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Not Eating


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Wow. Now this is going to sound very harsh. But that's a cry for help.

You're not going to eat because a FRIEND called you fat? Why the fuck is that person your friend then? This is such a lame reason to loose weight.

You want to loose weight? Get a gym membership, go out for a long fast pace walk *wear a coat*, eat healthy.

You don't have to sit here and say "I'm not going to eat because a friend call me fat." That's lame. You can't starve yourself because your body can actually gains weight, retains water, and can completely fuck up your body.

But you know what, go ahead. Listen to them.

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i do ntohing works..... i eat good i try to i walk ever day and dont lose weight

You like fairly thin to me.. in your pics. Are you sure you need to lose weight? You may just need to exercise more to tone up what's there. Walking is great but may not burn enough calories nor do what you want in terms of firming up. You might need to do more cardio and vigorous stuff. Also... you may need to see a doc to see if you have some condition that makes losing weight difficult or undesirable.

You should still tell the guy to piss off. Candy's right, YOU should determine your own needs not listen to outsiders. Getting healthy means mentally and physically. Do both and you'll find your self in a much better place.

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Ever think that the guy said that just to get your attention? Sounds like a fourth grade ploy to me. It's like when a boy pulled your pigtails in school and told you that you were ugly. Doesn't mean he thought you were ugly, just meant he liked you and was trying to get your attention.

You should check what you eat, just because something says it's fat free doesn't mean it's calorie free. ALSO if things say that they're sugar free, doesn't mean they're fat free.

You've got to count calories depending on what you're eating, sometimes you may find you're not eating enough to spark your metabolism.. depends on how much you've abused your metabolism in the past.

Here are some key things:

1. Eat 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day.

2. Drink at least six glasses of water a day (unflavoured)

3. Eat at least 2 dairies a day (Fat free/or low fat)

4. Make sure you get your fiber in

5. vitamins

6. Oddly enough, somehow get two teaspoons of oil a day (don't know why, but it works/ask florine marx, it's in their eight basic principles)

You need to exercise, there's only so far food can get you.

In the calorie department, if you know you're a big eater, try a 1500 calorie a day diet, if you are a not so big eater, try 1200 calories, i wouldn't recommend much less than that, but like i pointed out before, exercise it is KEY.

I know it's a lot easier to sit here and give advice, I often don't follow myself, but at least this is a starting point, and you can do it the healthiest way possible.

OH if you do decide to join a gym, sometimes it's beneficial to have one of the personal trainers walk you through a regimen, I think they charge like 10-20 dollars or something like that to help you make a plan, but it's worth it.

(gets inspired to go to the gym tonight) :)

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i do ntohing works..... i eat good i try to i walk ever day and dont lose weight

Hun...trust me I know all sorts of things about self loathing, I've been called fat my whole life by all my friends (sans DGN friends of course, just the opposite from you guys actually :grouphug: ) and moreover my family. So here's my unwarranted two cents in the matter: Fuck yer friend. She ain't your friend no more :tongue: (I'm kidding, only if you choose her to be obviously)

Can I ask you something? How skinny is she? I'm not saying this for 100% but what I've noticed is that in my life I've had quite a few overweight to heavy friends, and usually those friends are the only ones that have said anything about my weight, either calling me too fat or too skinny (I mean they'd make it sound like I hadn't eaten in months when in actuality I eat like a dude and I'm a healthy weight, if not slightly over at the moment). It took me a moment to realize that they might be jealous of me or something weird like that because it was only ever friends who also had weight problems that would make fun of either how heavy/skinny I was.

If I may, how skinny do YOU feel? How did you feel before your friend said this to you? If your answer is "well I felt just fine and pretty before my friend opened her freakin' big mouth" you should just let whatever she said slide. Definately just a jab or something to be petty and tear you down to build herself up for a second. I'm not trying to call you a youngin, but I've noticed from your profile that you're much younger than even I am (and I'm still fairly young, not for long, but still am) and people in your age group are sometimes more immature than they should be and do stuff like that. In a few years, hopefully anyway, your friends will probably grow out of that gossipy bickery kind of attitude. Even in the past four years almost 90% of my friends grew out of their teenage judgements, so give it time.

Also, lemme tell you first hand about not eating: It sucks. It really doesn't work. You end up pissed off all day, irritable, crashing out, waking up again, I mean you don't even feel like you're in a body after awhile because it takes so much out of you. Trust me, from being in high school and doing it myself I know first handedly. You also WILL GAIN MORE than you started with, it's a scientific fact. It's undisputable. Meaning, if you want to gain a good 10 - 20 lbs then starve yourself for awhile. Your metabolism will shut down entirely. Suddenly even eating fruits and vegetables has the ability to make you gain weight, and it also takes like upwards of a year or more to correct, so it's just bad news altogether.

If after all of this you are still wanting to lose some pounds I have some tips for you. Not to judge your workout routine, walking is definately good for your body there's no doubt about that, but walking at your age probably isn't enough alone to help you shed those extra pounds. If you wanna lose weight, you'll need to work out at LEAST three times a week, roughly 30 minutes. The hard part about this is that you will want to keep your heartbeat in your target heart rate for that full 30 minutes (or try). My cardio heartrate is around 155 I think, so that means yours should be 160 (because you're a few years younger). If you want to burn pounds but not be a running fool about it, a heartrate of 135-140 for you should be good. If you don't have anything to measure heart rate go by this cardinal rule: When doing cardio you should always be able to talk, but you shouldn't be able to sing. If you can't talk to someone next to you, you're working out too hard, but if you can sing a song without running out of breath and staying on key then you're not working out hard enough. Also, many girls object to this because they think it will make them bulk up like a dude (and it probably won't unless you're me :laugh: I must seriously have too much testosterone or something crazy) is you WILL want to weight train. Train your body EVENLY (very important, do not isolate muscles) and do a full body workout with heavy weights at least twice a week. I mean damn near every muscle in your body, do not skip around, it will make you build muscles funny and cause you to be prone to injury. Weight training DRASTICLY increases your metabolism (muscles require a whoooole lotta calories to stay...uhm...well muscles really) and also has other effects such as preventing osteoprosis (epp sp?) in your senior years.

For very very effective cardio that will make all of your friends go "Wow...what a badass!" try Dance Dance Revolution. I know I preach about that game all the time, but it's so addictive that I used to play it upwards of 3 hours a day, causing me to drop 60 lbs without having to hardly even diet. I almost ate whatever I wanted, but that's because I was burning upwards of 700 - 1000 calories a day having the time of my life (with the normal half hour running cardio routine you burn only about 150 - 300 calories). If you have a PS2, I'd pick up a copy. If you have no PS2, uhmmm well...come play it at my house or at an arcade. :tongue: I always accept new dance buddies/students.

Do some research and make sure what you're claiming to be "eating healthy" is actually accurate and isn't just myth. I had a friend once that thought she knew everything about eating right, but actually told me that cheerios has more fat than ranch dressing, which was the most ridiculous thing I've heard in my life. What you have been told by people may not be accurate or might just be old wive's tales so be sure to actually find calorie content and count it. High protein low carb diets are very dangerous, you become malnutritioned and there's a reason that protein is supposed to be your last resort for energy: It destroys your kidneys, body, and makes you age if you have too much. If you're dieting try to keep it around 1,200 - 1,600 calories a day depending on your body. DO NOT DROP BELOW THAT, your metabolism will stop. In high school I lived on 500-600 calories a day and wondered why I was still 210 lbs - when I was finally educated properly I understood why.

Well...after all that I hope it helped you a little bit, and I must say I've seen your pictures and you look skinnier than I do so you have nothing to worry about. Your friend was most likely either jealous or just being down right mean, so you probably shouldn't even have weight loss in your head. Of course, the reason I gave all that advice is because if you really are serious about losing weight, I'd like to see you do it healthily, you're much too young to be fucking up your body like a lot of people I know. Learn from other people's mistakes when you can. If you have any questions about losing weight, I'm practically a walking guide and have been extensively educated in nutrition/biology, so don't be afraid to shoot me a PM. If you gain a few lbs here and there it's not the end of the world, I've gained a good amount since last year and I accept it, noting that sooner or later I'll have to follow my own advice and melt some weight off my own body :laugh: Good luck!

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6. Oddly enough, somehow get two teaspoons of oil a day (don't know why, but it works/ask florine marx, it's in their eight basic principles)

Very good question. By oils, note that they don't mean highly polyunsaturated fat oils, such as vegetable oils for deep frying (makes sense) there are good oils that people can eat and SHOULD. Olive oil is probably the prime example of this, the reason this works is because olive oil is a good source of good fatty acids, or the Omegas as I just call them (also cold water fish such as salmon is chock full of it and lamb is a good source). When I was extensively into the weight loss thing someone shot past me the whole "good fat" pitch and I was like "WTF are you doing putting the words 'good' and 'fat' in a sentence? That's the biggest diet no-no EVER" Well as in denial as I was fat IS essential for your diet, the Omega fats promote very good heart health and actually are the most easily metabolised by our bodies (which is why they don't stick to yer ass quite so readily).

Also, I saw on the news that they're beginning to find that many overweight people suffer from mental conditions and disorders (not all, but statistics are beginning to show that this is very real). I don't necessarily condone it or take it as absolute fact as of yet, but it DOES make very good sense. There's a good reason for these mental/emotional problems in heavier/obese people. Remember how I said the Omegas don't really stick to you as fat so much? Bad fried fat does, and fat converted from sugars. This is why people who are visibly overweight/heavy are statistically more likely to suffer from these conditions (thinner people are more likely eating less fats and/or the right kinds), it relates to brain function because: all of your nerves (well your white matter anyway) is coated in what is called "myelin sheath", which aids in speeding up signals in your brain to get to where they need to go. This sheath is made of Omega fatty acids, if you have the wrong fatty acids all the time like most Americans it may cause disorders to begin to surface such as bipolarism/depression, because your brain will work with what it is given (i.e. the wrong materials). It'd be the equivalent of using copper or something like that in computer circuitry than silicon - it just wouldn't cut it. A good reason to NEVER HAVE TRANS FAT PERIOD. It's man made, you think our brains were built to handle that? I don't, and scientists are finding what I thought was true for years, so don't eat trans fat. It's like throwing little grains of sand into a clock's gears, it damages your brain a little bit more every time and can be linked to things like Alzheimer's.

Interestingly enough, to add another little intresting tid bit, scientists also found that the people in the world who have the highest life expectancy are generally from Scandinavia, moreover Iceland in particular. They have the lowest incidence of heart attack and heart complications in the world. Why you ask? Seems to me that it's something in the water....(i.e. the fish rich in omega fat).

So there is yer answer, I left that part out of my little weight-loss mini novel :laugh: Good point to add, Hunhee, thanks for bringing it up: Make sure when you do get fats in your diet that they're the right kind!

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OH if you do decide to join a gym, sometimes it's beneficial to have one of the personal trainers walk you through a regimen, I think they charge like 10-20 dollars or something like that to help you make a plan, but it's worth it.

Man you're all full of good stuff today, Hunhee. Well...not that you aren't usually but you know what I mean. That's a very good point, because many people don't know what they're doing when working out (which is fine, everyone is a n00b at everything sometime, right?) Many people will workout, this is very common with weights especially, and will workout incorrectly making themselves either prone to injury or rendering their workout plan farily ineffective. Many will think they're doing this good ass routine, when really they're letting their muscles fall short of that. They'll do either too much, too little, too often, not enough, or sometimes incorrectly altogether (i.e. they won't make full muscle extentions for example).

Wasted time or messed up muscles is way more of a concern than a bit of money, so shell out that cash if you really don't know what you're doing. To this day I have a bum hamstring in my right leg and it'll piss me off doing leg curls for the rest of my life. Don't be embarassed to get a trainer, as I said, many people just aren't familiar with proper excersize at first. *sigh*...I always spell exercise wrong :laugh:

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Man you're all full of good stuff today, Hunhee. Well...not that you aren't usually but you know what I mean. That's a very good point, because many people don't know what they're doing when working out (which is fine, everyone is a n00b at everything sometime, right?) Many people will workout, this is very common with weights especially, and will workout incorrectly making themselves either prone to injury or rendering their workout plan farily ineffective. Many will think they're doing this good ass routine, when really they're letting their muscles fall short of that. They'll do either too much, too little, too often, or sometimes incorrectly altogether (i.e. they won't make full muscle extentions for example).

what can i say.. hehe sometimes you're on.. sometimes you're off..

I personally like to get on and off repeatedly in succession.. :whistle:

oh hehe and thanks :)

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what can i say.. hehe sometimes you're on.. sometimes you're off..

I personally like to get on and off repeatedly in succession.. :whistle:

oh hehe and thanks :)

:laugh: Ten points for the suave innuendo randomly snuck into an otherwise seemingly innocent thread. :thumbsup:

Oh, and I hope I answered your question on why some oils are good for you and not bad, people never really know why that works unless it's explained to them because it doesn't seem like it would make sense.

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Oh, I thought this was going to be the counter-thread to "what are you eating?" There's so much I'm not eating right now, and it turns out nobody cares!

Heheheh..... me, too.

I've had to cut way down anything remotely greasy, or with any sort of high fat content.

I have some (apparently mystery) digestive problem. I'm not digesting fats properly (if at all) and especially anything remotely greasy or fatty puts me in PAIN. I've been tested for *everything*. They're having trouble deciding what's wrong.

It's also diminished my appetite considerably.

Kinda scary, the whole thing..... but it's made a growing list of what I'm not eating, too. :p

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NOT eating is the fastest way to totally fuck up your metabolism.

You lose muscle, not fat.

You really dont have anything to worry about, but if you're that concerned, just change to healthier eating habits and get more exercise.

If it should come off, it will. In a healthy amount of time.

The percentages of people going on fad diets to lose a quick 10-20 pounds, and then gaining it all back and then some are pretty high.

And obsessing over it can make you nuts. Seriously.

Take up a new sport.

Like maybe kickboxing. heheheh......

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You like fairly thin to me.. in your pics. Are you sure you need to lose weight? You may just need to exercise more to tone up what's there. Walking is great but may not burn enough calories nor do what you want in terms of firming up. You might need to do more cardio and vigorous stuff. Also... you may need to see a doc to see if you have some condition that makes losing weight difficult or undesirable.

You should still tell the guy to piss off. Candy's right, YOU should determine your own needs not listen to outsiders. Getting healthy means mentally and physically. Do both and you'll find your self in a much better place.

but it hurts when a guy say it to me..... i know i need to do something

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Hun...trust me I know all sorts of things about self loathing, I've been called fat my whole life by all my friends (sans DGN friends of course, just the opposite from you guys actually :grouphug: ) and moreover my family. So here's my unwarranted two cents in the matter: Fuck yer friend. She ain't your friend no more :tongue: (I'm kidding, only if you choose her to be obviously)

Can I ask you something? How skinny is she? I'm not saying this for 100% but what I've noticed is that in my life I've had quite a few overweight to heavy friends, and usually those friends are the only ones that have said anything about my weight, either calling me too fat or too skinny (I mean they'd make it sound like I hadn't eaten in months when in actuality I eat like a dude and I'm a healthy weight, if not slightly over at the moment). It took me a moment to realize that they might be jealous of me or something weird like that because it was only ever friends who also had weight problems that would make fun of either how heavy/skinny I was.

If I may, how skinny do YOU feel? How did you feel before your friend said this to you? If your answer is "well I felt just fine and pretty before my friend opened her freakin' big mouth" you should just let whatever she said slide. Definately just a jab or something to be petty and tear you down to build herself up for a second. I'm not trying to call you a youngin, but I've noticed from your profile that you're much younger than even I am (and I'm still fairly young, not for long, but still am) and people in your age group are sometimes more immature than they should be and do stuff like that. In a few years, hopefully anyway, your friends will probably grow out of that gossipy bickery kind of attitude. Even in the past four years almost 90% of my friends grew out of their teenage judgements, so give it time.

Also, lemme tell you first hand about not eating: It sucks. It really doesn't work. You end up pissed off all day, irritable, crashing out, waking up again, I mean you don't even feel like you're in a body after awhile because it takes so much out of you. Trust me, from being in high school and doing it myself I know first handedly. You also WILL GAIN MORE than you started with, it's a scientific fact. It's undisputable. Meaning, if you want to gain a good 10 - 20 lbs then starve yourself for awhile. Your metabolism will shut down entirely. Suddenly even eating fruits and vegetables has the ability to make you gain weight, and it also takes like upwards of a year or more to correct, so it's just bad news altogether.

If after all of this you are still wanting to lose some pounds I have some tips for you. Not to judge your workout routine, walking is definately good for your body there's no doubt about that, but walking at your age probably isn't enough alone to help you shed those extra pounds. If you wanna lose weight, you'll need to work out at LEAST three times a week, roughly 30 minutes. The hard part about this is that you will want to keep your heartbeat in your target heart rate for that full 30 minutes (or try). My cardio heartrate is around 155 I think, so that means yours should be 160 (because you're a few years younger). If you want to burn pounds but not be a running fool about it, a heartrate of 135-140 for you should be good. If you don't have anything to measure heart rate go by this cardinal rule: When doing cardio you should always be able to talk, but you shouldn't be able to sing. If you can't talk to someone next to you, you're working out too hard, but if you can sing a song without running out of breath and staying on key then you're not working out hard enough. Also, many girls object to this because they think it will make them bulk up like a dude (and it probably won't unless you're me :laugh: I must seriously have too much testosterone or something crazy) is you WILL want to weight train. Train your body EVENLY (very important, do not isolate muscles) and do a full body workout with heavy weights at least twice a week. I mean damn near every muscle in your body, do not skip around, it will make you build muscles funny and cause you to be prone to injury. Weight training DRASTICLY increases your metabolism (muscles require a whoooole lotta calories to stay...uhm...well muscles really) and also has other effects such as preventing osteoprosis (epp sp?) in your senior years.

For very very effective cardio that will make all of your friends go "Wow...what a badass!" try Dance Dance Revolution. I know I preach about that game all the time, but it's so addictive that I used to play it upwards of 3 hours a day, causing me to drop 60 lbs without having to hardly even diet. I almost ate whatever I wanted, but that's because I was burning upwards of 700 - 1000 calories a day having the time of my life (with the normal half hour running cardio routine you burn only about 150 - 300 calories). If you have a PS2, I'd pick up a copy. If you have no PS2, uhmmm well...come play it at my house or at an arcade. :tongue: I always accept new dance buddies/students.

Do some research and make sure what you're claiming to be "eating healthy" is actually accurate and isn't just myth. I had a friend once that thought she knew everything about eating right, but actually told me that cheerios has more fat than ranch dressing, which was the most ridiculous thing I've heard in my life. What you have been told by people may not be accurate or might just be old wive's tales so be sure to actually find calorie content and count it. High protein low carb diets are very dangerous, you become malnutritioned and there's a reason that protein is supposed to be your last resort for energy: It destroys your kidneys, body, and makes you age if you have too much. If you're dieting try to keep it around 1,200 - 1,600 calories a day depending on your body. DO NOT DROP BELOW THAT, your metabolism will stop. In high school I lived on 500-600 calories a day and wondered why I was still 210 lbs - when I was finally educated properly I understood why.

Well...after all that I hope it helped you a little bit, and I must say I've seen your pictures and you look skinnier than I do so you have nothing to worry about. Your friend was most likely either jealous or just being down right mean, so you probably shouldn't even have weight loss in your head. Of course, the reason I gave all that advice is because if you really are serious about losing weight, I'd like to see you do it healthily, you're much too young to be fucking up your body like a lot of people I know. Learn from other people's mistakes when you can. If you have any questions about losing weight, I'm practically a walking guide and have been extensively educated in nutrition/biology, so don't be afraid to shoot me a PM. If you gain a few lbs here and there it's not the end of the world, I've gained a good amount since last year and I accept it, noting that sooner or later I'll have to follow my own advice and melt some weight off my own body :laugh: Good luck!

well i weigh 163 and i am 5,8 i dont know i want to lsoe 10 pounds ..... but i dont know...

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Do not cut Fat completely out of your diet. Fat is used buy your body to process vitamins. It has something to do with aborbing them into the cells... been while since I was reading on this.

hence getting healthy oils.. *points at cher's and my posts earlier*

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i want to do it so that guy wont call me fat i hate when guys do that,,,,

Why do you care what guys think? You are so consumed by what a fucking guy thinks that you will never see yourself for the way you are.

If you mention anymore about someone calling you a name, then I have nothing to say to you because you set your path of what you are going to do.

Either you work out and do this for yourself, or you stop complaining. Plain and simple.

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