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Stereo Types... Heh


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BWHAHAHA :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

And now I present Phee with the Gold Star Award...meaning you pulled off the best thread of...the...DAY! This thread was so awesome I waited for all of those pictures to load...on DIALUP. Took almost a half hour of my life which I most likely would have used posting anyway.

I'd have to say if I had to mix and match them to pick out "myself", the best I could out of those choices anyway, I'm probably a cross between Halloweencore/Brootal Kid/Scene Queen. So basically a really scary bitch infused with day-glo and genericness all at the same time. Not something I'm necessarily boasting about or are ashamed of at the same time but that's how it is. I'm sure everyone on this board has at least little bits of their style from these.

I guess I'm slighly Hot Topic Core too, by default, just because it's the only place to really be able to shop in the area other than Noir Leather which is damn expensive. We need more gothy stores in the Metro Detroit area that's for sure.

Most of my highschool friends were prehistoric emo, definately (there were no goth kids in the school 'cept me).

But the funniest award goes toward "#1 Pete Wentz Fan" for use of the word "cankles" (gawd I'm still laughing) and the fact that they made fun of Fall Out Boy, because the last time I heard one of their songs it turned me off so bad I couldn't even think about getting laid for like two weeks. Never has music sucked so bad that it actually was able to destroy my libido, that is the true power of bad music right there. The new DDR game even has one of their songs (minus points for Bemani...those bastards) and you HAVE to pass it in order to go on...I barely lived. That 45 seconds of hell actually made me wish homicide was legal :laugh: .

I will say I'd borrow the snakebites from the emo girl though...never really realized that was too emo but if they say so...

I'm sad to see however that they have no Anime Nerd stereotype, that would would have also made my list. There's more to being an Anime Nerd than just watching the stuff, and crosses over to gothness fairly regularily, I definately fall a bit into that category too.

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I swear, the HXC Tough Guy stereotype must be the most attractive to women across the nation. Everywhere I go that type seems to get all the hot chicks.

I don't get that, eww, I've noticed the same thing and I don't quite get it. Gross.

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hehe Darque.. I was thinking the Black metal knight looks like you .. I remember you telling me you make your own heavy metal stuffs.. hehe

It's Crank minus battle axe, because CC probably wouldn't let him take one through the door if he tried :tongue:

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