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Book Club Suggestions..

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Hey anyone want to pick a book, read it and start a discussion? I've always wanted to go to Boarders and go to one of those book discussion places, but I'm kinda shy to do it in person, but I'm comfortable enough with all of you that I think this could be fun, and I know that you all like to read a lot. I think to start this thing off right, would be maybe we all list some books that we have either read, or want to read, and we can pick one.. If some of us haven't read it, we can start reading it, and if some of us have, we can discuss stuff about it, what was meant by something, what you liked about it.

I'm not home at the moment, so some of the books that I would recommend I don't have a finger on. I'll post if people seem at least a little interested. OR you can just list your books on here for me, and I'll just go read them. I need a new reading list.

Any type of book is good. :)

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Crooked Little Vein--Warren Ellis

This book will make your brain explode.



O0o0o I need brain explosage! (if that's a word) I'll go buy it this weekend.

I'd definitely be down for this. We might have to set "rules" up to account for peoples free time reading, so people are on the same page, so to speak. *groan* :hrhr:

Cool!! even if it's just us Burrich, I think we could get some good discussion.. I think that first we need to agree on a book. I also think that we should spin a topic off on this, and we can maybe keep the books separate. Say a month to read a book? would that be enough time? or is that too much of a deadline? hehe.. I don't want to spoil anything for you.

Stranger in a Strange Land.

I think everyone needs to read it.

I've read this, It was a very VERY long time ago (well long time in my mind anyway).. I may have to revisit.. :)

I'm weird.. I used to be HUGELY into reading, then i went off to college and couldn't pick a major, so i took literature classes, philosophy classes and my major was history (no doubt my emphasis was on world religions)..and i had about 21 credit hours, and worked 27 hours a week, i was reading a novel a night, and kinda got burned out on it, but I'm starting to get back into the swing of things again. :)

I know Troy will tell me if I'm reading too many things at once, I'll have a hard time keeping things separate, but I used to do this when I was a kid, read five books at a time, to see if my brain could keep things separate. To me it was like a soap opera in my head. I didn't have too much trouble with it, but *shrugs* i'm older now, and I have way too much on my mind as of late, but I like to push myself. I admit sometimes I overdue it, but whatever I think this could be fun :)

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I would say I average about a book a week or so. If I’m really into it, I can usually do it in a few days, and once in a while, if I get busy it will take me just over two weeks. I am currently reading Kushiels Chosen by Jacqueline Carey, and I suspect I will be done with it by New Years. I've read of a lot of your posts and some of your quotes on here Huhhee, I think we have fairly similar taste in books so I would be down for just about anything. I've never read any Neil Gaiman, and he's been mentioned on here several times, so he's on my list. I also haven’t read Stranger in a Strange land since high school, and could be up for that. I've always been fascinated by books that start sociological revolutions, like some credit this one as having done, and throw some sci-fi into that mix can only make it better. Also, I don't think I've ever read any L. Ron Hubbard, and considering the form you're overseeing, maybe picking one of his could be appropriate. Or we can just do something fluffier and try to seek out meaning in it. I will see if I can come up with some other ideas.

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I would say I average about a book a week or so. If I’m really into it, I can usually do it in a few days, and once in a while, if I get busy it will take me just over two weeks. I am currently reading Kushiels Chosen by Jacqueline Carey, and I suspect I will be done with it by New Years. I've read of a lot of your posts and some of your quotes on here Huhhee, I think we have fairly similar taste in books so I would be down for just about anything. I've never read any Neil Gaiman, and he's been mentioned on here several times, so he's on my list. I also haven’t read Stranger in a Strange land since high school, and could be up for that. I've always been fascinated by books that start sociological revolutions, like some credit this one as having done, and throw some sci-fi into that mix can only make it better. Also, I don't think I've ever read any L. Ron Hubbard, and considering the form you're overseeing, maybe picking one of his could be appropriate. Or we can just do something fluffier and try to seek out meaning in it. I will see if I can come up with some other ideas.

Haha.. Dianetics anyone? This would be a really good one for my other topic.. :)

BUT: I think I can probably pick up Kushiels Chosen.. That should be our first book. I will buy it tomorrow night, and we can discuss timeframe.

How's that? Since you've already started, hopefully you'll give me a grace period, in order to catch up. :) How far along are you?

What do you think Munin? since you seem to have an interest...

And Gaf, I didn't know if your comment stated interest or not.

Once we start, I'm going to string another thread into this, so that we don't get things confused.

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I am a little over halfway thru Kushiels Chosen. Just an FYI though, It is the second book in a series. And there are over 115 characters listed in the appendix. Since it is a book about court intrigue, sometimes it is difficult to keep them all straight. It is funny you suggested reading this because when I was in college, I was forced to read David Gutersons "Snow Falling on Cedars," and discuss it. There were 75 characters in that one all interrelated and you had to deduce who was whose aunt and who married their first cousin and which daughter fucked their uncle. I had to create a fricking chart so I could follow what was going on and be able to talk about it. Anyway, when I picked up Kushiels Dart, the first book in the series, it reminded me of my college experience and I was glad I didn't have to discuss it or get tested on it. LOL! Maybe we should pick something a little easier to keep straight. Something we don't have to draw nobility charts to follow what other people are talking about. Then again, the Heroine in the book is a Sado-masochistic prostitute/spy for the nobility of the land, so it would make a good DGN book.

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I've always been interested in this sort of thing in theory.

But technically, it doesn't work out for me. I tend to go through genre cycles, and I'm not real down with switching out of a presently favored subject for something else. For instance, I just finished every book in any series dealing with mysteries that take place with Michigan woodland employees as the chief protagonists. I'm pissed off because I went through every book there was at a rate of one every couple days over the past year, and now there's nothing left. So I picked up the Margaret Cho book I've been pushing aside on the shelf for a few years now and am almost finished, and totally not sure where I'm going next.

Come ON authors! Write FASTER!!!

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I think you'd have to get people to agree to be part of the "DGN book club" and read whatever book was decided upon and buy into the idea ahead of time. If its only "well read it if you feel like it.. maybe.. possibly.. ok.. kinda?" wouldnt work so well since people post that stuff normally.

Definitely couldn't be a whole SERIES of books as that would really irritate the random person that was going along for the ride , but decided they didn't like the series.. having to read multiple books in the same series, that you don't like? Ugh.

Along the lines of what critter was saying I'd have a hard time just dropping what I'm working on now and switch to "the dgn book"

And um.. didn't it take like 4 months or something for someone i know to finish a harry potter book they WANTED to finish? Finishing a "well the group sorta pushed this one on me book?" how long would that take? :starwars:

Its a good idea, but how to actually implement it so its not just a random "hey read this book' type thing that gets posted regularly anyway, I'm unsure.

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Well Hunhee, I would still be in it for the long haul. Maybe we should start with a Douglass Adams book, as I have noticed he has one or two fans around here. (42!!!) Lol. I've always thought a little Dirk Gently's sleuthing would make for a good book discussion, and the philosophical discussions that could come from the theory of holism behind it...

*tries vainly to flap wings on another continent*

*realizing both a lack of wings and proximity to another continent, throws a rock into a garage door instead*

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I think you'd have to get people to agree to be part of the "DGN book club" and read whatever book was decided upon and buy into the idea ahead of time. If its only "well read it if you feel like it.. maybe.. possibly.. ok.. kinda?" wouldnt work so well since people post that stuff normally.

Definitely couldn't be a whole SERIES of books as that would really irritate the random person that was going along for the ride , but decided they didn't like the series.. having to read multiple books in the same series, that you don't like? Ugh.

Along the lines of what critter was saying I'd have a hard time just dropping what I'm working on now and switch to "the dgn book"

And um.. didn't it take like 4 months or something for someone i know to finish a harry potter book they WANTED to finish? Finishing a "well the group sorta pushed this one on me book?" how long would that take? :starwars:

Its a good idea, but how to actually implement it so its not just a random "hey read this book' type thing that gets posted regularly anyway, I'm unsure.

HEY!!! (about the Harry Potter thing) I was focusing on other stuff because SOMEONE gives me my opinions and I no longer have my own and none of this independent thinking BS.. Sound familiar?

o0o0 DGN Book Club.. hmm.. that's not a bad idea. I'm gonna get a list of books together, people can add and subtract, and add to if they want. Keep a schedule for the books, and I'll discuss even if no one else wants to discuss with me

Thanks Troy.. for giving me my opinion again ;)

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  • 1 month later...

Well Hunhee, I would still be in it for the long haul. Maybe we should start with a Douglass Adams book, as I have noticed he has one or two fans around here. (42!!!) Lol. I've always thought a little Dirk Gently's sleuthing would make for a good book discussion, and the philosophical discussions that could come from the theory of holism behind it...

*tries vainly to flap wings on another continent*

*realizing both a lack of wings and proximity to another continent, throws a rock into a garage door instead*

Psst, I know this is late starting, and we discussed this a couple weekends ago at CC, but I'm ready to start "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency" starting today. I am going to read two chapters a day. We can discuss if you like :)

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Anyone who wants to know how great they could be if they put their mind to work should read Hamlet. Anyone who wants to know the other road should read "Crime and Punishment".

People with crushes should read "The Sorrows of Young Werther".

Married people should read "Anna Karenina".

Just my suggestions.

Unfortunately I've read most of the classics.. :( I wanted something new, I hadn't had a chance to read yet.

Thanks for the suggestions. All good choices by the way. :)

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