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Dgn Dreams


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That's so funny, see Raven and our friend Rob are dreamers where they CAN control their surroundings, they can fly, they can move stuff with their minds, etc.

They try to teach me all these "techniques" to make yourself be able to do this in dreams, but I tell them: My dreams are so real it's like someone picked me up and PLOPPED me down, just as I am (occasionally with sassier outfits) where ever they decide to plop me down at.

USUALLY this place is what normal people consider horrific (this is the weird part because there's an actual city where all of the dreams I've ever had actually take place, it's almost like Detroit, almost the same layout, but believe it or not, more nightmarish). The color thing though, I guess in a way it's black and white, the sky is always grey and most of outside is black and white, the buildings usually being a black or dark shade, but there are bits of color, the people are always colored normally (like, normal in my view, like gothy normal) but there's always a lot of red. Tons of shades of red, usually burgundy colors though, sorta splashed all over everything in odd and random spots.

So....I will slink back and lurk around the board now that you all probably think I'm some psycho. :laugh: My dreams are so crazy I saw the movie the Cell and was like...."yeah.....so? What's the big deal?"

Like I said when I was a kid I wouldn't even sleep at night it was so bad, but now it's actually entertainment. I mean, nothing like a free dark and twisted movie that's starring you that you also kinda wrote all your own, right?

Hmm.. it's weird.. I sometimes dream in colour and never understood what it all meant.

I went to a psychic once and they told me that I am half psychic (which I never understood, it's like being half a person *shrugs*) anyway, he said the only form of release I have of my psychic abilities, are my dreams. To me this is kinda scary, because if you ever saw my dreams, they're like my thoughts a whole lotta garbled mess.. and not a whole lot of it makes sense except to me.

But what I'm getting at is, he told me to pay particular attention to my dreams in colour.

I also have this habit of forgetting my dream as soon as I wake up. I did make mention to someone before that I should keep a dream log. I'm going to do this, and maybe post some of them sometimes..

In some of my dreams people take on different shapes. Like metamorphasize into different creatures, and I KNOW who they are, but they totally don't look like that.

Yes, I can fly in my dreams, but it's like the All American Hero (Maybe before your time Cher, but I'm sure some of you oldie scoldies know what I'm talking about). For those of you who don't, he's been given a gift suit, and instructions on how to be a super hero, but he lost the instructions and so he doesn't know how to fly very well, and he sorta fumbles around. That's me in my dreams a fumbling super hero (well when it comes to flying anyway).

The rest of the time, I see myself, but it's not what I look like, it's who I sorta percieve me to be. I see myself walking around too like third person, I don't see outta my eyes, I see me from the back. It's odd..

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Hmm.. it's weird.. I sometimes dream in colour and never understood what it all meant.

I went to a psychic once and they told me that I am half psychic (which I never understood, it's like being half a person *shrugs*) anyway, he said the only form of release I have of my psychic abilities, are my dreams. To me this is kinda scary, because if you ever saw my dreams, they're like my thoughts a whole lotta garbled mess.. and not a whole lot of it makes sense except to me.

But what I'm getting at is, he told me to pay particular attention to my dreams in colour.

I also have this habit of forgetting my dream as soon as I wake up. I did make mention to someone before that I should keep a dream log. I'm going to do this, and maybe post some of them sometimes..

In some of my dreams people take on different shapes. Like metamorphasize into different creatures, and I KNOW who they are, but they totally don't look like that.

Yes, I can fly in my dreams, but it's like the All American Hero (Maybe before your time Cher, but I'm sure some of you oldie scoldies know what I'm talking about). For those of you who don't, he's been given a gift suit, and instructions on how to be a super hero, but he lost the instructions and so he doesn't know how to fly very well, and he sorta fumbles around. That's me in my dreams a fumbling super hero (well when it comes to flying anyway).

The rest of the time, I see myself, but it's not what I look like, it's who I sorta percieve me to be. I see myself walking around too like third person, I don't see outta my eyes, I see me from the back. It's odd..

Weeeeird. The only way I could describe how I dream would be Matrix like, I literally go into an entirely different world where everything looks Hollywood vivid. I can't fly or have super powers, I have noticed though that I can fight fairly well and run a few miles longer (and faster) than in real life. I'm also more built, less chubby, and way hotter :laugh: I even have a permanent boyfriend over "there", but I'm not sure if he died somehow because the last few times I dreamt and was there he wasn't.

Like I said, it's weird how I dream because it always picks up where I left off in the same "city" and people will always be like "Where've you been? I haven't seen you since such and such" which would have been something that happened in the last dream.

There's also three divisions in the dream city, the citizens, the dead zone, and then downtown. Downtown (this is getting weird, but bare with me, I seriously dream like this) is someplace that myself or the citizens aren't supposed to go. We'll be attacked by guards immediately if we enter, there is a huge skyscraper that you can't even see the top of in the middle of downtown. I've broken into it twice and got pretty far up it, but ended up being killed by guards (if I'm killed, then I wake up, that's how it works). There's also a massive black bridge that streches off into what seems like nothing. Massive like 10 lanes wide, one way.

The dead zone is just abandoned houses and no one lives there, and where the citizens all live, on the outerskirts, is shitty too like Detroit but not abandoned. For some reason though I live in the Dead Zone and am the only one. There's also mutants that come out at night like the movie I Am Legend :laugh:. Most of the citizens are either scared, on drugs, or on some sort mind control and won't revolt against the goverment.

AND....during the "daytime", when the sky is constantly grey, you can always hear that wind blowing sound no matter what (unless in a building) and at night everything is silent except for violence and distant screams and such.

Apparantly too, over "there" I'm highly regarded because everyone is always happy to see me and asks when the prophecy will come true and everyone will be saved.

No....I am so seriously not making all that up. Same place EVERY dream. I can't escape the city either, I've tried, everything turns into a grid and begins to pixelate and fall apart until I'm just running in white and I wake up.

It's so vivid I've sometimes wondered if I over here am real :laugh:

SO...didn't mean to threadjack but your interesting post, Hunhee ('cause dreaming like you dream would just blow my mind) gave me the urge elaborate on "my world" so to speak. There's MUCH more to the plot line (it's so weird that mine has good story structure :laugh: and has kept with the same theme all these years) but like I said it would take quite some time to explain it all :laugh:

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Oh and to add to my above post (because quick edit is being a biotch), for some strange reason though, within maybe the past year or two, SOME dreams aren't always in the city. Or if they are, they don't necessarily have to do with the other dreams, they'll be unrelated.

The weird thing about the dream with Hunhee in it is that, yes it was in the dream city (I could tell when I was out on the balcony looking at the buildings), but for some reason I was in a nice apartment instead of my crappy house in the Dead Zone.


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I had this massively long, clever response in progress involving all sorts of sex acts with DGN people, historical figures, robots, domestic animals, celebrities, and some guy named Dave.

But the box with the big X in it is NOT the one that maximizes a minimized window, and so, my cleverness is for naught.

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I had this massively long, clever response in progress involving all sorts of sex acts with DGN people, historical figures, robots, domestic animals, celebrities, and some guy named Dave.

But the box with the big X in it is NOT the one that maximizes a minimized window, and so, my cleverness is for naught.


Happens to the best of us. If you ever feel like retyping it, then go for it, has my attention.

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I have not had any dreams about any DGNers as of yet...

But I probably will now because this has been posted and I read it and my subconscious will try to figure it out while Im sleeping.

Most of my dreams are nightmares. One time I woke up screaming HELP ME! and I scared the SHEET out of myself!

To answer Hunhee's question, I have always dreamt in color.

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No....I am so seriously not making all that up. Same place EVERY dream. I can't escape the city either, I've tried, everything turns into a grid and begins to pixelate and fall apart until I'm just running in white and I wake up.

It's so vivid I've sometimes wondered if I over here am real :laugh:

SO...didn't mean to threadjack but your interesting post, Hunhee ('cause dreaming like you dream would just blow my mind) gave me the urge elaborate on "my world" so to speak. There's MUCH more to the plot line (it's so weird that mine has good story structure :laugh: and has kept with the same theme all these years) but like I said it would take quite some time to explain it all :laugh:

Oh please go on.. I'm intrigued.. :)

I wish i dreamt like that..at least I'd have some bearing on what's going on. I just have disjointed dreams.. like there's a purpose, but things are so rambled and jarbled that there's nothing there.. nothing of substance.

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Woah Chernobyl! That is some dream. It's like a weird sci-fi story or video game. Very interesting -- and yes, please do go on! I find dreams fascinating

Back on subject, no DGN dreams. I was sick last night with a migraine though and kept running down a bright yellow brick staircase, somewhere in Detroit. I was late for something, not sure what. I usually dream in color when I'm nto feeling well for some reason.

I'd rather have a dream like you folks. I didn't even get to fly or anything, just running and running down this staircase, winding around and around and down and down. Boring and tiring.

I haven't dreamed of flying since I was a small child. I miss those dreams. I remember I was the only one who knew I could fly and it seemed very important not to let anyone see.

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I had a pretty crazy dream last night....

I dreampt that on my way to germany, Raven and Chernobyl were flying their car next to my plane trying to syphon beer to me....

and yes, carrot top and Mr Bean were the Pilot and Co. Pilot of my plane.... as soon as i saw their faces I woke up screaming (due to a previous dream I had years ago where they were the Pilot and Co. Pilot of my plane back from Iraq)

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okay, i must say this, as my face turns redder and redder:, before I ever met DBK, i had the hugest crush on him...

now that's out of the way.....

The first time I EVER met DBK, when i was sleep on his most comfy couch, i dreamed that DBK and I went Zombie hunting. and he didn't need the wheel chair, tho a 4 wheeled vigilante, all pimped out w/ all kinds of zombie killing weapons would surly look awesome. He looked as he looks now, (blue hair, spiked shorter hair, and goggles, mustn't for get the goggles)only no wheel chair, and all tall.

Okay, second dream, or continuation of my drunken passed out dream state, he was also in... once again, not needing the wheel chair. Demon killing, but we were all animed out.. not animated, but we both looked like anime characters....

WOW... that's what talking about Zombies and Sailor Moon, before passing out from drinking, and lack of sleep will do to my head... thanks, DBK!

*runs from embarrassment*

[edit]OH YEAH!! While I'm thinking about it...

I dreamed that one time me and Rocker4you420 (who is my best friend in real life) made out, and it was all romantic, and such. no sex, but lots of caressing and things like that.... :band (<--party in the pants, tho it was a little different, cuz i don't have a penis.. lol)

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No....I am so seriously not making all that up. Same place EVERY dream. I can't escape the city either, I've tried, everything turns into a grid and begins to pixelate and fall apart until I'm just running in white and I wake up.



WARNING: the following is a little :offtopic:

Have you ever seen the 1999 movie, The ThirteenthFloor?

You should watch that. He's told to get in his car and drive, drive as far as he can, and when he comes to any barriers, keep driving past them. What he finds is almost what you have described here. its craziness... wish i could find a picture of it...Wait, here... a movie poster, but you get what i mean... in the film itself, you can see a grid-bird flying in the grid-sky.



:respect: I know I just thread jacked, but when i read that bit i quoted above, this movie came to mind. Sorry again for the thread jack. :respect:

Now back to your regularly scheduled thread topic.

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