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Seen any good movies lately?

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I rarely go to the actual theater but i do watch a ton of movies.

A few recent films i've seen:

Spirited Away

A lot more subtle and involving than its billing would lead you to belive. Hayao Miyazaki , the director of this film is considered by many to be the best animated filmaker alive. Its a bit long though, i have a hard time seeing many american children sitting down and paying attention for the full length of this movie.

A. I.

From the reviews i was expecting this movie to suck. This thing is amazing. Im in shock that this is a Speilberg movie. Stanley Kubrick must have directed this one from the grave. Probalby would list this one in my mental "highly recomended" section, and there arent many in that section =D. Some of the concepts are probably hard for your average movie goer to accept or relate to.

North By Northwest

Yet another in a long string of alfred hitchcock classics. I've seen most of them , this is one of the few i had'nt, due to a teacher of mine ages ago saying he didnt care for it. Broke down and rented this one (off netflix, if i had to leave the house to rent movies i'd never rent any lol) Its quite good. Eve Marie Saint has a glowing sign above her head "you want me dont you???" :lol:

The Godfather III

Tending to like the snobby-arts-ish films , and tending to agree with the critics AND having been a fan of part I & II i put off watching part III for a long time, due to its nearly universally poor reviews. Having seen it, i have to disagree, its pretty dang good. To quote the character Massive Genius from The Sopranos " Allot of people didnt like it... but i think it was just misunderstood" i agree.


Part love story, part dark comedy , part social comentary, Distopia on film ala 1984. Good stuff. Defnintely not a "good time" movie. Federico Fellini-eque .

Added After intial post:

Oops i didnt see the "recomendations" subtitle of this thread. Im not nessisarly recomending these films, im just saying they were "good". I shy away from film recomendations as everyone has their own opinion about what makes a good film, and i usually need to know the person before i can decide if i would recomend it to them or not.

Also this is just a random selection of movies i've seen in the last 2 weeks. Defintely not a "best recomendations" list.

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The only flick I've seen since Spiderman 2 came out was this weekend. Ended up seeing, The Grudge. Over all it was a fun watch. What I enjoyed most about the film was seeing the crowds reaction to the scary parts. Definitely not the most innovative, nor the best horror flick ever. But it certainly is worth a watch.

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the only movies i have seen lately are not anything new.

mona lisa smile i watched last night. that was cute. and chick flicky but not in a mushy sort of way. ;)

before that i saw the secret window. i think that is what it is called. with johnny depp. i thought it was ok. not what i really expected at all. but over all johnny depp is good in the movie even if the movie itself was sort of lacking. at least, in my opinion.

and something's gotta give. i think is the name of the other movie i saw recently. with jack nicholson. i liked that one.

i don't even know what is out right now?? what good movies are there to go and see? i haven't been to the movies in years.

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I just watched Dawn of the Dead... I liked it alot. Hadn't seen the new one yet and was very antsy to find out if they had ruined it, improved it, or what ever else...

I won't say they improved it and I definetly won't say they ruined it... it was its own movie... quite twisted...

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Yeah, it's not so much the significant other keeping me from going out to catch a movie...it's that whole work from 3-11:30 thing.

Stupid, lovely afternoon shift.


Heh, I'll forgive you this time Shade, but don't ever do it again!! :tongue:

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But I do it, like, five times a week.

Practice makes perfect ;)

I wasn't as thrilled with Shaun of the Dead as I hoped I would be. Yes, there were some quite humourous moments through the movie but overall, well, I'm glad that I didn't pay for a ticket to go see it.

Watched The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer last night which is sort of the prequel to Rose Red which is a Stephen King movie that I never knew existed until a couple months ago. (IMDB listing for Rose Red and for The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer)

I find these two to be more psychological scaries than anything else, but even at that, they're not all that horrifying. And The Diary movie was more of just a "documentary" to set up what happens in Rose Red.

I think one of the most scary films I've ever seen was Bone Daddy starring Rutger Hauer. The film was originally released in 1998. I won't give the basic premise or anything in case someone does care to watch it. However, I will say that this has to be one of the most horrifying psychological thrillers, in my opinion, simply for the fact that it is VERY realistic. There's no hero to wildly save the day in the nick of time . . . . . there's no real hero to speak of. There's no incredible circumstances that there's just no way could happen "IRL".

I like mental thrillers more versus get in your face movies when I'm out for a good


Maybe we should have a "Don't go see this movie" thread as well as the "Recommendations" thread?

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Saw The Grudge this weekend.  It's good if you like being freaked out.  The story is from Japan so the ending is a bit unsatisfying (see anime).  Overall, a good scare fest.


It was an alright movie, but I didn't think it was scary at all. Everyone else in the theater disagreed with me though. Fucking wusses. Heh.

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