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We Are All Ugly

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Just as everyone has "beauty", everyone has uglyness.

Are you strong enough to face yours?

me, (just to start):

I am ugly because I'm fat.

I am ugly because I have a prejudice against Arabs. It's not right, this I know, but I can't help it, it's a reason why I'm ugly.

I am ugly because I hate large crowds of people.

I am ugly because I believe pets are animals, not people, and should be treated as such.

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I'm ugly due to my apathy.

I'm ugly because I'm not even mature enough to be able to pass some simple college courses like trig and microbio.

I'm ugly because my entire existance is sadly wrapped around sex and aggression, which hasn't always been the case.

I'm ugly because I stereotype daily and make jokes about it with friends.

I'm ugly because I'm lazy.

I'm ugly because I don't care.

I'm ugly because I can't open up and let love in.

I'm ugly because I hate.

I'm ugly because of my emptiness.

I'm ugly because I use people to get what I want sometimes.

I'm ugly because of my inability to be moved.

I'm ugly because I don't appreciate those around me as much as I should.

I'm ugly because I'm a hypocrite, and hypocricy bothers me.

I'm ugly because I tell white lies all the time

I'm ugly because I actually cried more when a pet died than when my own cousin.

I'm ugly because I'm mean to my mom all the time.

I'm ugly because I'm arrogant, self-centered, know about it, and yet don't change it.

I'm ugly because I'm a consumerist American, the same people I preach against

I'm ugly because I take more than I give.

I'm ugly because I contribute to destroying God's Green Earth daily and don't do alot about it.

I'm ugly because I ain't spoke to God in so long.

I'm ugly because I usually judge other women too harshly and tend to dislike many of them right off the bat.

I'm ugly because my toes haven't touched the waters of reality in quite awhile

I'm ugly because I'm an addict, and I'm in denial about it

I'm ugly because I'm me and I see nothing wrong it with when I probably should...

*whew* and that was just me getting started...

I will say, to my credit, that I am hardly ever fake.

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I'm ugly because (I'm pretty sure that) I'm the base reason this thread exists.


But all of your honesty here is BEAUTIFUL <3 <3 <3!!!!

The only thing I didn't like is that Chernobyl who didn't really state why she was beautiful in the other thread can damn sure find lots of fault with herself apparently. I will say just being negative about yourself can be almost as bad as being overly positive about yourself as well.

Just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so is ugly.

At least if you see the flaws and recognize they are there, then you have the ability to work on those flaws and improve yourself a little, both on the inside and the outside.

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I am ugly because I love my shallow side.

I am ugly because I am a total narcissist.

I am ugly in these exact same ways.

I am ugly because I take what I want without thinking about the repercussions.

I am ugly because I really don't think any of that makes me ugly.

Rinse, repeat.

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I am ugly because I have decided I don't care what happens to the world after I die, so I don't feel stressed into making decisions that involve conservation, saving the earth, etc. I used to. Not anymore.

I'm ugly because I hate kids.

My penchant for gossip, particularly with people who dislike the same people and will spend hours slamming them behind their back, makes me ugly.

I'm ugly because while I'm comfortable in saying I'm not racist, I have moments of prejudice I don't like in myself.

I'm ugly because I'm disproportional. I can handle being fat. I can't handle that my waist size equals or surpasses my bust measurement.

I'm ugly because I am currently flaky, difficult to count on, and prone to breaking dates/appointments.

I'm ugly because I sometimes don't speak up when I should, and choose apathy instead.

I'm ugly because of my policy of giving people a couple chances - then cutting them from my life if they screw up again. And that sometimes, I don't even give them a couple chances.

And I'm ugly because I see that last point as being a strength, not a weakness.

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I'm ugly because the pregnancy stretch marks have scarred my tummy horribly, though I try to look at them as a badge of honor considering the gift that came of it.

I'm ugly because I sometimes don't speak up/act when I should, and choose apathy instead.

I'm ugly because I will too easily sacrafice myself for the happiness of others.

I'm ugly because I would rather be alone or in casual relationships/friendships than risk being devastated again.

I'm ugly because, though I love and can care deeply, I have come to accept that being "in love" is a myth.

I'm ugly because my patience with people in general is nearly gone.

I'm ugly because I have given up dreaming.

I'm ugly because I have no strength or will power to quit smoking even though I have serious problems with my lungs.

I'm ugly because I am very guarded of the deepest parts of me.

I'm ugly because I trust few and completely trust no one, except perhaps my mother.

I’m ugly because I have become comfortable with being treated as an after thought or with little consideration at all, if any.

I’m ugly because even though I try to be a good person, kind, considerate and compassionate, I know that in the grand scheme of things, I really don’t matter.

I'm ugly because, in looking back through what I've listed, I see how truly pathetic I am.

And now, I am going to go uncork the dry white wine in the fridge and drink myself numb in hopes of forgetting the truths above, if only for a night.


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I forgot a few:

I'm ugly because I have to try really hard to refrain from telling people their flaws.

I'm ugly because I have absolutely no tolerance or understanding of arrogance.

I'm ugly because it takes a whole hell of a lot to get me to trust others.

I'm ugly because I'm really emotionally needy sometimes and I can't accept that I'm an emotional being.

I'm ugly because of some of the choices I made in my past.

I'm ugly because I miss the feeling of being drunk.

I'm ugly because I hate my body so much there are days I'd rather be dead, and instead I should be happy that I even have a body and a life.

I'm ugly because the older I get, the more I look down on others.

I'm ugly because I don't think I'll ever be able to stop this destructive thing even when I meet my goal.

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