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Marilyn Manson

the eternal

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Marilyn Manson* is coming!

*AKA Bean Water's old avatar

I've been told he's more than just a sexy mugshot.



Marilyn MansonThe Fillmore Detroit , Detroit, MI Mon, Feb 4, 2008 06:30 PM Look For Marilyn Manson Tickets Additional Information: MAINFLOOR GENERAL ADMISSION STANDING ROOM ONLY. MEZZANINE RESERVED SEATING. BALCONY GENERAL ADMISSION SEATING.

Note: Tickets may not be available in all price levels and sections.


We have some good seats in the mezzanine.

I need as many of you to go as possible.

Then, you can ALL help me understand what's so great about him.

I'm purposefully avoiding his albums until then, so I don't spoil my excitement by actually listening his music.


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It was kind of funny, he was bitching about it while telling me about it, and I told him he didn't have to do it, because I know how much he hates him..lol

But, I'm doing stuff this weekend that I'm a little apprehensive about, because he wants to do them, so...it's a trade off :)

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Well, you're going for a good cause; putting a smile on Bean's face.

But I have to ask,

how would you feel,

if someone felt the same way(as you do about Marilyn Manson),

about Your favorite music artist(if you have a favorite)?

i don't neccesarily hate MM, just the thread as a whole i found humorous. MM just doesn't seem to have the hype he once did. Nothing lasts forever though, soon all the new big ones like Skinny Puppy and what not will be lame and replaced by the next hot spot band.

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It was kind of funny, he was bitching about it while telling me about it, and I told him he didn't have to do it, because I know how much he hates him..lol

But, I'm doing stuff this weekend that I'm a little apprehensive about, because he wants to do them, so...it's a trade off :)

Well that's cool!

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I think it's very nice of Eternal to go with Bean, even though MM is not his cup of tea.

I had a similar quandry back in the summer, if ya'll recall, when Jon won tickets to a country artist's concert and I couldn't think of anything I'd want to do less for 2 hours. Luckily, it turned out the tickets were decently valuable, and Jon preferred the cash to the tickets so we sold them - problem solved. :D

MM? Well, I saw him at St. Andrew's Hall around 1994, and I was bored to tears. He had light brights that said "Kill God," he jacked off his cock from between his legs and around the back, which though proportionately impressive, I found stupid and ridiculous. I ended up letting my friend stay and watch the show while I went to the back and read a newspaper and took a nap.

Going to a concert for the sake of accompanying someone else is, to me, one of the strongest tests of a relationship. I know it sounds trite, but I think Eternal knows where I'm coming from. Kudos, dude.

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I'm excited - you can all kiss my Manson loving ass! :)

I'm excited!

I tease her but, in the end, it will be really nice.

Thanks Critter for the Kudos.

The backstory is that I first became interested in Bean when Her avatar was Manson, and I thought, I love her writing, Butttt, she has Manson for an avatar.

Do I really want to date someone who loves Marilyn Manson????

I took a chance on her, and never turned back.

It will be great to see how happy she'll be there.

I HOPE A TON OF YOU GUYS COME--and you can wish her happy birthday too!!

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i don't neccesarily hate MM, just the thread as a whole i found humorous. MM just doesn't seem to have the hype he once did. Nothing lasts forever though, soon all the new big ones like Skinny Puppy and what not will be lame and replaced by the next hot spot band.


*plink* :blink:

Skinny Puppy has been around for maybe 25ish years....how is that new?

On top of that, they're probably more heard of now than ever before and actually have recently been getting their shit on the radio without actually really selling out. Before they mostly had a massive underground movement, but IN the underground scene for their genre of music they were generally the top band, and are constantly changing without being bought out by any huge label.

I don't see them disappearing until Ogre dies or just gets too damn old :laugh: He's already 45 so he's getting up there.

SORRY...bout the thread jack. Just had to inform and educate.

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i don't neccesarily hate MM, just the thread as a whole i found humorous. MM just doesn't seem to have the hype he once did. Nothing lasts forever though, soon all the new big ones like Skinny Puppy and what not will be lame and replaced by the next hot spot band.


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