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Whats his stated Justification for banning the word Christmas?

He said it is because it offended someone, but in having dealt with the man I know he's full of shit. He needed an excuse to control the whole thing. He's the kind of person that has to control everything. Though I'm sure that because of the position he is in, there is that fear of being PC. It's all just really aggravating.

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first - you dont talk bad about White Castle, some things are just sacred.

next - for someone so original you should come up with your own bah humbugizms.....say for example ...Ha Bumbug, there ya go, thats totally new...do that and then you'd have my attention but anyway while your all pouty and discontented and shit I'm having a hella good time pretty much all month long AND I'm going to White Castle and while my car is stanky from it to me it smells like Christmas....

next next - you may have a cool car and a spooky avatar but you have nary the nutsack to EVER ruin my day Johnny and I dont care how pissed you are that my joy filled festivities make your day sukketh because whilst im in the christmas spirit I can pretty much promise you that ruining Scary Guy's day just never creeps into my thoughts...

next next after next - we have turkey dinners AT LEAST 10 times a year, not because somehow if I dont buy one for thanksgiving it allegedly communicates that I dont love my family and jesus christ was that dumber than dumb. I buy turkey cause the skin gets nice and crispy if you coat it with mayo before baking and because I like it in sandwiches with mayo and lettuce but no tomatoe even though I generally love tomatoe in most sandwiches and also Turkey is good in soup if you use alot of pepper. I also like to eat Ham during Christmas but I only do that because if I dont eat ham on christmas like the man on teh TV says then I am a shitty american with rotten social values plus its good refired with eggs and rye toast but its really about being shitty.

next after next after next - "this land is your land, this land is my land....." PULEAZE Vato, the human species has been pillaging and plundering one another since we could pronounce pillage and plunder and while were on the subject Johnny them injunz your so concerned with did the same thing to one another and even ate each other from time to time but Id never eat an injun cause their skin does NOT get all wonderfully crispy if you coat it with mayo before baking but since your all up on championing pocohantus (by the way there'z injun in my blood too) send us your new address from the Rez and let me know when your doing your next "Gothic DJ's for Native Americans" gig....

:rofl: <---My sentiments on this post.


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He said it is because it offended someone, but in having dealt with the man I know he's full of shit. He needed an excuse to control the whole thing. He's the kind of person that has to control everything. Though I'm sure that because of the position he is in, there is that fear of being PC. It's all just really aggravating.

You know, it's most likely a combination of bland fear and his need to control. His fear as a manager that someone might get offended giving him the excuse to weild his power. In all likelyhood, noone was offended but he can sasy someone was and that gives him the excuse to big big and powerfull controlling another aspect of the lifes of the people that work for him.

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You know, it's most likely a combination of bland fear and his need to control. His fear as a manager that someone might get offended giving him the excuse to weild his power. In all likelyhood, noone was offended but he can sasy someone was and that gives him the excuse to big big and powerfull controlling another aspect of the lifes of the people that work for him.

Ah the seeds of micromanagement... heh

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You know, it's most likely a combination of bland fear and his need to control. His fear as a manager that someone might get offended giving him the excuse to weild his power. In all likelyhood, noone was offended but he can sasy someone was and that gives him the excuse to big big and powerfull controlling another aspect of the lifes of the people that work for him.


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first - you dont talk bad about White Castle, some things are just sacred.

It's marginally better than Tellway I'll give you that. But not by much and I hate Tellway.

next - for someone so original you should come up with your own bah humbugizms.....say for example ...Ha Bumbug, there ya go, thats totally new...do that and then you'd have my attention but anyway while your all pouty and discontented and shit I'm having a hella good time pretty much all month long AND I'm going to White Castle and while my car is stanky from it to me it smells like Christmas....

That makes no sense and sounds to me like a bunch of poppycock.

next next - you may have a cool car and a spooky avatar but you have nary the nutsack to EVER ruin my day Johnny and I dont care how pissed you are that my joy filled festivities make your day sukketh because whilst im in the christmas spirit I can pretty much promise you that ruining Scary Guy's day just never creeps into my thoughts...

That's it, I'm changing my avatar.

next next after next - we have turkey dinners AT LEAST 10 times a year, not because somehow if I dont buy one for thanksgiving it allegedly communicates that I dont love my family and jesus christ was that dumber than dumb. I buy turkey cause the skin gets nice and crispy if you coat it with mayo before baking and because I like it in sandwiches with mayo and lettuce but no tomatoe even though I generally love tomatoe in most sandwiches and also Turkey is good in soup if you use alot of pepper. I also like to eat Ham during Christmas but I only do that because if I dont eat ham on christmas like the man on teh TV says then I am a shitty american with rotten social values plus its good refired with eggs and rye toast but its really about being shitty.

Human flesh it's been said has a strong resemblance to chicken, with a ham like texture. By the way, way to take your own deity's name in vein there.

next after next after next - "this land is your land, this land is my land....." PULEAZE Vato, the human species has been pillaging and plundering one another since we could pronounce pillage and plunder and while were on the subject Johnny them injunz your so concerned with did the same thing to one another and even ate each other from time to time but Id never eat an injun cause their skin does NOT get all wonderfully crispy if you coat it with mayo before baking but since your all up on championing pocohantus (by the way there'z injun in my blood too) send us your new address from the Rez and let me know when your doing your next "Gothic DJ's for Native Americans" gig....

Whats his stated Justification for banning the word Christmas?

It offends people, I thought that was obvious. No one should even say holidays in my opinion though. Happy nothing to you all.

i have yet to come accross anyone who has taken ofence to christmas.

*jumps up and down*... oh you mean in real life. Go to Iraq, I'm sure you'll find someone.

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I generally just say Merry Christmas on the 25th of December. I look at it this way: No matter who you are, or what you believe in, chances are, you deserve to have a good day. If you happen to be offended that on the actual DAY of Christmas that someone wishes you a merry Christmas... well, chances are you are reading in to the utterance of four syllables a lot more than what is actually there.

Eternal, let's say a group of people walks up to your home on the first of October next year, singing Hava Nagila and blowing a bunch of shofars. Just as a simple passing fancy, would you be offended, bemused, or happy that a bunch of your neighbors want to make the new year special?

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and i say let people get on with what the hell festival they want to.

whether it be diwali, christmas or pineapplemass

Fine, let them do it far the hell away from me though.

It's getting to be that even my Jewish friends say it, just because it's the "standard greeting" and most of their customers celebrate it.

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See, I disagree with turning "merry Christmas" into a "standard greeting". It is a special day for some (a lot of) people. It should be said with thoughtfulness, not as a passing fancy. In the case of Eternal, if it were the 24th of December, and I had no idea who he was, I would wish him a good day.

If it were the 25th of December, and I knew exactly who Eternal was, I would wish him a merry Christmas. Everyone deserves a merry Christmas. If he wishes to be offended that I want him to have a good day, there is nothing I can do about it.

However, turnabout is fair play. If I know who Eternal is, I am going to wish him happy new year on Rosh Hashanah. I am also going to be respectful to him for the next ten days. Then, on the 25th of December, I'm going to frickin' wish him a merry Christmas.

We have to live with each other, because otherwise, we will end up killing each other.

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It's not about the child holding it or not holding it against an adult.

I am merely making a suggestion that we be respectfull of the fact that if there are only a few Jewish kids

in a neighborhood, and everyone else is celebrating Christmas, they may feel left out.

I had a couple friends who had "chanukah Bushes." My sibling converted to Christianity because she didnt want to

be part of the minority.

Jews are converting out in record numbers to assimilate, turning their backs on their amazing rich and beautiful heritage.

Because it's easier than try to maintain self-identitiy.

It's quite sad.

I never resented anyone, and no one else I knew would either, but as a kid every "Merry Christmas" is just a reminder that there's a big party going on and you're not invited.

"Enjoy your 4-sided top, loser!"

So, it's not the kid's responsibility.

I think we should be a little more respectful as adults that not everyone celebrates Christmas, and it's not giving into a vast political correct conspiracy to make a slight adjustment to our language.

My .02

I think you missed my point entirely bro but thats ok.

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It's marginally better than Tellway I'll give you that. But not by much and I hate Tellway.

That makes no sense and sounds to me like a bunch of poppycock.

That's it, I'm changing my avatar.

Human flesh it's been said has a strong resemblance to chicken, with a ham like texture. By the way, way to take your own deity's name in vein there.

It offends people, I thought that was obvious. No one should even say holidays in my opinion though. Happy nothing to you all.

*jumps up and down*... oh you mean in real life. Go to Iraq, I'm sure you'll find someone.

you misspelled vain.

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See, I disagree with turning "merry Christmas" into a "standard greeting". It is a special day for some (a lot of) people. It should be said with thoughtfulness, not as a passing fancy. In the case of Eternal, if it were the 24th of December, and I had no idea who he was, I would wish him a good day.

If it were the 25th of December, and I knew exactly who Eternal was, I would wish him a merry Christmas. Everyone deserves a merry Christmas. If he wishes to be offended that I want him to have a good day, there is nothing I can do about it.

However, turnabout is fair play. If I know who Eternal is, I am going to wish him happy new year on Rosh Hashanah. I am also going to be respectful to him for the next ten days. Then, on the 25th of December, I'm going to frickin' wish him a merry Christmas.

We have to live with each other, because otherwise, we will end up killing each other.

I very much agree with this.

I mean, Eternal, you have to look at things from the other perspective.

If I'm not Jewish, and you come up to me during Yom Kippur, which I know from working for practicing Jews is exceptionally sacred, and wish me Mazel Tov, there is no way I'm going to be offended by that. I'm going to be touched and honored that you thought to think specially of me that day.

I have vivid memories as a child in elementary school of kids who didn't say the pledge of allegiance, who didn't accept Valentines, or b-day cupcakes, or otherwise participate in holiday celebrations due to religious beliefs. I remember being fascinated by this. And feeling very, very sorry for them for being singled out, and also for being left out.

But I also remember feeling like to feel sorry for them was in a way insulting them. If their belief system is such that such days are either meaningless or anathema to them, it would be rude to feel pity for them. It's an odd thing for a child to wrestle with. I was a pretty enlightened child, fantastically curious about people, rituals and beliefs. I vaguely remember asking a particular child if she could have a cupcake if I took the birthday symbols off of it. My memory of that particular event is not good enough to remember if we worked something out, or if she had to refuse, or if she appreciated it. But I have always tried to be respectful of others' beliefs, and to try to make them comfortable when in the minority or excluded position.

I have watched over my near 40 years as "Merry Christmas," Christmas Trees, and Nativity Scenes in front of city halls have come under attack. Due to my penchant for trying to be as inclusive as possible to all those around me, I have been torn. On the one hand, I think it's a grand solution to put a menorah and a Santa sleigh on the lawn along with the nativity scene. If we can get beyond the "they're just molly-coddling the minorities" knee-jerk reaction, maybe we can see that it's a start of a new inclusiveness that may, someday, not be seen as PC but as celebrating ALL the traditions of our multi-cultural society TOGETHER.

I don't celebrate Kwanzaa. I don't totally understand it. Again, I'm pushing 40. I never heard about Kwanzaa until a few years ago. NOBODY had. And all of a sudden, you're racist if you don't acknowledge it. I'm all for new traditions. Or breathing new life into traditions that have fallen by the wayside or been too long hidden in the shadows. But I don't like anything being forced on anyone. I am not going to know if the black person who picks up the package I drop on the floor in line at Target celebrates Kwanzaa, Christmas, or Channukah. What I know is Christmas. So I'm probably going to say, "thanks so much - Merry Christmas." I hope that if they celebrate Kwanzaa or Channukah, they're going to see the smile on my face, hear that I appreciated their kind help, and wanted to wish them a good, happy time. I won't be saying, "Christmas is THE way to go, buster, and if you don't celebrate it, I hope this makes you feel offended and excluded." Because that would be ludicrous.

I know. This isn't where the original intent of the thread was meant to go after all. I have to agree that it was bound to happen, given this discussion does come up every year. I think, for the most part, we're all mature adults here. For the most part. I rarely agree with those who say, "we choose to be offended." Especially speaking as a fat, female, blonde (well, natural blonde), person of Polish lineage. But when offense is taken at someone offering genuinely well-intentioned well-wishes, I think a person has some psychological history to work on.

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Oh, don't get me started on Saint Valentine's day! Marc will probably agree with me that the 14th of February has been perverted into a way to sell crap between people in erotic love.

SAINT VALENTINE'S DAY IS ABOUT ALL KINDS OF LOVE! For instance, I love my dad. I should be able to tell him that I love him on the 14th of February without it being weird. Modern culture has made it weird. That pisses me off to no end.

Oh, and "Sweetest Day"?!?! I'm sorry, but if I am in a personal erotic relationship with a woman, and she gets offended that I didn't buy her some meaningless crap on a day TOTALLY ENGINEERED to sell crap, I will have to consider breaking up with her.

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Oh, don't get me started on Saint Valentine's day! Marc will probably agree with me that the 14th of February has been perverted into a way to sell crap between people in erotic love.

SAINT VALENTINE'S DAY IS ABOUT ALL KINDS OF LOVE! For instance, I love my dad. I should be able to tell him that I love him on the 14th of February without it being weird. Modern culture has made it weird. That pisses me off to no end.

Oh, and "Sweetest Day"?!?! I'm sorry, but if I am in a personal erotic relationship with a woman, and she gets offended that I didn't buy her some meaningless crap on a day TOTALLY ENGINEERED to sell crap, I will have to consider breaking up with her.

I can vaguely live with one day a year about remembering the one you love... even though I think it's ridiculous. If you can't remember to do special things year round... You're fucked. But two days??? Stupidest thing ever. I refuse to acknowledge sweetest day.

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