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What Makes You....


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If this is in the wrong forum, please move it for me. I wasnt sure which one to put it in.

What makes me embarrassed are the little things that happen in life rather than the big things that would embarrass the "regular" person.

Talking about certain subjects or acting stupid in public doesnt embarrass me.

Its usually when Im sitting by myself remembering what I did is when I get embarrassed. Being embarrassed while you are by yourself is the worst.

The little things that embarrass me are when someone brings to my attention that my room is messy or I need to clean up a little bit. I know, kinda silly, but thats me!!

What gets you guys a blushin'?

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i don't think anything i do has really ever embarrassed me but my soon-to-be-ex used to embarrass me often.

he is one of those people who is always brutally honest and when he would first meet my friends i was always embarrassed by what he would say to them. after awhile people got used to it. *some* even like it about him. most just think he is an asshole. either way over time i got over it because his actions were not a reflection of me. now that i am not with him anymore i am amazed at how many people are now telling me how they REALLY feel about him. ;) i said well, you could have told me all along. i could care less if people like him or not even when i was with him.

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Things that I notice about myself that most other people don't notice are what embarrass me. For example, sometimes I get a little puffy when I sleep and sometimes on eye will be puffier than the other and I'll feel like some kind of mutant.

When I've read too much or been on the computer too long, one eye will twitch.

Sometimes I get brain farts and will forget how to do really simple things. The other day at work I couldn't remember how to use the fax machine.

I also get tongue tied sometimes and will say words wrong.

I trip over thin air - a lot.

These things all embarrass me.

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When a five year old can figure something out or find something that I can't.

When I'm caught in a lie (good thing I rarely do that)

When you're walking out of a store and feeling cool,

because you've got that pair of jeans you always wanted,

and it makes your body look great,

and you notice everyone's looking at you,

and you think you're the shit,

and you're so awesome at that point

so awesome that a couple kids are pointing,

and then you see them laughing,

and a couple snobby girls roll eyes and look away in disgust,

and at first you think- "Hey' its just becauase I'm older and they don't think anyone over 16 should be allowed at the mall,"

and then you worry for a second that you've gotten too old,

and you've still done nothing with your life,

and maybe two dimwits in size 0 clothing from Forever 21 who think gourmet is a banana smoothie at the Orange Julius---

can STILL somehow look at your face and know your lack of self-worth,

But then you look at yourself.

And realize....

You have a sticker going all the way down your ass saying













---Yeah, that.

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See. It's like the things people have shared here. I've done the same types of silly things, but I know that everyone has moments like these. That's probably why I don't get embarrassed. I know we all have been or will be in the same situation. It's just human.

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Oh and I had a GF that would get drunk and crash into people on the dance floor without realizing it... that kind of sucked....

Hey! That's how I met my best friend!!

I get embarrassed occasionally. I can't remember why. Oh wait... it's when I can't remember stuff that I totally know. :rolleyes:

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when I realize after the fact that something I had just said, that I said with the intention of it being funny and making people laugh, actually wasn't funny.

I should be embarressed? That's every social encounter I ever have....

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My voice does, I have a speach problem and think I sound like a crackhead.

I know how you feel. I used to have a horrible lisp and I got therapy for it. You shouldnt be embarrassed about it though because that is a part of who you are and people I think notice it far less than you think that they do.

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Oh and I had a GF that would get drunk and crash into people on the dance floor without realizing it... that kind of sucked....

:rofl: Damn, so that's why we broke up? I thought it was because you were seein' someone else! :tongue: (j/k obviously)

I get embarassed because sometimes I go to City Club and get way too drunk causing me to crash into people on the dance floor without realizing it...

That kind of sucks especially when people tell you about it the next day....

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