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Dgn Dreams


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Now that we've all gotten to know each other (some of us anyway) and a good amount of us know each other in real life, how many of us show up in dreams out of curiosity? I've actually had some of you I've never met in person in dreams, actually the only instance of that was Farril and she was with DBK in a dream I had awhile back (like hanging out with him, not with with him :laugh:) The last one I had was really really weird, happened last night:

I had a dream that I threw a DGN party and the sad part was the only person to show up was Hunhee and her boyfriend (yes you had a boyfriend, and if you were wondering he was fairly attractive) I felt so horrible because the entire dream was me running around and trying to find stuff for the party that had already started, alcohol, food etc, and then the other part was me madly just trying to make sure Hunhee and her guest weren't bored out of their minds. They insisted they were fine, and I said they could leave if they wanted and I wouldn't be hurt and would understand, but she wanted to wait and see if other DGNers showed up.

Then...the worst thing happens at a "party"...the tornado siren goes off. So I ask Hunhee for help grabbing stuff as we all head to the basement, of course she was helpful grabbed the rat cage and was able to help me tackle down Gitzie. For some reason my mom's cat was at my house too, and he's OLLLLD as dirt, so it took both of us to carry him.

Well...of course the tornado came and went without even touching the house, the lights went out but it gave us an opportunity to all get drunk in the basement and it ended up being not such a suck ass time after all (even though the rest of you bailed on me! :rant::tongue:). For the record we played Hungry Hungry Hippos and Candy Land, I mean come on there was no electricity and it was the only thing in the basement (oddly, because I don't have Hungry Hungry Hippos in real life). After the storm passed all four of us went to survey the damage and have a cigarette out on the balcony (yes, I had a balcony, and from what I could see since every dream I have takes place in the city of Detroit, I'd say it's a safe bet to assume this apartment was in the same place :laugh:).

This was kind of the weird eerie part, we walked outside and it was winter....

No snow, but pretty fucking brisk, but it was amazing because all of the clouds in the sky were swirling around and moving RAPIDLY (think of that one board on Mortal Kombat II with the hooded guys and the clouds are going by really fast in the background) and there was a faint glow in the sky behind it. I gasped because it was so breathtaking and just as I did Hunhee said "Wow....SO pretty" and then I woke up.

Anyone else ever have cameos from other DGNers in their crazy fucking dreams they'd like to share? By crazy I mean non-dirty too, I mean we don't want anyone getting weirded out :laugh: Go on and share pleeeease, I wanna know what kind of crazy shit I've done running through your head while you were sleeping (or anyone else obviously)

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Now that we've all gotten to know each other (some of us anyway) and a good amount of us know each other in real life, how many of us show up in dreams out of curiosity? I've actually had some of you I've never met in person in dreams, actually the only instance of that was Farril and she was with DBK in a dream I had awhile back (like hanging out with him, not with with him :laugh:) The last one I had was really really weird, happened last night:

I had a dream that I threw a DGN party and the sad part was the only person to show up was Hunhee and her boyfriend (yes you had a boyfriend, and if you were wondering he was fairly attractive) I felt so horrible because the entire dream was me running around and trying to find stuff for the party that had already started, alcohol, food etc, and then the other part was me madly just trying to make sure Hunhee and her guest weren't bored out of their minds. They insisted they were fine, and I said they could leave if they wanted and I wouldn't be hurt and would understand, but she wanted to wait and see if other DGNers showed up.

Then...the worst thing happens at a "party"...the tornado siren goes off. So I ask Hunhee for help grabbing stuff as we all head to the basement, of course she was helpful grabbed the rat cage and was able to help me tackle down Gitzie. For some reason my mom's cat was at my house too, and he's OLLLLD as dirt, so it took both of us to carry him.

Well...of course the tornado came and went without even touching the house, the lights went out but it gave us an opportunity to all get drunk in the basement and it ended up being not such a suck ass time after all (even though the rest of you bailed on me! :rant::tongue:). For the record we played Hungry Hungry Hippos and Candy Land, I mean come on there was no electricity and it was the only thing in the basement (oddly, because I don't have Hungry Hungry Hippos in real life) After the storm passed all four of us went to survey the damage and have a cigarette out on the balcony (yes, I had a balcony, and from what I could see since every dream I have takes place in the city of Detroit, I'd say it's a safe bet to assume this apartment was in the same place :laugh:).

This was kind of the weird eerie part, we walked outside and it was winter....

No snow, but pretty fucking brisk, but it was amazing because all of the clouds in the sky were swirling around and moving RAPIDLY (think of that one board on Mortal Kombat II with the hooded guys and the clouds are going by really fast in the background) and there was a faint glow in the sky behind it. I gasped because it was so breathtaking and just as I did Hunhee said "Wow....SO pretty" and then I woke up.

Anyone else ever have cameos from other DGNers in their crazy fucking dreams they'd like to share? By crazy I mean non-dirty too, I mean we don't want anyone getting weirded out :laugh: Go on and share pleeeease, I wanna know what kind of crazy shit I've done running through your head while you were sleeping (or anyone else obviously)


Welllllllllllll, I can say this has never happened to me. But to make you feel better, I don't remember my dreams. I rarely remember my dreams, and IF I do, they end up being nightmares (not that I'm complaining, I LOVE nightmares).

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Welllllllllllll, I can say this has never happened to me. But to make you feel better, I don't remember my dreams. I rarely remember my dreams, and IF I do, they end up being nightmares (not that I'm complaining, I LOVE nightmares).

Oh it happens to me all the time, every dream I have would be considered nightmarish and dark but since that's my thing I don't mind. When I was a kid it would scare the fuck out of me. I usually have a weird rotation of people in my dreams, people sometimes I haven't even seen in years. Every night though that I'm not under the influence I dream about something, usually insane, intense, and eerie, but I dream about something none the less :laugh: If I get drunk before I go to sleep though then I usually don't remember.

:laugh: Like I said in the first post, you were even in a dream I had once I think sometime last year. For me almost everyone I know makes some sorta cameo at least once.

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Non dirty eh? I can't share mine then.

:laugh: Awww.

Surprisingly I don't ever have dirty ones about DGN peoples (not that I can think of anyway) but do about others. Like even before dating Raven I can't think of any nasty dreams involving any of you that I've had, not to say y'all aren't hott or anything.

But then again, I have a dirty dream like once a year, it's a vacation from my usual nightly running-miles-before-getting-shot dream program.

Also....this is weird, but I've had many other people tell me the same thing: I can FEEL everything in my dreams, which adds a bit of fear. For instance I had a dream once where I went to see Skinny Puppy at St. Andrew's Hall and I got shot in the leg by a crack head. But the downfall of this...? It REALLY FELT like I got shot in the leg by a crack head. I've never actually been shot, but I could only imagine since it was one of (yes these things happen regularly when I sleep) the worst thing I ever felt in a dream :laugh: Usually it's me running for miles from something, which sucks almost as much as getting shot.

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Also....this is weird, but I've had many other people tell me the same thing: I can FEEL everything in my dreams, which adds a bit of fear. For instance I had a dream once where I went to see Skinny Puppy at St. Andrew's Hall and I got shot in the leg by a crack head. But the downfall of this...? It REALLY FELT like I got shot in the leg by a crack head. I've never actually been shot, but I could only imagine since it was one of (yes these things happen regularly when I sleep) the worst thing I ever felt in a dream :laugh: Usually it's me running for miles from something, which sucks almost as much as getting shot.

Ever have those dreams where you wake up sobbing? I have these dreams where I wake up crying and I all I can remember about the dream is something horrible happening to someone I care about. THOSE are my "nightmares".

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See that people?!? I'm helpful! *Shakes angry fist* and i have a hot boyfriend .. w00t!!!

I honestly don't have too many dreams that I can remember. I've had some umm.. "good" ones I ain't sharing.. about a particular DGN'er.. but I honestly don't remember too many of my dreams, and they're usually disjointed, they make absolutely no sense, and messed up.

I tend to have dreams about people I don't know.

Ever have lucid dreams, where you can control things that happen to you? I've had some of those...

Do you guys dream in colour or black and white?

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See that people?!? I'm helpful! *Shakes angry fist* and i have a hot boyfriend .. w00t!!!

I honestly don't have too many dreams that I can remember. I've had some umm.. "good" ones I ain't sharing.. about a particular DGN'er.. but I honestly don't remember too many of my dreams, and they're usually disjointed, they make absolutely no sense, and messed up.

I tend to have dreams about people I don't know.

Ever have lucid dreams, where you can control things that happen to you? I've had some of those...

Do you guys dream in colour or black and white?

That's so funny, see Raven and our friend Rob are dreamers where they CAN control their surroundings, they can fly, they can move stuff with their minds, etc.

They try to teach me all these "techniques" to make yourself be able to do this in dreams, but I tell them: My dreams are so real it's like someone picked me up and PLOPPED me down, just as I am (occasionally with sassier outfits) where ever they decide to plop me down at.

USUALLY this place is what normal people consider horrific (this is the weird part because there's an actual city where all of the dreams I've ever had actually take place, it's almost like Detroit, almost the same layout, but believe it or not, more nightmarish). The color thing though, I guess in a way it's black and white, the sky is always grey and most of outside is black and white, the buildings usually being a black or dark shade, but there are bits of color, the people are always colored normally (like, normal in my view, like gothy normal) but there's always a lot of red. Tons of shades of red, usually burgundy colors though, sorta splashed all over everything in odd and random spots.

So....I will slink back and lurk around the board now that you all probably think I'm some psycho. :laugh: My dreams are so crazy I saw the movie the Cell and was like...."yeah.....so? What's the big deal?"

Like I said when I was a kid I wouldn't even sleep at night it was so bad, but now it's actually entertainment. I mean, nothing like a free dark and twisted movie that's starring you that you also kinda wrote all your own, right?

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