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Names - Online and otherwise

Fierce Critter

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My real name is Marco. My family calls me Marc only calling me Marco when I'm trouble. I prefer Marco because it sets me apart from the almost generic sounding Marc. Sure I get the "MARCO...POLO" jokes often but I've gotten over it, sometimes even making it myself (It does throw someone for a loop when they call my Name and I respond "POLO" ) .

It's when people butcher my last name that I get upset. PETRASZCZUK, I know it's hard to pronounce but if you have a hard time it's ok to ask. BTW it's pronounced PET-RAS-CHUCK... it's not my fault the immigration folk had some extra z's to use up when my Great-Grandfather came over here 50 years ago :)

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I'll be all easyish and tell ya in advance my first name is Brandy, but I'll settle for Bran, Brandywine, Oat-bran (yep one of my friends calls me that), hey you, dude, chick..... you get the idea. I suck with names, but mine has the coolest mental association... ALCOHOL!!!! Damn, rambling again.

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i'm melissa and i have some nicknames from that. and some not from that.

people online usually call me dyno (when i use dynomiiiiite of course) and i really don't like it at all. but i know they only do it cuz it is easier than typing all those i's. ;) but yeah i'd prefer to have a different nickname than dyno.

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DK - I might be one of the few who got the pronounciation of your name right. But my maiden name is Polish, and 11 letters. So I'm used to that sort of thing.

I thought a new last name would be a grand thing - considering what a pain it could be to correct people on the pronouciation of my maiden name. But turns out, people mispronounce my married name just about as much. What pains me is, it's an animal word most people learn in freakin' kindergarten, yet people seem to never have heard it before.

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people screw up my name all the time. i have a hypenated last name maiden-married. everyone says my maiden name wrong, spells it wrong, or just forgets to use it at all and just uses my married name. i HATE that. my married name IS not my name. my name is maiden-married. ;) get it right people!!

what pisses me off even more is that it is my HUSBAND'S family who won't acknowledge that i kept my last name. they all KNOW i did, and years and years later they still won't refer to me (in letters, emails, in general speaking where a last name is used) as that. my kids have it as their name too and always have so that is what irks me even more. my kids were never "so and so married name". they are "so and so maiden-married name" ;) to me it is disrespectful and i think they do it on purpose. especially since i have repeatedly pointed it out and they still do it.

we just recently got an invite somewhere and they actually put all our names on there and then married name-maiden name. so they sort of got it right for once. sort of. just put them in reverse order.

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It was a little hard for me to change my name when I got married. There is a LOT of pride there, in my family name. It was just too long to hypenate maiden-married. But I did drop my middle name altogether, and considered making an abbreviated version of my maiden name a new middle name. But the most you can do without having to go through the legal system is drop your middle name - you can't add one. So I didn't bother - I just don't have a legal middle name anymore.

My husband has often talked about wanting to change his/our last name. His mother changed back to her maiden name after divorcing Jon's father. And Jon, from age 6 to last year, had no contact with his namesake father and wished to eliminate as many ties to him as he could. He's so taken with my family now, he said the other day he would seriously consider us changing our last name legally to either my maiden name or a derivative of it.

I'm not opposed to that idea. But he has to think longer & harder about it. He re-established ties with his birthfather briefly last year. But what seemed like a happy reunion in the making kinda fell by the wayside of seeming disinterest on both parties, whereas my family can't wait to see us living near them again. If changing our name to be theirs or a form of theirs makes him happy, I won't have a problem with it.

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My real name is Tina, short for Kristina. To all the people that ask where I would get Tina from Kristina...I do believe that you should  go back to school and stay there for a really long time.

I don't mind being called Marblez offline. If I did, I would use some derivitive of Tina in my online name.  please don't take offense to me calling you by your online name, I am horrible with names - just prompt me with your real name again and I will use that.


I have a friend Named john Birch, but i'm so used to refering him to other people for contact that i began calling him by his online nick and coms nic of Twitch (he looks a lot like the comic charecter from the comic sam and twitch)

i forget my real name at times, and dont mind if people call me wreck offline. its easier when were out on a night out, becauise usually were all named chris.

as to comms. my name tag on my tunic says Myrddraal, i'm used to people off the field calling me that

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I like Lulu. I like the whole mystique you've built around the whole Louise Brooks/flapper/gun moll thing with the bobbed haircut, quotes and all.

Someday, I'd be interested to hear how you came to be into all that.


My mother just reminded me that we're blood relatives to Bonnie Parker (Bonnie and Clyde). The badassness is hereditary!

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I have many names. I go by many of them. My given name is Mikki Lynn (yeah kinda scarey). But that is on my birth certificate. I'm called LadyWindstone, Mikki, Myklyn, Mik, Mikki Mouse, Mik Mik. You name it. i've even had the stupid cheerleading song sung to me so many times that I want to kill the girl who wrote it. I also answer to Hey you, Hey girl, Hey woman (thanks to my friend Captain Caveman), Hey lady, Ma'am (only at work and from little kids who don't know better), miss, Miss Mikki, and others that have been yelled through public places. :cool :

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