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Your Main Character Flaw.

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I have a superiority complex, and I don't plan to do anything about it.

If you're better than them, is it really a "complex"?

Distrust in most

I do have the habit of not trusting hardly anyone anymore,but I guess its from being fucked over enough that it has unfortunately gotten to that point.

OOh, another good one.

I'm the opposite.

I'm very trusting.

I have been taken advantage of so many times, I can't tell you.

And it hasn't stopped me yet.

Since I've resigned to the fact that most people are indeed stupid,

I still cling to the hope that they are honest and good.

One day I'll learn.

Of course, Bean doesn't trust anyone, even me, so we're a good balance.

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I let things sit inside me and stew around.

Then I wait for the right moment to take someone down with all the stuff bottled up in me.

So I guess that I just can't let things go once in awhile. Not when it's damaging to me the first time I hear it, or experience it. I am a firm believer that if you fuck with this bull, you are SO getting these freshly sharpen horns.

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I let things sit inside me and stew around.

Then I wait for the right moment to take someone down with all the stuff bottled up in me.

So I guess that I just can't let things go once in awhile. Not when it's damaging to me the first time I hear it, or experience it. I am a firm believer that if you fuck with this bull, you are SO getting these freshly sharpen horns.

I feel for who ever fucks with you!.. well maybe not, they probably had it comming

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I couldn't decide what my biggest character flaw was ....

Then I couldn't decide what I was going to get done today.

Then I couldn't decide when I was leaving.

Then I couldn't decide what I was going to buy.

Then I couldn't decide where I was going to go.

Then I couldn't decide what I wanted to eat.

Then I couldn't decide to get gas tonight or tomorrow.

Then I couldn't decide where to go first.

Then I couldn't decide what to do on Saturday.

.... Yeah, I'm going with indecisiveness.

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I expect too much from people then get extremely pissed and dissappointed when they don't live up to my expectations. Like at work. I expect people to be as dedicated and thorough as I am. Most are not, then I get mad and have a hissy fit. I am working on this. I am working on either lowering my expectations of others or becoming as lazy, undedicated and selfish as they are.

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Since the car accident, self depreciation. I've long valued humility , but i think at times it crosses over into negativity which is bad. Often leads me to think my efforts are of no value.

I tend to value opinions and ideas more than my own , and place so much weight on others opinions (especially of me) that i often allow negative input from others to stunt my thought and activities. I rarely give my own problems / ideas all that much weight and tend to view myself via the prism of others opinions about me, rather than my own thoughts. Which from a logical standpoint is poor judgment, since who can know you better than yourself? Who should be your main motivator and source of self-worth? Others? Not.

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Oh goodness, I have so many character flaws...

1. The inability to say no to people, when they ask me to do something. I tend to let people walk all over me, and not realize that they're doing it. I tend to be a giver, and I sometimes give too much of myself, I'm selfless to a fault, I hardly do much for myself (I'm learning to be a little more selfish, by doing healthy things for me).

2. I'm too trusting, hasn't gotten me into too much trouble, I'm guessing it's because I do have good judgement in character.

3. I'm a bit too moody sometimes, and I get pouty.

4. I'm paranoid that the person I'm with (whomever they may be) doesn't really love me, but they love that I'm (see Char. flaw #1).

5. I'm stubborn, when I get an idea in my head to do something, there's no stopping me.

I could honestly write forever on my own character flaws, but I suppose I should quit at this, as not to divulge all my secrets.

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My biggest character flaw.

That's hard to pick out, because they're all sort of intertwined, related to each other in bizarre ways. At least in my jumble of a mind they are.

I can't decide between the two, so I'll post them both.

Flaw the First. I worry myself into indecision about EVERYTHING. Talking to that cute young lady at the bar (when I'm single, anyway). My car. My savings. My bills/debt. An extra-large pimple on my back. EVERYTHING is a crisis, and I never know how to handle it. I don't necessarily go all to pieces, but everything is a stressor.

Flaw the Second. I have NO intuitive social skills. None. At all. Really. I'm serious.

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Like Shade, I have several that intertwine into a general aspect of "me" that I would like to not be there.

One of them is my inability to stick to my guns financially. It's really easy for me to say, "oh, fuck it" and just spend money I know I shouldn't, or let Jon convince me we should spend money when I was ready and willing to save.

Another is my general certainty that the way I do things is the absolute right way, and I shouldn't be questioned. Jon'll tell you that. He might even say that yeah, the way Camille would do the dishes would use less water, be easier, and quicker - but that if the dishes still get done and done right, what the fuck does it matter if it's done a different way?

Well, 'cause my way uses less water, is easier, and quicker... why wouldn't you want to do it MY way?

See. I know I do it and I still believe the world would turn much easier if people just all did things MY way.


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