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Fashion Violations

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I don't know if this counts as a fashion thing, but I'm utterly appalled by this trend of pre-pubescent girls wearing such provocative clothes. I can't imagine what their parents are thinking. And it DOES affect their behavior. We recently had a "theme dress" week at the school where I teach, where the kids didn't have to wear their standard white shirt/black pants or skirt uniform. It was amazing to see the difference in behavior when the boys wore their urban/hip hop styles and the girls wore tight stretch jeans & skimpy tops. They walked differently, talked differently... I teach fifth grade and most of my girls aren't at all "developed" yet... which somehow made it even more disturbing to see them prancing around like junior hookers.

Edited by pomba gira
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I am so completely in agreement with you on that one. But I'm afraid we're in the minority on this board.

Well, my reasoning for making that comment is, that I would find it quite difficult to kiss a woman that has a lip ring in her lip(s). It makes me wonder if lip slicing carnage could possibly ensue lol.

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Well, my reasoning for making that comment is, that I would find it quite difficult to kiss a woman that has a lip ring in her lip(s). It makes me wonder if lip slicing carnage could possibly ensue lol.

It doesn't get in the way at all. But...cut up your lips? :confused: I'm baffled as to how that could even happen...unless of course maybe you're wearing a labret stud that's a spike.

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Ok, with it being spring and the weather warming it means it's sandals season. Ladies, if your toes hang out and over the front of your sandals that means THEY DON'T FIT! I saw a woman at the mall on Saturday who had on a really cute pair of sandals with a 1" heel, but her toes were hanging out and over the front by a good 1/4" to 1/2". I swear it looked like the tips of her toes were touching the ground. It's just wrong, so wrong.

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Shemagh scarves.

recent thing here is to coppy the british issue scarf in a full aray of colours and drape it around your neck like a fookin huge bandana with tassels.

nothing looks more daft to me considering the times i wear it out of greens/tans its folded discreatly to fit under my collor in winter (because its the warmest scarf i've ever had including neck gaiters)

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Wearing those stupid bright-colored knit caps with the ear flaps and braided tassles that hang down.

If you're 30 and you look like a 5 year old whose mommy dressed him to go to the playground you have serious problems.

Lol thank you for leveling with me, I can't stand those stupid hats.

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I don't know if this counts as a fashion thing, but I'm utterly appalled by this trend of pre-pubescent girls wearing such provocative clothes. I can't imagine what their parents are thinking.

All i can think is these girls are supposed to be preparing for their careers. And I can only imagine one career where such clothing actually advances one's career.

And men without shirts. Are you Patrick Dempsey? No? Then put your damn clothes back on. I wore a shirt today. My husband wore a shirt today. YOU, also, can wear a shirt today.

I don't care if it's hot out and you're mowing the lawn.

I live across the street. It is also hot all the way over here. And I am mowing my lawn. And I am wearing a shirt. See how easy this all is?

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Labret rings = teh sex :drool

Just ask the one on my face that everyone thinks is fukkin hawt :tongue:.

Oh well, goes to show how different everyone else is from another.

Lip rings, tongue rings, labrets, tongue splits... they're all very hot mods. I'd rather kiss someone with a lip ring than without.

As for my pet peeves...

sandals and high heels of any kind in City Club. Who knows what lives on the floor? gothagonaherpahepasyphaids?

Anything that looks like it came directly from Hot Topic.

People who complain about shades of black being slightly off. Yes, I know if I'm wearing a skirt, a shirt, a belt, striped tights, boots and a shawl obtained from six different racks in Ye Olde Thrift Store, my friendly neighborhood one stop Goth shop, and a fabric store, that the material will be close in color but will not match perfectly until I take the time to buy a bolt of black 100% broadcloth and take even more time to sew my own clothes. Then again, it's about time to put a bottle of Ritz in with a load of laundry and dye my hair again.

Any color other than black on me with very few exceptions.

Black hair dye fading in only 4 weeks.

Fabrics that melt instead of burn... I kind of prefer clothes that burn when ignited accidentally by either a careless smoker dancing with their fix on the floor and breathe well.

Smokers on the dance floor. I only came to dance, not get branded. If you can't stop dancing long enough to get your nicotine fix, you have a problem. If you happen to burn me while I'm dancing given how much energy I move with, you really have a problem. You're probably the type who gets hammers thrown at them when they swerve across four lanes of traffic to get to an exit 100 ft away and floodlights when tailgating if you have to smoke while drunk dancing.

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Yup and its come back in style....at least for celebs. Its like fame makes them nuts or develop bad fashion senses.

It looks like something crawled around her neck and died. I like them in the winter but not all bunched up like that.


Shemagh scarves.

recent thing here is to coppy the british issue scarf in a full aray of colours and drape it around your neck like a fookin huge bandana with tassels.

nothing looks more daft to me considering the times i wear it out of greens/tans its folded discreatly to fit under my collor in winter (because its the warmest scarf i've ever had including neck gaiters)

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Who else HATES capri pants? They look like what we used to call 'highwaters' down south (which meant your folks were too poor to buy pants that fit you for the schoolyear)!

Yes, I had to wear them, sometimes, and I dreaded the teasing from the kids who were more well-off than we were.. *LMAO*

I also hate already-distressed (holey) jeans that cost 150 bucks off the rack. Christ! I fought every DAY in school because I got picked on for being poor. It actually interfered with my EDUCATION! Now rich fecks want to look like poor kids. It makes me SICK.

Yes, I have some emotional baggage concerning fashion! :p

And what's that thing with the young girls wearing the short stretchy skirt that doesn't even cover their butt with JEANS (it looks like a long shirt tail hanging out)? Who's the idiot that started that fad??

P.S. I also dislike when people who have never worked a construction job in their LIVES wear Carhartt's, ESPECIALLY when they leave the f***ing TAGS on.. How ridiculous! The SAME goes for people who wear licensed sports gear and leave the tags on..how TACKY can you GET??

Oh, and ALSO, when gentlemen of colour wear their fingernails LONG.. GROSSSSSS!! Cut your NAILS, dude-- PLEASE!!!

Edited by jynxxxedangel
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  • 4 weeks later...

Who else HATES capri pants? They look like what we used to call 'highwaters' down south (which meant your folks were too poor to buy pants that fit you for the schoolyear)!

Yes, I had to wear them, sometimes, and I dreaded the teasing from the kids who were more well-off than we were.. *LMAO*

I also hate already-distressed (holey) jeans that cost 150 bucks off the rack. Christ! I fought every DAY in school because I got picked on for being poor. It actually interfered with my EDUCATION! Now rich fecks want to look like poor kids. It makes me SICK.

Yes, I have some emotional baggage concerning fashion! :p

And what's that thing with the young girls wearing the short stretchy skirt that doesn't even cover their butt with JEANS (it looks like a long shirt tail hanging out)? Who's the idiot that started that fad??

P.S. I also dislike when people who have never worked a construction job in their LIVES wear Carhartt's, ESPECIALLY when they leave the f***ing TAGS on.. How ridiculous! The SAME goes for people who wear licensed sports gear and leave the tags on..how TACKY can you GET??

Oh, and ALSO, when gentlemen of colour wear their fingernails LONG.. GROSSSSSS!! Cut your NAILS, dude-- PLEASE!!!

I agree with pretty much everything you say!

$150 bucks for jeans that have holes in them? WTF? My jeans got holes in them because I actually wore them out!

More things that annoy me....

That kids now shop at "Value Village" because it's trendy, NOT because you are looking for unique and cheap pieces that really represent your personality.

What is with having crap written all over your arse being seen in public??? Skinny and fat people...don't do it!

I F-ing HATE the bitches that work at Hollister and A & F! Just because I am not a size 2, does NOT mean I am NOT A PERSON! :rant:

Having to pay more for sub-standard clothes because you are a fuller figured dame isn't cool either.

People who wear socks and sandals out IN PUBLIC!

Wearing PJ's out in public...just makes you look lazy... *one exception* you are sick and need to stay warm = get out of fashion hell free card!

Spending $80 on a "Vintage" T-shirt? No thank you, I will hit up "The Sal" or VV thanks!

I CAN SAY THIS...because I am a BIG GIRL...

There are certain parts of my body, that I KNOW NOT TO ACCENTUATE!

By now YOU SHOULD TOO!!!!!


Wow, I could go on for hours, but I will stop...

After saying this...

I have always had dark hair, light skin, and I have always worn dark clothes since I was in high school...many...um moons ago. I got weird looks, and was "little ms. understood" for the better part of my life.

But I find the so-called "freaks" are generally more loving, compassionate, and loyal than the "muggles" of the world could ever hope to be. So no matter what people look like be it a freak or a preppie, I will always give them a shot. Judge people by their actions, not by what clothes they wear!

"They laughed at me because I was different, but I laughed at them because they were all the same..." as the saying goes...

<gets off of soapbox now>

end transmission...

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- Black Lipstick with no foundation and eye-makeup

- Eyeliner done only on the bottom

-Sneakers with a skirt

-Gold clothing, gold shoes


-Green sweaters

-Sports wear

-Pants that say "HOT STUFF" on the ass

-Tie dyed shirts

-Disney shirts

many more I just need to think of more fashion horrors

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The feeling is mutual my dear....

I knew that we were gonna be friends as soon as I saw your screen name!



i agreed w/ most, if not all you said.... :biggrin:


you know what gets me? when bigger women wear things that only look good on smaller women. i'm sorry, but just because it comes in your size, doesn't mean you should buy and wear it!!!!!

and how about those shirts that have the seams that are supose to go under the breasts... i hate hate hate when girls w/ HUGE boobs wear those shirts, cuz everyone can see that the shit doesn't fit!!! the seam is either in the middle of the boobs, or above them all together.... :rant: i just wanna walk up to those ppl and smack them!!! :rant:

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i agreed w/ most, if not all you said.... :biggrin:


you know what gets me? when bigger women wear things that only look good on smaller women. i'm sorry, but just because it comes in your size, doesn't mean you should buy and wear it!!!!!

and how about those shirts that have the seams that are supose to go under the breasts... i hate hate hate when girls w/ HUGE boobs wear those shirts, cuz everyone can see that the shit doesn't fit!!! the seam is either in the middle of the boobs, or above them all together.... :rant: i just wanna walk up to those ppl and smack them!!! :rant:

I think a lot of the problems with the way women of all shapes' clothing fits these days is the LACK of proper "foundation garments."

Looking back about 50 years ago, a lady wouldn't be caught dead without the proper shapewear underneath! Whether it be a well-fitting longline brassiere or a girdle, some clothes are just MADE to be worn over these things!

Then again, an ILL-FITTING corset will totally SPOIL the line and drape of the clothing..nothing worse than someone who doesn't know how to lace properly, and gets the big roll over the backside of the top, and/or the big bulge of belly on the bottom!


OH, and I almost forgot about the ladies who insist on wearing their skinny lowriders on a fat day. I'm SO tired of looking at girls' lovehandles and pot-bellies coming over the waistband of their jeans!! Wear your fat pants on those days, PLEASE!! *LMAO*

Edited by jynxxxedangel
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My kids...kinda missed the boat when the fashion fairy was giving out fashion sense lol

We told them they are moving to a rather preppy area and in order to conform they might want to add a bit of color to the totally black and white goth wardrobe they usually wear...maybe wear something conservative once in awhile besides just to work and school...

And so they go to salvation army and whatnot

And buy EXACTLY the same styles...striped mini's and tanks...with arm warmers and leg warmers and head bands and stuff....


I mean its cute, but I had to tell them now they look like ravers lol

And they mix and match the colors

(and neither has ever done E)

Its funny. Oh and they love skittles lol

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"I know, they have this thing called a War, its all the rage now, lets try and make some money out of it too"



i have a shemagh. their fucking warm around the neck, why anyone wants to wear them in summer is beyond me, and i only tend to wear mine in winter in full British gear to finish the look (yes i am a poser at heart)

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