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Fashion Violations

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while each individual element is good (and the dress is great), together they're bordering on disastrous. :(


I think the bag is too big. A clutch or a smaller purse is in order.

I am a fan of nude colored or no stockings. And flats instead of boots.

Debating on if she needs something to accent her waistline.

But then again, that is just me.



Oh gods, I am channeling my elder sisters' fashion critiques... help. :X

Edited by StormKnight
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This sir, is where we disagree :laugh:. So srsly want...you know how long it takes freehand to do crazy shit like this?

This sir, is where we disagree :laugh:. So srsly want...you know how long it takes freehand to do crazy shit like this?
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Anachronistic bits with medieval wear at the Ren Fest.

I know a lot of us combine periods - renaissance, medieval, feudal - I don't know the difference so that doesn't really bother me.

But PLEASE - if I see one more person wearing linen peasantwear with white Nike sneakers, or modern eyeglasses, etc. methinks I shall falleth upon mine own weapon.

Also, Croc shoes. PUUUUUUUUUUKE

crocs, crocs, crocs.

crocs are the most ANNOYING thing. They're a part of my cosmetology school's uniform, and I hate them with a passion. I work at a kid's shoe store, and know a crap ton about arch support and several related things, and crocs are preeetty much the devil. they have so many lawsuits against them, and they are NOT made for fashion; they are GARDENING shoes. not for leaving the house. ugh

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  • 9 months later...

Pajamas....they are NOT a substitute for REAL CLOTHING.

If someone is Too Lazy to put on Real Clothing when they go out, they should do themselves and the rest the world a favor, and Stay Home.

When I see someone out in public wearing pajamas, it makes me think;

#1: their too lazy to put real clothes on.

#2 they have little or no respect for themselves.

I don't know why this has become socially acceptable, but it is Totally Ridiculous.

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Pajamas....they are NOT a substitute for REAL CLOTHING.

If someone is Too Lazy to put on Real Clothing when they go out, they should do themselves and the rest the world a favor, and Stay Home.

When I see someone out in public wearing pajamas, it makes me think;

#1: their too lazy to put real clothes on.

#2 they have little or no respect for themselves.

I don't know why this has become socially acceptable, but it is Totally Ridiculous.

I seen a lady wearing a nightgown and pj pants going into the gas station one day. That was nuts.

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  • 2 months later...

Pajamas....they are NOT a substitute for REAL CLOTHING.

If someone is Too Lazy to put on Real Clothing when they go out, they should do themselves and the rest the world a favor, and Stay Home.

When I see someone out in public wearing pajamas, it makes me think;

#1: their too lazy to put real clothes on.

#2 they have little or no respect for themselves.

I don't know why this has become socially acceptable, but it is Totally Ridiculous.

a) They're*

b) I will wear pajamas as I please thankyouverymuch. if you've never had a four hour long math class at 8 am, I do not think your judgment can pass here ;]

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Pajamas....they are NOT a substitute for REAL CLOTHING.

If someone is Too Lazy to put on Real Clothing when they go out, they should do themselves and the rest the world a favor, and Stay Home.

When I see someone out in public wearing pajamas, it makes me think;

#1: their too lazy to put real clothes on.

#2 they have little or no respect for themselves.

I don't know why this has become socially acceptable, but it is Totally Ridiculous.

It's not socially acceptable, there are just some of us so liberated and free from unnecessary and confining social order, that we couldn't give a fuck if our pajamas ruin your day. Our days are always gleeful and filled with whatever options and opportunities we grant ourselves, so public PJ people are essentially mentally invincible :tongue:. And when someone gets upset because of what we're wearing, or gives us dirty looks which make them look immature, we secretly think "SO trolled..." in the back of our heads.

I don't understand what a certain garment, if it's clean and covers your privates, has to do with self-respect, care to elaborate?

Edited by Chernobyl
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I don't understand what a certain garment, if it's clean and covers your privates, has to do with self-respect, care to elaborate?

Well, a lot of people care about the image they present of themselves when out in public. Seeing as how the garment(s) a person is wearing, is amongst the first thing that other people notice, it can, and often does say a lot about a person; not Everything, but a lot.

Just my opinion; if it's clean and covers your privates, is Not good enough. I could put on a pair of clean underwear, and wear only that, and that would be clean and it would cover my privates, but it would be unacceptable, and in most public places, I would be thrown out and or had the cops called on me.

Now getting back to the aforementioned "garment", I said what I said, because when I see someone out in public wearing pajamas instead of actual clothing, one of the first thoughts that crosses my mind is that they were too lazy to put on actual clothing. I'm no expert, nor am I a psychologist.

The correlation that I made in regard to self respect is: that if you have respect for yourself, then maybe perhaps, you'd care about the image you portray of yourself when you're out in public.

However, another train of thought could be that the person is very comfortable in their own shell, this I can identify with, and perhaps they choose to wear whatever they want, and they don't give a bloody fuck what anyone else thinks.

I, for one, however, stick to my opinion, that wearing pajamas in public, conveys the notion of laziness to me, and I think it looks completely Ridiculous = Fashion Violation.

Edited by creatureofthenyte
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Well, a lot of people care about the image they present of themselves when out in public. Seeing as how the garment(s) a person is wearing, is amongst the first thing that other people notice, it can, and often does say a lot about a person; not Everything, but a lot.

Just my opinion; if it's clean and covers your privates, is Not good enough. I could put on a pair of clean underwear, and wear only that, and that would be clean and it would cover my privates, but it would be unacceptable, and in most public places, I would be thrown out and or had the cops called on me.

Now getting back to the aforementioned "garment", I said what I said, because when I see someone out in public wearing pajamas instead of actual clothing, one of the first thoughts that crosses my mind is that they were too lazy to put on actual clothing. I'm no expert, nor am I a psychologist.

The correlation that I made in regard to self respect is: that if you have respect for yourself, then maybe perhaps, you'd care about the image you portray of yourself when you're out in public.

However, another train of thought could be that the person is very comfortable in their own shell, this I can identify with, and perhaps they choose to wear whatever they want, and they don't give a bloody fuck what anyone else thinks.

I, for one, however, stick to my opinion, that wearing pajamas in public, conveys the notion of laziness to me, and I think it looks completely Ridiculous = Fashion Violation.

Here, we totally agree. Pajama in public wearers oughtn't be offended by the classification of "fashion violation" since they obviously don't give a rat's ass about fashion which is based upon two parts: 1) the way people feel and react to what you are wearing, and 2) the inherent aesthetic of what you are wearing. If anything, it's anti-fashion. More punk than punk. Kudos to you if that's what you are trying to pull off, but more likely, you are trying not to pull on any pants that would make you look decent because that would require washing them first.

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