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NOWHERE in the US Constitution does it say anything about protecting American Citizens from "being offended". PERIOD. you have no legal right to stand on to complain about being offended. Period. So get over it. If i want to walk around singing Christmas carols on Yom Kippur I can and if you get offended, thats not my problem. If you want to run around and start telling people you celebrate anti-fat day and all the chubbies out there should go on a diet, hey- If it offends my fat ass thats my problem not yours. There are bigger problems in life than whether or not someone offends your poor lil feelings. seriously people, get over yourselves.

"Freedom of Speech". yet another crutch of the lazy, not to mention bigots, racists, elitists and whoever else uses it to for the sole purpose of harming others. When freedom of speech gets in the way of pursuit of happiness... there's a problem.

I'd also like to say that there are many people who are seriously sensitive to outside stimuli. Words, senses, whatever. What's painful to them (Me, in fact, and one of my children) may mean little to you. This is genetic. It can't be helped. So.. you're going to tell us to get over it? Fuck that. It's difficult to do and takes a long time. Some things will never get better. So why should we be the ones to make all the effort? Because we're in the minority? (Maybe) Fuck that and fuck that again. Minorities shouldn't be the one's shouldering all the pain of societies inertia.

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I like Thanksgiving. I like being grateful for what I have and giving some of what I got to others. As for Christmas, if Christians don't like what it's turned into, they should object to corporate America for hijacking it. I bet you'll find many don't have the guts to tell their children no more presents.

I think you're wrong about their being no one who's offended. Maybe offended is the wrong word. How about pissed? Pissed that since the vast majority of people celebrate Christmas, people just assume everyone does. As I've said before. I think this is just laziness on people's part. They don't want to actually stop and think about what they say. I think the words "political correctness" are inaccurate and stupid and they've been turned into a phrase to ridicule people who have the audacity to make you actually think before you open your fucking mouth. I'm not talking about garbage men who want to be called sanitation engineers nor that kind of pettiness. That IS bullshit. I'm perfectly willing to ignore things that I don't like or agree with, on a personal level. It's when it 's at a societal level and can't be escaped or ignored that I take issue.

I dont like what Christmas has turned into when you look at it SOLEY on the terms that you present Marc, but its not that blanket a position. You see me as a one off in comparison to my bretheren, but Im really not, not at all, I know lots of people like me. We celebrate the unbeleivable birth of a God in the weakest form of all, a human baby, the most non threatening manner that any GOD could enter into the midst of humanity with....we celebrate that because we beleive in it and what it provides, we celebrate if with joy and a lifted spirit because we are eternally grateful. I love Christmas. it is by far the best time fo the year for me, because I feel so much more spiritually tuned in than at any other time fo the year, and because I feel more connected (especially to those who may feel lost) with other people than at any other time fo the year.

Nobody has hijacked ANYTHING from me, nor have they hijacked anything from other people that beleive as i do, we do exist, in quite measurable numbers, weresimply ignored by the media and the common man radar. So again I can only say if you dont liekthe way its celbrated by the corporate or consumer masses, then dont celebrate it that way and you are therefore part of the solution, not part of the complaint. you have suggested that we Christians fight it a certain way - but in reality we fight it a completely different way.....

keeping presents from the kids does not teach them anythign in my opinion.

having them make somethign for somebody else, serve in a food kitchen, share their day with strangers who are without family, or work for and sacrifice their earnings to give a gift to somebody else....that can teach them a great deal. Im talking about pinpointing and focusing the gift of giving, creating definition and intention, directing the effort made. I think those sorts of thigns can do a great deal.

now on a societal level.....by and large for the time being (trust me it will change) you still have Chrsitmas....you still have this "assumption" that within the american ideal there is a thing called Chrsitmas, that it is a worthy day of celebration, that it has merit, that it is part of our fabric......for now this still exists. I dont see that as evil, or wrong, or offensive, or unjust or anythign other than majority and with a majority or common identity NOTHING is fair, nor is life, nor are our passions and ideals.

somebody Marc, is always the one outside. it will alwasy be this way.

but no one is trying to harm you with their celebrating - not even me with all my sarcasm, I like you - if I was to ever "not think about it" and open my mouth and say "Bro Merry Christmas"...man marc, all I want is to extend a blessing to you, its really that simple. And I think that between most people, its still really that simple.

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"Freedom of Speech". yet another crutch of the lazy, not to mention bigots, racists, elitists and whoever else uses it to for the sole purpose of harming others. When freedom of speech gets in the way of pursuit of happiness... there's a problem.

I'd also like to say that there are many people who are seriously sensitive to outside stimuli. Words, senses, whatever. What's painful to them (Me, in fact, and one of my children) may mean little to you. This is genetic. It can't be helped. So.. you're going to tell us to get over it? Fuck that. It's difficult to do and takes a long time. Some things will never get better. So why should we be the ones to make all the effort? Because we're in the minority? (Maybe) Fuck that and fuck that again. Minorities shouldn't be the one's shouldering all the pain of societies inertia.

hmmm minority.

a mexican american christian classic rocker republican right to lifer conservative overweight balding man walking around within the halls of DGN...

...I get it, what it means to be a minority, I get it in many ways.

and I often have to adjust - I know I often dont come off that way - but I do have to make many adjustments.

and alot of my shit is also DNA or socially impacted....I have many sensitivities.....

Im not an addict anymore but I was fro many years, and I come from a family of hardcore addicts and drunks

Im from a broken child abusing home and was raised in violence

I had to go to a particular school because in So Cal in the 70's integration was still a novel experiment that did not make the headlines

I was very poor and grew in in various ghettos/barrios

I have very little education, my parents did not graduate high school

I have professional criminals in my family tree to include those in lockdown

I mowed the lawns of the rich white kids in my school with my mexican father who was their gardener and was thus socially unaceptable

and many of my friends charge me with being too conservative in my christianity, while many of my christian friends charge me with beign too liberal in my secularism....

I am sometimes chastized by what I say in my spiritual circles, and sometiems chastized by what I say in here in DGN, and yet I am often (often) taken aside secretely in BOTH situations and told "i wanted to say that but I couldent, thank you for saying that" and yet seldom do I get that stated position publically...

and blah and blah and blah and blah blah blah.

everything can be helped. all of it is hard. I fuck up a great deal of it up along the way, but I am responsible to make the changes that I must make to please God, myself, my wife, and my circle, then society. None of us get a special pass. I didint.

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Steven - Chill dude. None of these ill willed feeliongs are toward you... they are toward me... cause i'm the White Christian Male in the conversation and it's all my fault.

see? white people try to steal everything, even my ill willed feelings... :gathering:

oh c'mon that was at least a little bit funny.....

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hmmm minority.

a mexican american christian classic rocker republican right to lifer conservative overweight balding man walking around within the halls of DGN...

...I get it, what it means to be a minority, I get it in many ways.

and I often have to adjust - I know I often dont come off that way - but I do have to make many adjustments.

and alot of my shit is also DNA or socially impacted....I have many sensitivities.....

Im not an addict anymore but I was fro many years, and I come from a family of hardcore addicts and drunks

Im from a broken child abusing home and was raised in violence

I had to go to a particular school because in So Cal in the 70's integration was still a novel experiment that did not make the headlines

I was very poor and grew in in various ghettos/barrios

I have very little education, my parents did not graduate high school

I have professional criminals in my family tree to include those in lockdown

I mowed the lawns of the rich white kids in my school with my mexican father who was their gardener and was thus socially unaceptable

and many of my friends charge me with being too conservative in my christianity, while many of my christian friends charge me with beign too liberal in my secularism....

I am sometimes chastized by what I say in my spiritual circles, and sometiems chastized by what I say in here in DGN, and yet I am often (often) taken aside secretely in BOTH situations and told "i wanted to say that but I couldent, thank you for saying that" and yet seldom do I get that stated position publically...

and blah and blah and blah and blah blah blah.

everything can be helped. all of it is hard. I fuck up a great deal of it up along the way, but I am responsible to make the changes that I must make to please God, myself, my wife, and my circle, then society. None of us get a special pass. I didint.

I'm perfectly willing to be responsible for my end of things. It's when we're asked to make that effort without a some effort in kind, that sucks. And yeah... minority. They come in all shapes, sizes and colors and a lot of things we don't see.

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Well I DID almost go crazy when I saw this...


But I recovered.



You know how people type "LOL" but you KNOW they never are really Laughing Out Loud?


I'm sorry to spoil the surprise, peeps. But if you are on my Christmas Card list, you have seen what I'm putting on my custom-made cards (as soon as I 'Shop 'em together and print 'em out).

<-- goes fetal and shivers

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My problem is not with the word, it is with certian people and how they used the word, to me... One side saying "You shouldn't be able to use the word Christmas... that is not PC, OMG I am so offended, I am going to go recycle my sandles" is just as bad as someone saying to another "Merry Christmas, and if you have a problem with that then you hate Christians and I should be able to talk about my religious holiday and not be considerate at all of who I am talking to.... I am going to go use up all the power on the grid now with my lighted nativity scene"

Anyway you get the point

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well see then that is why Bill would get like a RED HOT color on the pie chart and why I only get a burnt orange and phee gets a cool grey. Id give Marc like...a sunny yellow.

and back to our topic: MERRY X MAS EVERYBODY!!!


(I've been waiting for someone to come out against that, too.)

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"Merry Christmas, and if you have a problem with that then you hate Christians and I should be able to talk about my religious holiday and not be considerate at all of who I am talking to.... I am going to go use up all the power on the grid now with my lighted nativity scene"

Dude - for the real, when on earth did this sentence make its way to you? let's be at least sorta reasonable here....

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(I've been waiting for someone to come out against that, too.)

I...I....I have typing dislexia or some shit like that.....how could you be so elitist??!!!???

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roflmao...wow...if people had the slightest respect or common sense anymore nowadays they would have enough respect for other's feelings, and religions and enough common sense to know when to not hold a grudge for forever and a half...*sigh* I really do think that many problems, including his one is due to the lack and ever dwindling common sense within the human race.

My point is when someone does something to piss you off? Ask them why...ask then for their reason if they don't have one, shrug it off...if they do have one, debate them about it...

Debate can be non-violent and not hate filled...

But people would rather slit eachother's throats than take 5min to try and understand one another...

I'm not saying you have to agree but would it kill people to get along?

No...what will kill people...is just the opposite...

in fact...it'll eventually kill us all...

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Yes, I have to ask. I don;t know how much of an asshole people view me ass.

I love you and I think you're an asshole, fer sure.

I tend to love assholes because they tend to at least be good about sticking to their guns and actually forming...

No. Edit that. I love assholes who DO stick to their guns and form opinions based on observation, personal integrity, and an attempt at informed understanding of those who they oppose. You definitely fall under that category.

Gimme a hug, you big asshole lug, ya.

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I think the words "political correctness" are inaccurate and stupid and they've been turned into a phrase to ridicule people who have the audacity to make you actually think before you open your fucking mouth. I'm not talking about garbage men who want to be called sanitation engineers nor that kind of pettiness. That IS bullshit. I'm perfectly willing to ignore things that I don't like or agree with, on a personal level. It's when it 's at a societal level and can't be escaped or ignored that I take issue.

Preach on, brutha! I agree 210%.


<-- very huggy lately

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