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New Years Resolutions!


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Split up into bitesize nuggets that crunch in your mouth and leave a tart yet fruity aftertaste.

To be less of a sarcastic bastard.

To get a job that doesn't leave me with full understanding of suicidal thoughts.

I AM going to weed my flower beds.

To talk less about politics and get more involved in with making the changes that need to get made.

That's great!

I can't do #1, because then I may cease living

#2 scares me, but I may have to

#3 Not Applicable

#4 I'm working on it. (If it's any consolation, Gaf, to your credit. you are always coherent,

evil and wrong sometimes, sure,

but always coherent

--I didn't appreciate that until a recent thread that featured someone who wasn't coherent and nearly made my head explode)

I've never made a "new year's resolution". I guess I just don't really believe in them. for me the need/desire to change something happens to me when something in my life changes but that never seemed to happen at the "new year".

however, this year my life started to finally change right before new year, days before x-mas really...

I was lazy, cluttered, depressed, unmotivated, unhappy in my marriage, etc etc... now i am not any of those things anymore!

I finally woke up. no more playing dead! so I guess I do have one for this year and it is to STAY AWAKE.

This is meven mor beutifuller n awesumm (I spelled that in DGNese, the new DGN DIY version of the English language)

I am so in awe of you, JD.

What a turnaround that must have been.

You're amazing.

Congratulations! :peanutbutterjellytime:


For me:

Learn to accept that not everyone likes to stop and capitalize their I's,

or use spell check,

or use words that have ever been found in the English language,

or even the f*&^ing carriage return every once in awhile,

so then I could actually have followed your longass, spelling and grammatically error-riddled posts

without becoming cross-eyed AAAAAAAAAGH! <takes a breath>


Accept that not everyone's posts even make any f&^%ing sense, and that's okay.

Just because I didn't do copious amounts of drugs in college as I had intended,

doesn't mean I have the right to look down on people who's brains got fried from the inside out.


Accept that 85.76% of the worst poetry ever written has a home on DGN, and that there will always be someone else here that actually likes it.

And that's....okay

Accept that if society spent over 40 yrs trying to knock sense into creepy guys and mindless women...

and failed,

it's a little too late for me to try and do that now,

on a f&^%ing pseudo-goth board, no less.


Try to not be as condescending to people's decisions and actions so much,

(even if it DOES amuse me and sometimes others)

and rather just start accepting people for who and what they are.

(F$%^ illiterate morons who need their library cards revoked until they actually read a book and learn the language)

Sorry, this last resolution may be a little harder for me than others

I REALLY should try though.

G-d knows, I'm no jewel myself.


In another words---Say the Serenity more prayer often.

MUCH, MUCH, more often.


Here's an easier solve.----

Spend less time on DGN,

MUCH MUCH less time on DGN

(that includes invisibly surfing--the bulk of my time--and yours. Yes. You do it all the time.


As much as the prospect of less Eternal probably comforts many of you, to the point that you actually care I mean,

---it's not you, it's me.

Really it is.



Lose 20 or 25 lbs this year. My scale said I just gained 5 lbs this weekend.


I'll check again tonight. Then I'll know what I need to lose.


Start a support group with Chernobyl--

Thin People Who Think They're Fat


Learn how to appreciate BW more.

Learn how to properly ease her fears and jealously (Ladies, I'm no prize--like I need to tell you that)


Accept that I'm a fantastic lover with an amazing, um, package :rofl: (her views)

and Bean Water's not going to be tempted by all the buffer, more attractive men during the Saturday nights that I'm stuck in Lansing while she's at the Club with all of you.

---In other words, learn how to properly ease my fears and jealously


Learn how to say "NO" more to my ex, and trust that I won't lose everything if I do.


Remind myself I'm not the ugly, overweight, f%^&ed up burden of a son,

or the worthless, aimless spouse,

or the lazy, ungrateful employee (regardless of how many late nights and Saturdays I work)

that I've been told in the past.


Learn how to stop apologizing so much and stop being so self deprecating.


Remind myself that unbridled, unwarranted confidence is how ugly losers used to get laid all the time,

while I was stuck at home with a worn copy of 40+ inch African Asses 5: The Return of Mike Hunt. *

*named for entertainment purposes only--any resemblance to an actual video, alive or dead, is purely coincidental


Accept that despite what I've been told to the contrary, there have been many positive things I've done and continue to do in my life.

I do hold merit and value to at least two people.

That's something, right?


Try not to always seek approval from others.


Become a role model for the next generation of eternals, as frightening a prospect as that is.


Disclose less and act more.

(Most people don't give a sh&* about you anyway,

no one's life is that important,

and those that do give a crap are more likely to respond to your actions

than to empty words that you say on a message board)



1. Update my resume regularly.

2. Decide what I REALLY want to do in life.

3. Make a 5-year plan and follow through.

(I know it sounds stupid, but somehow every successful person does those three things, I don't and I'm unhappy.)


Get married, and move to Royal Oak without becoming addicted to Julian Bros pastries, cakes, and spinach dip.

That may be the toughest thing of all. :)

Wish me luck!

Thanks again for saving me money on therapy.

If Roger Waters can do it and become a millionaire,

I can at least save the shrink bill, right?

(Don't answer that. it violates one of my new years resolutions.)

Feel free to laugh if you'd like though.

With me OR at me. It's all good.


It's like the old saying goes---

Laugh and the world laughs with you.

Fart and you stink alone.


Yes I ended my outpouring with a fart joke.

I'm not apologizing either.

And if you ALL decide to simultaneously slam what I posted,

and further turn the knife into me

by having your refutations take the form of the worst incarnation of DGNese,

so bad that even the head of the U of M anthropology dept couldn't decipher the code,

I'm okay with it.



In the words of the great 20th century philosopher

That's all, folks. :welcome:

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Split up into bitesize nuggets that crunch in your mouth and leave a tart yet fruity aftertaste.

That's great!

I can't do #1, because then I may cease living

#2 scares me, but I may have to

#3 Not Applicable

#4 I'm working on it. (If it's any consolation, Gaf, to your credit. you are always coherent,

evil and wrong sometimes, sure,

but always coherent

--I didn't appreciate that until a recent thread that featured someone who wasn't coherent and nearly made my head explode)

This is meven mor beutifuller n awesumm (I spelled that in DGNese, the new DGN DIY version of the English language)

I am so in awe of you, JD.

What a turnaround that must have been.

You're amazing.

Congratulations! :peanutbutterjellytime:


For me:

Learn to accept that not everyone likes to stop and capitalize their I's,

or use spell check,

or use words that have ever been found in the English language,

or even the f*&^ing carriage return every once in awhile,

so then I could actually have followed your longass, spelling and grammatically error-riddled posts

without becoming cross-eyed AAAAAAAAAGH! <takes a breath>


Accept that not everyone's posts even make any f&^%ing sense, and that's okay.

Just because I didn't do copious amounts of drugs in college as I had intended,

doesn't mean I have the right to look down on people who's brains got fried from the inside out.


Accept that 85.76% of the worst poetry ever written has a home on DGN, and that there will always be someone else here that actually likes it.

And that's....okay

Accept that if society spent over 40 yrs trying to knock sense into creepy guys and mindless women...

and failed,

it's a little too late for me to try and do that now,

on a f&^%ing pseudo-goth board, no less.


Try to not be as condescending to people's decisions and actions so much,

(even if it DOES amuse me and sometimes others)

and rather just start accepting people for who and what they are.

(F$%^ illiterate morons who need their library cards revoked until they actually read a book and learn the language)

Sorry, this last resolution may be a little harder for me than others

I REALLY should try though.

G-d knows, I'm no jewel myself.


In another words---Say the Serenity more prayer often.

MUCH, MUCH, more often.


Here's an easier solve.----

Spend less time on DGN,

MUCH MUCH less time on DGN

(that includes invisibly surfing--the bulk of my time--and yours. Yes. You do it all the time.


As much as the prospect of less Eternal probably comforts many of you, to the point that you actually care I mean,

---it's not you, it's me.

Really it is.



Lose 20 or 25 lbs this year. My scale said I just gained 5 lbs this weekend.


I'll check again tonight. Then I'll know what I need to lose.


Start a support group with Chernobyl--

Thin People Who Think They're Fat


Learn how to appreciate BW more.

Learn how to properly ease her fears and jealously (Ladies, I'm no prize--like I need to tell you that)


Accept that I'm a fantastic lover with an amazing, um, package :rofl: (her views)

and Bean Water's not going to be tempted by all the buffer, more attractive men during the Saturday nights that I'm stuck in Lansing while she's at the Club with all of you.

---In other words, learn how to properly ease my fears and jealously


Learn how to say "NO" more to my ex, and trust that I won't lose everything if I do.


Remind myself I'm not the ugly, overweight, f%^&ed up burden of a son,

or the worthless, aimless spouse,

or the lazy, ungrateful employee (regardless of how many late nights and Saturdays I work)

that I've been told in the past.


Learn how to stop apologizing so much and stop being so self deprecating.


Remind myself that unbridled, unwarranted confidence is how ugly losers used to get laid all the time,

while I was stuck at home with a worn copy of 40+ inch African Asses 5: The Return of Mike Hunt. *

*named for entertainment purposes only--any resemblance to an actual video, alive or dead, is purely coincidental


Accept that despite what I've been told to the contrary, there have been many positive things I've done and continue to do in my life.

I do hold merit and value to at least two people.

That's something, right?


Try not to always seek approval from others.


Become a role model for the next generation of eternals, as frightening a prospect as that is.


Disclose less and act more.

(Most people don't give a sh&* about you anyway,

no one's life is that important,

and those that do give a crap are more likely to respond to your actions

than to empty words that you say on a message board)



1. Update my resume regularly.

2. Decide what I REALLY want to do in life.

3. Make a 5-year plan and follow through.

(I know it sounds stupid, but somehow every successful person does those three things, I don't and I'm unhappy.)


Get married, and move to Royal Oak without becoming addicted to Julian Bros pastries, cakes, and spinach dip.

That may be the toughest thing of all. :)

Wish me luck!

Thanks again for saving me money on therapy.

If Roger Waters can do it and become a millionaire,

I can at least save the shrink bill, right?

(Don't answer that. it violates one of my new years resolutions.)

Feel free to laugh if you'd like though.

With me OR at me. It's all good.


It's like the old saying goes---

Laugh and the world laughs with you.

Fart and you stink alone.


Yes I ended my outpouring with a fart joke.

I'm not apologizing either.

And if you ALL decide to simultaneously slam what I posted,

and further turn the knife into me

by having your refutations take the form of the worst incarnation of DGNese,

so bad that even the head of the U of M anthropology dept couldn't decipher the code,

I'm okay with it.



In the words of the great 20th century philosopher

That's all, folks. :welcome:

You must type at ungodly speeds.

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Sadly, the opposite is true.

What I did was I typed nuggets (you know the bits demarcated by -----)

in between working this evening and avoiding BW's calls to tell me to get the F off DGN, and get back to work.


Edited to say that then I went back to check misspellings, grammatical errors, and proper spacing in between each nugget, and in between lines.

Then I bolded and re-sized for proper emphasis.

I know, I'm f*&^ing nuts.

If you knew how much some posts drove me crazy, you'd understand.

Brenda understands a little,

I think.

(Edited a second time because I used the improper tense for drove)

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Am I wrong, or is that the first official "long ass post" of 2008 by the eternal? YAY!

Well done. I laughed (or is that "i"?), I cried, I smiled, I shook my fist, I nodded yes, I nodded no..... but mostly I chuckled. I hope you do not disappear. That would sadden me. I enjoy your posts, long and short. Always thought provoking, clever, humorous, serious and silly all rolled into one big, delicious package!

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Accept that I'm a fantastic lover with an amazing, um, package :rofl: (her views)

and Bean Water's not going to be tempted by all the buffer, more attractive men during the Saturday nights that I'm stuck in Lansing while she's at the Club with all of you.

---In other words, learn how to properly ease my fears and jealously

We've had this conversation. Stop worrying. There wouldn't even be the issue of you being in Lansing on Saturday's and me at city club if you:

Learn how to say "NO" more to my ex, and trust that I won't lose everything if I do.

You need to say no to her. You don't owe her a fucking thing, especially because of the way she treats you. She's going to be a bitch to you and then you turn around and do her a favor? Fuck that. She needs to learn how things work in the real world. She can't do anything. Every time you give in is just allowing her to run your life. She needs a reality check, and she will never get one if you keep doing what she wants.

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We've had this conversation. Stop worrying. There wouldn't even be the issue of you being in Lansing on Saturday's and me at city club if you:

You need to say no to her. You don't owe her a fucking thing, especially because of the way she treats you. She's going to be a bitch to you and then you turn around and do her a favor? Fuck that. She needs to learn how things work in the real world. She can't do anything. Every time you give in is just allowing her to run your life. She needs a reality check, and she will never get one if you keep doing what she wants.

I'm getting Candy and Hunhee to raise your warning level for harassing a senior DGNer.

It's going to be flaming pink with purple checkmarks.

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You need to say no to her. You don't owe her a fucking thing, especially because of the way she treats you. She's going to be a bitch to you and then you turn around and do her a favor? Fuck that. She needs to learn how things work in the real world. She can't do anything. Every time you give in is just allowing her to run your life. She needs a reality check, and she will never get one if you keep doing what she wants.

I need a dose of this too. :respect:

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I'm getting Candy and Hunhee to raise your warning level for harassing a senior DGNer.

It's going to be flaming pink with purple checkmarks.

Um, dearie, I got on here before you did, thus, I am more of a senior that you...unless you meant senior citizen..well, then I can't argue that one :biggrin:

I kid.

Also, she continues to threaten because she knows it works. Once you stop fearing what she hangs over your head, she will have nothing to hang over your head because it will have no effect.

Also, I'm putting in a request to have your warning level raised to ruby red slippers

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Split up into bitesize nuggets that crunch in your mouth and leave a tart yet fruity aftertaste.

That's great!

I can't do #1, because then I may cease living

#2 scares me, but I may have to

#3 Not Applicable

#4 I'm working on it. (If it's any consolation, Gaf, to your credit. you are always coherent,

evil and wrong sometimes, sure,

but always coherent

--I didn't appreciate that until a recent thread that featured someone who wasn't coherent and nearly made my head explode)

This is meven mor beutifuller n awesumm (I spelled that in DGNese, the new DGN DIY version of the English language)

I am so in awe of you, JD.

What a turnaround that must have been.

You're amazing.

Congratulations! :peanutbutterjellytime:


For me:

Learn to accept that not everyone likes to stop and capitalize their I's,

or use spell check,

or use words that have ever been found in the English language,

or even the f*&^ing carriage return every once in awhile,

so then I could actually have followed your longass, spelling and grammatically error-riddled posts

without becoming cross-eyed AAAAAAAAAGH!


Accept that not everyone's posts even make any f&^%ing sense, and that's okay.

Just because I didn't do copious amounts of drugs in college as I had intended,

doesn't mean I have the right to look down on people who's brains got fried from the inside out.


Accept that 85.76% of the worst poetry ever written has a home on DGN, and that there will always be someone else here that actually likes it.

And that's....okay

Accept that if society spent over 40 yrs trying to knock sense into creepy guys and mindless women...

and failed,

it's a little too late for me to try and do that now,

on a f&^%ing pseudo-goth board, no less.


Try to not be as condescending to people's decisions and actions so much,

(even if it DOES amuse me and sometimes others)

and rather just start accepting people for who and what they are.

(F$%^ illiterate morons who need their library cards revoked until they actually read a book and learn the language)

Sorry, this last resolution may be a little harder for me than others

I REALLY should try though.

G-d knows, I'm no jewel myself.


In another words---Say the Serenity more prayer often.

MUCH, MUCH, more often.


Here's an easier solve.----

Spend less time on DGN,

MUCH MUCH less time on DGN

(that includes invisibly surfing--the bulk of my time--and yours. Yes. You do it all the time.


As much as the prospect of less Eternal probably comforts many of you, to the point that you actually care I mean,

---it's not you, it's me.

Really it is.



Lose 20 or 25 lbs this year. My scale said I just gained 5 lbs this weekend.


I'll check again tonight. Then I'll know what I need to lose.


Start a support group with Chernobyl--

Thin People Who Think They're Fat


Learn how to appreciate BW more.

Learn how to properly ease her fears and jealously (Ladies, I'm no prize--like I need to tell you that)


Accept that I'm a fantastic lover with an amazing, um, package :rofl: (her views)

and Bean Water's not going to be tempted by all the buffer, more attractive men during the Saturday nights that I'm stuck in Lansing while she's at the Club with all of you.

---In other words, learn how to properly ease my fears and jealously


Learn how to say "NO" more to my ex, and trust that I won't lose everything if I do.


Remind myself I'm not the ugly, overweight, f%^&ed up burden of a son,

or the worthless, aimless spouse,

or the lazy, ungrateful employee (regardless of how many late nights and Saturdays I work)

that I've been told in the past.


Learn how to stop apologizing so much and stop being so self deprecating.


Remind myself that unbridled, unwarranted confidence is how ugly losers used to get laid all the time,

while I was stuck at home with a worn copy of 40+ inch African Asses 5: The Return of Mike Hunt. *

*named for entertainment purposes only--any resemblance to an actual video, alive or dead, is purely coincidental


Accept that despite what I've been told to the contrary, there have been many positive things I've done and continue to do in my life.

I do hold merit and value to at least two people.

That's something, right?


Try not to always seek approval from others.


Become a role model for the next generation of eternals, as frightening a prospect as that is.


Disclose less and act more.

(Most people don't give a sh&* about you anyway,

no one's life is that important,

and those that do give a crap are more likely to respond to your actions

than to empty words that you say on a message board)



1. Update my resume regularly.

2. Decide what I REALLY want to do in life.

3. Make a 5-year plan and follow through.

(I know it sounds stupid, but somehow every successful person does those three things, I don't and I'm unhappy.)


Get married, and move to Royal Oak without becoming addicted to Julian Bros pastries, cakes, and spinach dip.

That may be the toughest thing of all. :)

Wish me luck!

Thanks again for saving me money on therapy.

If Roger Waters can do it and become a millionaire,

I can at least save the shrink bill, right?

(Don't answer that. it violates one of my new years resolutions.)

Feel free to laugh if you'd like though.

With me OR at me. It's all good.


It's like the old saying goes---

Laugh and the world laughs with you.

Fart and you stink alone.


Yes I ended my outpouring with a fart joke.

I'm not apologizing either.

And if you ALL decide to simultaneously slam what I posted,

and further turn the knife into me

by having your refutations take the form of the worst incarnation of DGNese,

so bad that even the head of the U of M anthropology dept couldn't decipher the code,

I'm okay with it.



In the words of the great 20th century philosopher

That's all, folks. :welcome:

As much as I <3 you, since New Years I've been losing weight....so I am thin and I love my skinny ass. I'm fat free whoopie! (well...by February probably, these things take time obviously)

(btw...spelling correctly is for conformists, and as a goth chick....I simply cannot bring myself to be a conformist and spell like the rest of the world. I did it for toooo damn long )

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I have more of determinations than resolutions. Since last year I accomplished what I needed to to allow myself to enjoy life, this year I am determined to live and enjoy it instead of just bobbing along with the day in and day out stuff. Some of the things I will be doing this year: going to an art museum (it's been way to long), enjoying more live music, definitely a symphony or opera or both this year, reading non-medical literature, socializing more, take a vacation, finding ways to express myself artistically, remembering my worth and not accepting less than I deserve. I want to try some new things too, not sure what yet, and I'm not just talking sexually, although that too. I definitely need to make more time for that. Boy, what a list, I better get off the damn computer and get to work! :yes

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I have more of determinations than resolutions. Since last year I accomplished what I needed to to allow myself to enjoy life, this year I am determined to live and enjoy it instead of just bobbing along with the day in and day out stuff. Some of the things I will be doing this year: going to an art museum (it's been way to long), enjoying more live music, definitely a symphony or opera or both this year, reading non-medical literature, socializing more, take a vacation, finding ways to express myself artistically, remembering my worth and not accepting less than I deserve. I want to try some new things too, not sure what yet, and I'm not just talking sexually, although that too. I definitely need to make more time for that. Boy, what a list, I better get off the damn computer and get to work! :yes

Good answer. Really, very thorough resolution with feasable and interesting goals...I like that.

Well...maybe it's because we both like museums and opera, that's probably what sparked my attention.

The other stuff is good too though obviously.

Other DGNers: You would have never guessed that about me, no?

Good luck this year!

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Oh shit! I forgot that I'm supposed to be your DDR mentor! Soon, hon, soon. I've been busy, but haven't forgot about you!

Anyone else wanna join the DDR power weight loss plan, lemme know. I can be yer dance dance sensei :laugh:

I'll do more than just wish you luck, I'mma help yer ass!

LOL I lost like 30lbs on DDR once haha

My new years resolution is to be happy and confident. I joined a Kung Fu class (LOL I KNOW) with my friend, to work out and learn stuffs.....I started 2007 angry, sad, and practically suicidal...and ended 2007 on cloud 9...and I never wanna go back.

So happy and confident. There ya go. Perhaps with a dash of DDR.

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Good answer. Really, very thorough resolution with feasable and interesting goals...I like that.

Well...maybe it's because we both like museums and opera, that's probably what sparked my attention.

The other stuff is good too though obviously.

Other DGNers: You would have never guessed that about me, no?

Good luck this year!

That's so cool. Let me know if you hear of any interesting displays or performances. I am out of touch with anything remotely resembling culture in the boondocks. Thanks for the well wishes. Take carew and have a fabulous new year

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LOL I lost like 30lbs on DDR once haha

My new years resolution is to be happy and confident. I joined a Kung Fu class (LOL I KNOW) with my friend, to work out and learn stuffs.....I started 2007 angry, sad, and practically suicidal...and ended 2007 on cloud 9...and I never wanna go back.

So happy and confident. There ya go. Perhaps with a dash of DDR.

YES! See people? I wasn't lying about the DDR workout plan. I lost 60+ lbs on the game and now am at super nerd dance status. Well...mild heavy mode (like seven step) but still...more impressive than most of my friends.

Yeah 2007 sucked some major ass, almost as must as 2006. I have faith in 2008, it's all starting to look up from here.

We should form a DDR squad, we'd be total in-shape sexified badasses in just a few months or less!

The reason I gained back a good amount of weight is BECAUSE my PS2 was broken for awhile, like a year, so that's why I got back like 30 lbs I didn't want.

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so true!

Ugggh...not sure what your guys' situation is (not prying either, feel free not to share obviously) but I had an ex-boyfriend that became an ex because of his baby momma. She would be like "Well if you're dating her, you don't get to see your baby EVER AGAIN" so it was very awkward because we had to play all these stupid games and hide our relationship from everyone :rolleyes:

I would be like "DUDE...you are the FATHER. It does not MATTER what she has to say, in a court of law, unless you are an unfit parent you have ALL RIGHTS TO SEE YOUR CHILD PERIOD." But he would always be like "Well it's too uncertain, I'm too scared blah blah." Excuse after excuse. Basically he has no huevos, all of my friends in our group will attest to this. Huge avoidance factor, wouldn't even take a job if someone wrote his name on it and crammed it up his ass. It was always "I can't have a job because I don't have a phone" or "I can't work at McDonald's, it's not good enough" even though he was in massive debt and his other two children had to suffer eating nothing but food from the dollar menu every other Saturday and Sunday (when he had custody)

HE ended up dumping me so he could be miserable with that girl (she was PSYCHOTIC and ugly to say the least, he even thought she was NASTY and still chose her over me. He used to just rip on her constantly because of how ugly, scrubby, and unattractive she was) because our relationship was putting his "rights" to see his kid at risk (yeah he used the word rights too :rolleyes: as if he didn't HAVE RIGHTS FROM THE COURT to see the baby in the first place).

I'm sure you guys aren't in the situation that I was, but whatever it is going on with your ex I hope it gets resolved with a happy ending. BW obviously is quite the fabulous upgrade from whoever she was :thumbsup:, so forget about that other girl :)

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I relate to some of that stuff.

My job thank g-d is not too bad, financially, though I work a ton.

I have huevos, but for some reason with her, I don't always utilize them.

She knows about us, hates it, and threatens me all the time because of it.

One thing's for certain: I'm NEVER going back. Controlling people are not all bad.

They sometimes can lift you up when you're down.

They do it because they get off on the power they

have over you as a result. She did when I needed it. And now it's payback time (in her mind)

I've actually come a long way, since I started dating Bean.


But I know I have still have room to grow.

Thank you for those of you have posted and PMed.

It means a lot to me.

Hopefully by new years next year, this will alll be behind me.

Oh, and it's good to see some of you posting about cultural events.

Bean and I can't get enough of them.

The DIA free 72-hour grand re-opening over T-Giving was the shit!

It's too bad cultural events are normally so expensive.

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I relate to some of that stuff.

My job thank g-d is not too bad, financially, though I work a ton.

I have huevos, but for some reason with her, I don't always utilize them.

She knows about us, hates it, and threatens me all the time because of it.

One thing's for certain: I'm NEVER going back. Controlling people are not all bad.

They sometimes can lift you up when you're down.

They do it because they get off on the power they

have over you as a result. She did when I needed it. And now it's payback time (in her mind)

I've actually come a long way, since I started dating Bean.


But I know I have still have room to grow.

Thank you for those of you have posted and PMed.

It means a lot to me.

Hopefully by new years next year, this will alll be behind me.

Oh, and it's good to see some of you posting about cultural events.

Bean and I can't get enough of them.

The DIA free 72-hour grand re-opening over T-Giving was the shit!

It's too bad cultural events are normally so expensive.

You want me to beat her up? :wink: It'll be an in-out process, less than 30 minutes I swear :whistle::tongue:

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I have huevos, but for some reason with her, I don't always utilize them.

How does using eggs on her change anything?

Maybe if you threw them at her she would shut the fuck up for a change?

Actually, throwing eggs at her would be really funny...

*runs off to buy eggs*

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i plan on getting off my ass and doing something

i dunno what



oh and im finally gonna start school again just for the semester then

i should be off in june-july to great lakes chicago

which means i dont get trashed for my 21st

but i get trashed enough as is

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