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Not Eating


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Why do you care what guys think? You are so consumed by what a fucking guy thinks that you will never see yourself for the way you are.

If you mention anymore about someone calling you a name, then I have nothing to say to you because you set your path of what you are going to do.

Either you work out and do this for yourself, or you stop complaining. Plain and simple.

umm i am fixing my problems i am working out and eating good ok....thats all that matters now..... i am not complaing ok... im sorry that i need to talk about it,.,,

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  • 2 weeks later...

well i weigh 163 and i am 5,8 i dont know i want to lsoe 10 pounds ..... but i dont know...

Pssssht, just follow my advice and you'll have that off in like 1-2 weeks. I'm back down to 152 from being 165 myself, and I was 165 merely like I dunno, less than ten days ago? So that's 13 lbs, not bad if I do say so myself. I have like 22 more lbs to go and I'll be a happy little Chernobly :peanutbutterjellytime:

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Look at the bright side, at least we don't look like these ladies !

OMFG...exactly. I so would have killed muhself by now :ralph: There is a point where way too big is just...way way too big. That's one of those cases right there. The big and beautiful thing just goes so far.

rocker4you420, after seeing those highly disturbing pics, just realize you are definately NOT fat what-so-ever.

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Pssssht, just follow my advice and you'll have that off in like 1-2 weeks. I'm back down to 152 from being 165 myself, and I was 165 merely like I dunno, less than ten days ago? So that's 13 lbs, not bad if I do say so myself. I have like 22 more lbs to go and I'll be a happy little Chernobly :peanutbutterjellytime:

sorry, but 13# in a week & a half is nowehere near healthy... best recommendation are currently approx. 2#/month, for healthy wieght loss that you can maintain. (this is if you're close to your ideal weight, of course - within maybe 20-30#.) where's that huge post i made about this, anyway!?!

*goes looking*

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sorry, but 13# in a week & a half is nowehere near healthy... best recommendation are currently approx. 2#/month, for healthy wieght loss that you can maintain. (this is if you're close to your ideal weight, of course - within maybe 20-30#.) where's that huge post i made about this, anyway!?!

*goes looking*

I know, I didn't even mean to drop the weight though. We've been broke so I've had to eat less and I've been up and active way more. Due to working out extensively over the years, my metabolism is constantly so hyped up that I burn massive calories just sitting in place. I have crazy muscle mass for a girl, more muscle than most of my guy friends. That's one reason Raven loves me so much, he says I'm the strongest girl he's ever met so we're constantly beating the shit out of each other Fight Club style (so when you see bruises all up on me, just note that I like them :laugh: )

SO...actually, I take back my own words toward you, r4u420. Take your time, no rush needed. I sometimes forget that everyone's body doesn't work the same as my own. Well alot of guy bodies do, but generally not chick bodies :laugh:

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here it is!!!

great discussion on all of this, including a very interesting debate on minimum caloric intake, if memory serves... :thumbup:

Ah, 1500? Is that for guys and girls (because they would be different due to the fact that men generally burn roughly 700 - 800 more calories a day than women) Just wondering.

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i'm sorry - i need to correct myself - it's no more than 2# a week, or roughly 8# a month...


Ah, yeah that's what I've been taught also, roughly 2 lbs a week would be considered healthy. I'm also a bad dieter, I used to compromise my body HORRIBLY in high school in a desperate attempt to drop the weight. I'd eat under like 800 calories a day, which is sick, and I wouldn't drop lbs (no wonder, huh? :rolleyes:) On top of that, starving myself to those levels would make me crazy hungry for food, so it would be a really unhealthy cycle of binging then starving over and over again. I also didn't excercise, so that was bad on my part.

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Ah, 1500? Is that for guys and girls (because they would be different due to the fact that men generally burn roughly 700 - 800 more calories a day than women) Just wondering.

well, as was stated in the other thread, approx. calories in starvation camps like auschwitz (sp?) was 1300/day. does that help at all?

to be safe, i'd say no less than 1500 for women, 1800 for men, unless under medical supervision!!!

(wait, there's another thread about diet & exercise - anyone remember it!?)

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I am gonna kick your ass... I have told you time and time again, YOU ARE NOT FAT! you are still young. What you have is what's called "baby fat". Hell, I'd kill to have your body! And I don't mean that in a perverted way, either. I mean, come on, do some crunches. You don't even have the "cottage cheese" that most ppl who think that they are fat, have. So you need to stick your fingers in your ears and go "la la la la la la" They are idiots. You aren't fat. Oh, and not eating will make you gain wait, cuz every little thing you do eat will cause your body to store, cuz your body will think its starving. Now, if you continue down that road, you will eventually get an eating disorder, and your body will not only use up its stored fat, but its muscle tissue, as well. I know all about this, cuz I stopped eating once... it wasn't fun. So, start out slow, do like 10 crunches a night for like 3 nights, and every 3 days, add 10-20 more crunches to what you are doing. I got up to 4,000 crunches a while ago... not anymore, cuz I stopped exercising, but it will take work. You can't expect the lbs to melt away over night. You have to work at it. PM me, or call me, whatever, and we will talk about this. You are beautiful, no matter how many ppl call you ugly, and you ARE NOT FAT!!! Kids are cruel. PPL only call you fat cuz they know that you are sensitive about your weight. They do it to press your buttons, cuz they know that is one. so... yeah... I love you.... :)

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i want to do it so that guy wont call me fat i hate when guys do that,,,,

Instead, kick that guy in the ass, then kick him to the curb. Surround yourself with positive people who will accept you for you, and support you in all your endeavors in life. Why surround yourself with negativity or people who would so blatantly say hurtful things to you? These are the types of "baggage" that should be cut loose immediately.

Do only for yourself that which makes you happy and brings you joy, not what makes others happy. You are ultimately responsible for your own happiness, not someone else's. And they are not responsible for yours.

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Look at the bright side, at least we don't look like these ladies !

Before you posted this, did you ever stop to think that there may be people on this board that have body types like the women in that picture?

Did you stop to think that there may be people on this board that might have an eating disorder (the picture mentioned something about bulimia)?

Did you stop to think that these people may have read your post and felt like absolute fucking shit about themselves? Maybe these same people felt so shitty, it led them to indulge in their eating disorder...maybe not...I could be wrong.

My whole point is this:

Posting what you did makes you no better than the jackass that called rocker4you420 fat. I'm sure you were trying to make her feel better, but you really should have thought before you posted that. Making one person feel better while making someone else feel like shit isn't good.

For rocker4you420:

Unfortunately, there is always going to be some superficial idiot that is going to have some problem with the way someone looks: too tall, too short, too pale, too dark, too thin, to heavy...etc. We just have to realize that he or she is a moron and not let their words affect us.

You're a pretty girl; don't let one pathetic little jackass make you feel like shit.

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I personally think that if you have this much time to complain on a website, then you have just that much time to quit complaining and do something about it.

I am a Military person, and I don't take kindly to thise "pitty me, I hate myself" threads.

Either you shit, or get off the pot. Seriously, stop complaining and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

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you should never do something like not eating. Just because someone says something about you doesn't mean its true. Some people just say those things beacause they know it will get to you. People call me a spoiled brat when they want to piss me off. I think everyone ahould love their bodoes no matter what shape or size we are. The only thing in this worl that can never be owned by anyone else is our bodies, although sometimes we may not like what we see in the mirror we have to think about the fact that no one is perfect. People comr in all shapes and sizes for a reason. I jave always been the skinnny girl and have been brutally teased about it. People made me hate myself. I would wear baggy clothes to cover my boney hips and elbows. One day i just got so frustrated with myself i just stopped caring about what others said. Its hard because sometimes people are mean. I am at a healthy weight now. I am still petite but i am happy. This may sound corny but the only one who really has to accept me is me....everyone else's opinions are a far decond if that.

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For rocker4you420:

Unfortunately, there is always going to be some superficial idiot that is going to have some problem with the way someone looks: too tall, too short, too pale, too dark, too thin, to heavy...etc. We just have to realize that he or she is a moron and not let their words affect us.

You're a pretty girl; don't let one pathetic little jackass make you feel like shit.

I completely agree here. You can't please everyone. I think that she's suffering from that thing where you hear something so often, that you start to believe it.

So, it seems that for every sane person that calls her pretty, or yells at her for calling herself fat (160-170 lbs for a 5'8" medium frame person, is actually healthy), there are 10 more IDIOTS that call her fat or ugly. Like I said: IDIOTS

I personally think that if you have this much time to complain on a website, then you have just that much time to quit complaining and do something about it.

I am a Military person, and I don't take kindly to thise "pitty me, I hate myself" threads.

Either you shit, or get off the pot. Seriously, stop complaining and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

As for what you said: I agree, except I'm not a military person, but I am a military brat, so.... I'd still have to agree.... Self pity is human nature, but when you borderline just saying shit to hear the positive, it borderline's rediculous. (which I don't think that's the case here, cuz she seems th have her fingers in her ears, saying "I'm not listening", when someone tries to give her a compliment) Keep in mind that she's a little kid. She's 16 (i thought that she was older, so if I told ya she was 17, I'm sorry. I can only relay accurate info, if it was relayed to me accuratly) and I remember what it was like when I was 16. Kids are cruel. So yeah. I agree with your point, but you don't have to be so harsh about it. She's just a kid. And if you read her last post, she did say that she was doing something about it. So anyways. She need love and support (and w/ her dad calling her fat one day, and anarexic another, she's not getting it from home) so that she can continue to do the right thing for the right reasons.


I have more muscle than fat, but being 5'4", having a large frame, and weighing 205-210 is still unhealthy. I love my body, BUT I am losing weight to get healthy, not becasue I have some sad self image. Heart disease, and obesity runs in my family, and so does dying young due to being overweight, so I am doing something about it now, before it gets too late, and I am 50 years old w/ a tripple bi-pass under my belt.

Doing the right thing, for the wrong reasons is still wrong.

Lose the weight FOR YOU, not for some ASSHOLE who is insecure about there own self, and calling you fat makes them feel better....

Anyways. I love you... so keep that in mind. :) But I'd still love ya, even if you were fat. ;) which, YOU ARE NOT!!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Before you posted this, did you ever stop to think that there may be people on this board that have body types like the women in that picture?

Did you stop to think that there may be people on this board that might have an eating disorder (the picture mentioned something about bulimia)?

Did you stop to think that these people may have read your post and felt like absolute fucking shit about themselves? Maybe these same people felt so shitty, it led them to indulge in their eating disorder...maybe not...I could be wrong.

My whole point is this:

Posting what you did makes you no better than the jackass that called rocker4you420 fat. I'm sure you were trying to make her feel better, but you really should have thought before you posted that. Making one person feel better while making someone else feel like shit isn't good.

You are my hero!

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