it effected me differently. The concept of being forced to hurt ones kid... spooky

Event Horizon really creeped me out as well! I went to the theater to see it and I was the only one in the theater except for one guy who sat directly behind me which was creepy in itself. There was a whole huge theater of seats and the old creepy guy sits right behind me lol. Anyways, Event Horizon was a little disturbing in a creepy way for sure. Good call.

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