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Fashion Violations

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Wearing a skirt so short that it doesn't cover your ass in the back with a thong, or worse, with no underwear. I must have seen this 5 or 6 times at City last night. It looks trashy on people who are in decent shape, but when your ass is as wide as my refrigerator...*shudders* (I'm not picking on fat people. I'm certainly not skinny myself, but come on, put some clothes on!)

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The one thing I will say that I miss is the more widespread creativity with outfits that I remember from when I started going to City about 10 years ago. Girls sewing ENTIRE outfits (corsets, skirts, legwarmers etc.) just so they would have something that was uniquely theirs. DIY that went further than safety-pinning some pseudo-ironic quote to the back of a Tripp skirt. Guys who had wild hair and make-up (And wore it well!) Bring back some creativity rather than just showing up in a thong, electrical tape and boots!


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I wish I could have had the presence of mind to snap a photo when I saw it.

I was at work today, and I saw this guy walking into one of my accounts, and he was wearing a white long sleeve dress shirt, black shoes, and this crrrrrazy pair of blue jeans; the fronts of the legs had holes in them that were so big and gaping that I could have driven my truck thru them.

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Bubble skirts.


They make women look like figs. There is no less-flattering hemline to me, than these ugly things. The model looks like she's tucked her skirt into her pantyhose. Whoever invented this cut of clothing, should be taken out behind the barn, and larruped soundly.

Edited by jynxxxedangel
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I wish I could have had the presence of mind to snap a photo when I saw it.

I was at work today, and I saw this guy walking into one of my accounts, and he was wearing a white long sleeve dress shirt, black shoes, and this crrrrrazy pair of blue jeans; the fronts of the legs had holes in them that were so big and gaping that I could have driven my truck thru them.

Sounds like how I used to dress during my sophomore year in high school.

Edited by Joey Deadcat
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I still hate when boys wear "girl pants," bare midriffs, and their hair combed over their faces. It looks ridiculous.

Ahhhh, relieving to see someone who hates emos as much as I do! The only thing I can't stand more than emo is the fact that ever since emo came out, goths/rivetheads are now "emos" to the general public. See South Park episode "The Ungroundables" for more info on this. I know they say "Vamp kids" but the Vamp Kids are supposed to represent Emo Kids. They changed it to Vamp Kids to fit the whole Butter's plot more and I have a feeling that if they made fun of Emo Kids they probably were worried about a mass emo suicide the following day.

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Bubble skirts.


They make women look like figs. There is no less-flattering hemline to me, than these ugly things. The model looks like she's tucked her skirt into her pantyhose. Whoever invented this cut of clothing, should be taken out behind the barn, and larruped soundly.

On the other hand, sheer turlenecks are hotness. :drool:

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I HATE bare midriffs. On ANYONE (especially on people who are sportin' a major "muffin top"). They remind me of the last time I shrunk a sweater...and cut-off t-shirts remind me of how the carnies dressed, back in the fucking 80s.

I don't want to see your belly button. I don't want to see your tramp stamp. I don't want to see your "dunlap." I don't want to see your naked, skinny, hairless, fishbelly-white, emo-girly-man abdomen. I don't want to see your happy trail. Cover that shit up! Besides, it's nearly winter, ffs!

Speak for yourself. A nice stomach is always attractive. A large one, on the other hand, should remain hidden.


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Wearing a skirt so short that it doesn't cover your ass in the back with a thong, or worse, with no underwear. I must have seen this 5 or 6 times at City last night. It looks trashy on people who are in decent shape, but when your ass is as wide as my refrigerator...*shudders* (I'm not picking on fat people. I'm certainly not skinny myself, but come on, put some clothes on!)

we must have been seeing the same group of girls that night.

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  • 2 weeks later...

WOW!!!!! I was reading this entire topic and so much made me laugh especially the walmart ones.

Now I know i have violated fashion myself a few times. Recently what with my banged up old crocs (they were given to me and I liked wearing them to the beach and stuff) cause my sister in law stole my footwear and despite trying to find something decent for club less than $100 my horrible odd feet posed too much of a challenge. The funny thing is someone complimented those ugly things which made me scratch my head. I would rather have gone barefoot but as I been told dont touch the floor and be careful where you sit at CC.

There was this one time when i bought some prep style to try fitting in. It was those awkward years where I didnt know who I was and in a desperate and foolish attempt to make friends and impress people I wasted money on that crap. Now days I rather see those stores burn down because I remember how it sucked even shopping there. The stares and glares and snotty employees. The crappy loud music and the college age guys in their underwear all over each other on the walls.

Being of a large size its very hard to find decent clothing. Now i mean i dress to flatter myself and hide those unflattering bits. I would like to look and feel sexy but I do know having fat rolls sticking out will put most people off. Tho I noticed people rippin on large girls alot. Fat chicks and such. Why be so derogatory? :mad: i might be big but I think the term big gurl at least would be a little nicer than fat chick.

I despise tans real or fake. Firstly because real ones well they ruin your skin and fade tattoos. Fake ones look just that fake. In the olden days Victorian times and older being tan was being lower class. It meant you were a low class working grunt. People with class and money had pale and fair skin. They prized it thats why for centuries skin powers were made. Women and even men in high socity felt having pale clean skin were extremely attractive qualities. the onyl people a nice tan works well with are people of tropical and darker skinned races. If your skin is meant to be bronze its one thing. But if your some white European deceneded person then it just for me doesnt work. and farmers tans! men and women if you for some reason have been exposed to the sun in such a way to get one of these please dont show it off.

80s fashion. Well theres nothing too much wrong with it especially if you have more of a depeche mode thing going on. But if your doing the MC hammer of madonna thing yikes.

Cybergoth. Someone on here mentioned they didnt like it. Well it depends really. I dont mind doing cybergoth at times and then theres times i do vampire goth and stuff. I think having a diverse and versatile wardrobe for occassions is great. I would like to get some gothic steam punk stuff too. I seen some great steam punk goths photograped at Whitby Goth fest in England and I thought the style looked awsome.

over alls!! unless ur working in a garage or studio painting and scuplting these are not cute. You can stick as much winnie the poo on them as you want. For little kids yeah cute. For adult especially the ones with shorts that i see women waer. UCK

pj pants. NOT CLUB WEAR!!!!! why oh why??? i mean i love pj pants and on a lazy day if im just nippling out to a shop or something i will wear them for warmth and comfrt but going to social events and clubs in them? Lucky there is not a dress code at the door.

Men wearing capris. I seen a guy in school get laughed out of school. He left home in embarrassment. He was a prep that went too far for even his own kind.

long hair and facial hair on men. Well some men can pull it off some cant. It depends on the type of beard you got. Moustaches I dont really like them at all too much. But another thing i dont care for is a guy with long colored hair but his beard dont match. black hair and a blond beard just dont seem to work well together.

Mohawks. Mohawks on anyone guy or girl should be maintained well.

pants down low I dont like it and never weil. It does seriously look like you shit yourself.

trucker hats ewwwwwwwwwwwww those and flat billed ones the ghettoish style ones just no its just not right.

Did you know that Hot Topic may not be selling footwear much longer? I was told by one of the store managers that right from the CEOs mouth footwear is getitng stopped. She says it could always change but if you have not noticed already the selection and stock of footwear especially gothic has diminished. Hot Topics Sister store for the plus sized girls has also carried less and not dont even carry any gothic footwear. its all pretty much yuppy looking stuff. Torrids selection of gothic attire has gotten and worse and worse as they try getting more mainstream and trendy which is ok if you want a diverse shop for large girls but I thought Torrid was made so girls like myself into the gothic wear could have a place to go and get it in our sizes since hot topic doesnt sell anything plus sized.

the main thing is people even within our own scene have their own tastes and its just a matter of finding whats right for you. I mean the ensemble i have right now isnt the greatest. I get compliments but I cuold use some better clothing. I do need a good corset in my size. Soemthing to push my boobs up into place and give me some cleavage. I dont have perky round boobies :confused: I have ok boobs but they just need that extra oomph. Its just very hard because especially bra shopping I am a big girl but i have very average sized boobs. So finding anything in my cup size is difficult because everywhere i go taht has larger measurements also have huge cups. I have awkward tits and feet lol. Tell me tho are my styles violating? Check my pictures out. I could use any tips tricks and pointers since Im new to the scene. Being a noob isnt always easy.

Edited by the_fairy_gothmother
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Out of Necessity... because every town has a walmart.


Lady Diabla (Sword Swallower) and Lil' Miss Firefly (Midget)

On Halloween...


Lady Gaga Clone


Eva Luna of Michigan just off work from Halloween USA.

And of course, why not?


Not me, but I'm guilty of it too, except that I have better ears, hair and boots.


Triple Six, who apparently just dresses up in full club wear on a whim.

With all the shopping I do at Walmart, I'm surprised I'm not up there.

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