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Names - Online and otherwise

Fierce Critter

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Inspired by some posts in another thread regarding the handling of DGN names vs. real names and similar subjects...

I'm one of those who prefers anonymity on the web. If I hadn't slipped so much early in my DGN life, I'd have kept my husband's name private, too. But he doesn't post here anymore, so it doesn't matter as much.

In person, I'm happy to share my real name. But I've actually come to like being called "Critter" quite a bit. I'm using it more and more in various context. So once we're back in Michigan, if I meet you at CC, you can refer to me either way.Wink.gif

The subject of shortening of names came up, too. Daniel, our former Obsequious, says, when asked if it's better to refer to him as "Daniel" or "Dan" says,

Daniel. I let people slide on "Dan", but move to physical assault over "Danny".

I'm always kind of amazed at how many people automatically assume it is ok to just shorten my name to "Dan". I guess it is cool to do this to some people, but not others. I'd imagine a lot of people don't just call [Troy] "Tro". But, Daniel is ok to shorten automatically. Not that it really bugs me, but I am curious to know how these things are decided by people so spontaniously.

I feel the same way. I don't like my real name being shortened in ANY way.


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Geee.... I wonder what I prefer.... In fact I hate it when people refer to me as nodrew or introduce me as nodrew. My name is fucking Drew, not Andrew, not Andy, not nodrew, not Belinda or Carlile. Good God!! I only have nodrew as a screen name because it is A) always available, unlike Drew and B) very similar to Drew. If I didn't want to be called Drew, I wouldn't sign it at the bottom of every post since the day I started on DG.n

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My real name is Leslie... My various online and otherwise names all have stories.. ask me sometime

What I really hate is being called "Les" or (by my grandma which is the only reason I don't throttle her) "Lessie".

I always use a full name unless asked to call someone otherwise.

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Drew brings up a good point to make.

It's gonna be hard for me upon return to Michigan to know who's who by their offline names. Right now, when I talk to people on the phone or otherwise off the board, if they refer to any board members by their real names, I'm totally lost.

Nienna, I'd like to hear the story behind that one.

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I've been called Scary Guy for years now. Started on the bus back in high school when a bunch of girls called me that. They were scary too though and it was meant in a nice way. I of course liked one of them and figured I'd adopt it as my new nickname (since I was searching for one anyhow). Nickname pretty much equals my online name and that eventually became my DJ name as well.

I hate being called Scary, Guy, Dave, and Davie. It's Scary Guy or David, no inbetweens.

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The name "Phee" comes from the orgins of my childhood. I have an older brother that called me that when I was a baby....and therefore my parents called me that, and so my friends.... and since my brother and I generally went to the same schools... his friends.... I barely ever think to respond to my "God given" name any more.

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My real name is Lori. Not Laurie, Loreli, Lauren, Lorry (although pronounced the same) or any other derivitive. My name on my birth certificate is actually Lori <middle name><last name>. But you'd be suprised at how many people can butcher "Lori". Had a teacher in school who ALWAYS called someone by their "real" name and since Lori is technically a derivative, she called me Lauren. If your "given" name was Danny, for example, she WOULD ALWAYS call you Daniel, or "Drew" would be Andrew. No ifs, ands or buts.

I don't mind being called by my name; I know enough people offboard that don't know my board name to keep it in good use. But most people from the board call me Gin or Ginny so they can corelate who they're speaking to, which is fine, and in some ways, I actually prefer it.

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in some ways, I actually prefer it.

When that oh-so inevitable return to Michigan happens for me, it's going to be REALLY tough to not piss people off when I meet them.

I'm already REALLY bad with names. Having to keep straight who goes by their real name and who goes by a DGN alias is gonna be hard.

Maybe it'll be easier once I see people face-to-face on a regular basis.

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When that oh-so inevitable return to Michigan happens for me, it's going to be REALLY tough to not piss people off when I meet them.

I'm already REALLY bad with names. Having to keep straight who goes by their real name and who goes by a DGN alias is gonna be hard.

Maybe it'll be easier once I see people face-to-face on a regular basis.


This is one of my worst problems. I find I crave being social more lately, but I just can not keep names straight! It really bothers me, but I refuse to let it keep me from trying :)

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As far as I'm concerned, my name is Shade Everdark. It suits me better than the name I was given when I was born, even if it sounds a little cheesy to some ears.

Knowing this, why some of my friends still choose to call me Chris or Christopher (my legal name) is beyond me (that means you, Drew! :tongue: ).

And for those of you in the world who have called me anything else, Chrissy, Kissyfur, etc., a long, languorous, painful death awaits you.

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I SO love unusual names. My own real name isn't super mainstream, and is actually kinda searchable - so I really don't like to type it all over the 'net. There are some people out there I just don't want finding me, if I can help it (in particular, a certain, stalking & threatening drug-running pathological liar, just for starters). Not to mention I prefer some anonymity when sharing things I can deal with friends & acquaintances knowing, but don't want family to have to deal with (paganism, etc.)

Far as I'm concerned, you're Shade, Luthien, David, etc - and please don't get mad if you have to remind me... :wink :

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You can call me Gothicmom, Gothymom or Michelle. I rarly hear Shelly any more. I did that when I was in grade school. I changed schools in the middle of 10th grade and decide to stick with Michelle-you know, it's more grown up!

The only people who call me Shelly are people I've known my whole life and Bishop, aka Daniel-not the one on this board :smiling:

I tend to tell my on line acquaintances my real name after I've talked tp them for a while and comfortable with them.

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IRL: Christopher John Williams

here. been called everything from chris to wreckie

with my friends its crazy-chris

Robyn refers to me by chris the pacafist or Amie

work its chris to sheephead (difficult to controll blonde mop of hair, makes a change from goldielocks)

coms handle is Myrddraal

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My real name is Tina, short for Kristina. To all the people that ask where I would get Tina from Kristina...I do believe that you should go back to school and stay there for a really long time.

I don't mind being called Marblez offline. If I did, I would use some derivitive of Tina in my online name. please don't take offense to me calling you by your online name, I am horrible with names - just prompt me with your real name again and I will use that.

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hehe... kissyfur.... lol

I don't mind being called mallochai, miss mallochai, annie, or miss anna, as some people call me. My name is Anna. Pretty simple.

My brothers call me Annie, which I prefer from them. My youngest brother went through a phase of calling me Anna, and I told him it just didn't sound right coming from him and he HAD TO STOP!!!! I also have some Latvian friends who use their pronunciation of my name and say it ah-nuh. That's fine too. Just don't call me Ann, it's a completely different name.

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My real name is boring old Nick but my parents got the smart idea to butcher the spelling to Nicklas, rather then the traditional Nicholas so every little piece of ID I have gotten has been wrong since birth. Errrr..... I go by what ever offline, just get my attention. If i had my choice, I’d go by Marius but hey you, asshole, and a host of other expletives work just fine.


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