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Fashion Violations

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Plumers crack is ok on a hot girl......I know its skanky but I like seeing butt.

My most hated fashion is this. I don't know about sending people to jail over it though.


Are Your Jeans Sagging? Go Directly to Jail.

Hiroko Masuike for The New York Times

BOXER REBELLION The saggy style is in full view in the East Village.


Published: August 30, 2007

JAMARCUS MARSHALL, a 17-year-old high school sophomore in Mansfield, La., believes that no one should be able to tell him how low to wear his jeans. “It’s up to the person who’s wearing the pants,” he said.

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A Connecticut Town Debates the Need for a Kind of Belt-Tightening (August 28, 2007)

Mei-Chun Jau/Dallas Morning News — Associated Press

TESTING BOUNDARIES Examples of saggy pants in different parts of the nation.

Hiroko Masuike for The New York Times

Some communities have outlawed this style of dress.


The reaction reminds some of the outrage engendered by zoot suit styles during the 1940s.

Mr. Marshall’s sagging pants, a style popularized in the early 1990s by hip-hop artists, are becoming a criminal offense in a growing number of communities, including his own.

Starting in Louisiana, an intensifying push by lawmakers has determined pants worn low enough to expose underwear poses a threat to the public, and they have enacted indecency ordinances to stop it.

Since June 11, sagging pants have been against the law in Delcambre, La., a town of 2,231 that is 80 miles southwest of Baton Rouge. The style carries a fine of as much as $500 or up to a six-month sentence. “We used to wear long hair, but I don’t think our trends were ever as bad as sagging,” said Mayor Carol Broussard.

An ordinance in Mansfield, a town of 5,496 near Shreveport, subjects offenders to a fine (as much as $150 plus court costs) or jail time (up to 15 days). Police Chief Don English said the law, which takes effect Sept. 15, will set a good civic image.

Behind the indecency laws may be the real issue — the hip-hop style itself, which critics say is worn as a badge of delinquency, with its distinctive walk conveying thuggish swagger and a disrespect for authority. Also at work is the larger issue of freedom of expression and the questions raised when fashion moves from being merely objectionable to illegal.

Sagging began in prison, where oversized uniforms were issued without belts to prevent suicide and their use as weapons. The style spread through rappers and music videos, from the ghetto to the suburbs and around the world.

Efforts to outlaw sagging in Virginia and statewide in Louisiana in 2004, failed, usually when opponents invoked a right to self-expression. But the latest legislative efforts have taken a different tack, drawing on indecency laws, and their success is inspiring lawmakers in other states.

In the West Ward of Trenton, Councilwoman Annette Lartigue is drafting an ordinance to fine or enforce community service in response to what she sees as the problem of exposing private parts in public.

“It’s a fad like hot pants; however, I think it crosses the line when a person shows their backside,” Ms. Lartigue said. “You can’t legislate how people dress, but you can legislate when people begin to become indecent by exposing their body parts.”

The American Civil Liberties Union has been steadfast in its opposition to dress restrictions. Debbie Seagraves, the executive director of the A.C.L.U. of Georgia said, “I don’t see any way that something constitutional could be crafted when the intention is to single out and label one style of dress that originated with the black youth culture, as an unacceptable form of expression.”

School districts have become more aggressive in enforcing dress bans, as the courts have given them greater latitude. Restrictions have been devised for jeans, miniskirts, long hair, piercing, logos with drug references and gang-affiliated clothing including colors, hats and jewelry.

Dress codes are showing up in unexpected places. The National Basketball Association now stipulates that no sports apparel, sunglasses, headgear, exposed chains or medallions may be worn at league-sponsored events. After experiencing a brawl that spilled into the stands and generated publicity headaches, the league sought to enforce a business-casual dress code, saying that hip-hop clothing projected an image that alienated middle-class audiences.

According to Andrew Bolton, the curator at the Costume Institute of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, fashions tend to be decried when they “challenge the conservative morality of a society.”

Not since the zoot suit has a style been greeted with such strong disapproval. The exaggerated boxy long coat and tight-cuffed pants, started in the 1930s, was the emblematic style of a subculture of young urban minorities. It was viewed as unpatriotic and flouted a fabric conservation order during World War II. The clothing was at the center of what were called Zoot Suit Riots in Los Angeles, racially motivated beatings of Hispanic youths by sailors. The youths were stripped of their garments, which were burned in the street.

Following a pattern of past fashion bans, the sagging prohibitions are seen by some as racially motivated because the wearers are young, predominantly African-American men.

Yet, this legislation has been proposed largely by African-American officials. It may speak to a generation gap. Michael Eric Dyson, a professor of sociology at Georgetown University and the author of “Know What I Mean?: Reflections on Hip Hop,” said, “They’ve bought the myth that sagging pants represents an offensive lifestyle which leads to destructive behavior.”

Last week, Atlanta Councilman C. T. Martin sponsored an amendment to the city’s indecency laws to ban sagging, which he called an epidemic. “We are trying to craft a remedy,” said Mr. Martin, who sees the problem as “a prison mentality.”

But Larry Harris, Jr., 28, a musician from Miami, who stood in oversize gear outside a hip-hop show in Times Square, denied that prison style was his inspiration. “I think what you have here is people who don’t understand the language of hip-hop,” he said.

A dress code ordinance proposed in Stratford, Conn., by Councilman Alvin O’Neal was rejected at a Town Council meeting last Monday, drawing criticism that the law was unconstitutional and unjustly encouraged racial profiling. Many residents agreed that the town had more pressing issues.

Benjamin Chavis, the former executive director of the N.A.A.C.P., said, “I think to criminalize how a person wears their clothing is more offensive than what the remedy is trying to do.”

Dr. Chavis, who is often pictured in an impeccable suit and tie among the baggy outfits of the hip-hop elite, is a chairman of the Hip Hop Summit Action Network, a coalition he founded with the music mogul Russell Simmons. He said that the coalition will challenge the ordinances in court.

“The focus should be on cleaning up the social conditions that the sagging pants comes out of,” he said. “That they wear their pants the way they do is a statement of the reality that they’re struggling with on a day-to-day basis.”


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Once solid color.

I cant stand it when someone wears everything the same damn color... or at least they think it's the same color because they don't have super light sensitive eyes that can pick up subtle color changes faster than a hooker picks up her payment.

I see so many people that "think" they are wearing all black or all blue... and I see 5 shades of black or 6 shades of blue...

and really fat people should not wear bright orange. it's just wrong.

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Preppy people.

There I said it.

Since when is plain the new craze? BLECH :ralph

And for their stupid guys: STOP WEARING BASEBALL CAPS! How fucking UGLY and POINTLESS.

I could go on and on for hours, possibly days, but since I'm not the Cyberkinetic Ghost of Christmas Past from the Future (...sorry, bad reference :laugh:), I will stop right here instead of being all "Ten THOUSAND years ago..." and busting into an incredibly long story.

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I think the sagging pants fight is stupid, I dont like the look myself but to go to jail!? WTF!? go make a real fucking law that helps. Its petty shit like that that will open up the door to a whole host of 1984ish laws.

:rant: I can't stand those ambercrombie/american eagle looks!! those guys must have no nuts for their paints to be so tight and the associated hair styles, it almost makes ya wanna punch babies!

and baseball caps to the side, it goes to the front or the back there is no in between! :rant:

that is all

Edited by predaking
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Preppy people.

There I said it.

Since when is plain the new craze? BLECH :ralph

And for their stupid guys: STOP WEARING BASEBALL CAPS! How fucking UGLY and POINTLESS.

I could go on and on for hours, possibly days, but since I'm not the Cyberkinetic Ghost of Christmas Past from the Future (...sorry, bad reference :laugh:), I will stop right here instead of being all "Ten THOUSAND years ago..." and busting into an incredibly long story.

whats wrong with baseball caps? (properly worn of course)

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Once solid color.

I cant stand it when someone wears everything the same damn color... or at least they think it's the same color because they don't have super light sensitive eyes that can pick up subtle color changes faster than a hooker picks up her payment.

I see so many people that "think" they are wearing all black or all blue... and I see 5 shades of black or 6 shades of blue...

and really fat people should not wear bright orange. it's just wrong.


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Ok, first off, HH, AWESOME Topic!!!!!!!!

Now, My thoughts:

I think putting people in jail for sagging jeans is extreme, but if that's what it has to come to, to restore some decency in society on the streets, then so be it. I personally have no interest in knowing what kind of underwear some dude is wearing, and I don't need to see this especially if Im standing 5 miles away. I think wearing pants like that sends a very negative image to the world. Society has changed so drastically over the last 15 yrs or so. So much that is morally reprehensible is now commonplace and laughed off. I'm almost 33 yrs old, but my mindset on subjects like this, probably makes me sound older, I don't care. I just wish there was more originality in fashion today. I don't follow any of the trends, which to many makes me seem boring; I don't give a damn about that either. I wish more people wore stuff because They like it, AND because it looks good on Them. Unfortunately though, a vast number of people freely, and somewhat mindlessly choose to blindly follow fashion trends.

As for fashion violations, my vote goes to: UGG boots; they look comfortable, and from what I hear, they are. BUT, I don't understand, and probably never will understand, why 7-9 out of every 10 women(a statistic made just for conversation), my age or younger, wears these boots. Apparently nobody realizes that these UGGGGH! boots are about as visually appealing as a living room couch thats been sitting in a landfill for the past 20 yrs. NO ladies, they're not cute, they're NOT sexy, they're F'N ESKIMO BOOTS! There is NOTHING sexy about dressing like an Eskimo!

All of the above words, are my thoughts at this moment, and not those of the management of DGN, or anyone affiliated with the management of DGN, or any of the rest of the membership thereof.

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Ok, first off, HH, AWESOME Topic!!!!!!!!

Now, My thoughts:

I think putting people in jail for sagging jeans is extreme, but if that's what it has to come to, to restore some decency in society on the streets, then so be it. I personally have no interest in knowing what kind of underwear some dude is wearing, and I don't need to see this especially if Im standing 5 miles away. I think wearing pants like that sends a very negative image to the world. Society has changed so drastically over the last 15 yrs or so. So much that is morally reprehensible is now commonplace and laughed off. I'm almost 33 yrs old, but my mindset on subjects like this, probably makes me sound older, I don't care. I just wish there was more originality in fashion today. I don't follow any of the trends, which to many makes me seem boring; I don't give a damn about that either. I wish more people wore stuff because They like it, AND because it looks good on Them. Unfortunately though, a vast number of people freely, and somewhat mindlessly choose to blindly follow fashion trends.

As for fashion violations, my vote goes to: UGG boots; they look comfortable, and from what I hear, they are. BUT, I don't understand, and probably never will understand, why 7-9 out of every 10 women(a statistic made just for conversation), my age or younger, wears these boots. Apparently nobody realizes that these UGGGGH! boots are about as visually appealing as a living room couch thats been sitting in a landfill for the past 20 yrs. NO ladies, they're not cute, they're NOT sexy, they're F'N ESKIMO BOOTS! There is NOTHING sexy about dressing like an Eskimo!

All of the above words, are my thoughts at this moment, and not those of the management of DGN, or anyone affiliated with the management of DGN, or any of the rest of the membership thereof.

I agree with you on the ugg boots,

but you really think its ok to throw somebody in jail for sagging their paints?

what if it when to things like leather skirts, vinal, fishnets, etc.? would it still be ok then?

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I agree with you on the ugg boots,

but you really think its ok to throw somebody in jail for sagging their paints?

what if it when to leather skirts, vinal, or fishnets? would it still be ok then?

Ut oh, yeah you Do have a point, which was why I said I think jail is going to the extreme. It is pretty sad that's come to that in some places though.

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Let thugs wear pants like this I say...I saw a guy on cops get caught cause his pants fell down around his ankles.

Whats funny, these kids think they look tough.....ok, well maybe not all are kids...I know one guy in his 40s who does this too look young and he looks even MORE stupid lol...but.........the thing I heard was....the fashion came about because its 'easy access' in prison as in pull em down and stick it in (the butt) ha!

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Let thugs wear pants like this I say...I saw a guy on cops get caught cause his pants fell down around his ankles.

Whats funny, these kids think they look tough.....ok, well maybe not all are kids...I know one guy in his 40s who does this too look young and he looks even MORE stupid lol...but.........the thing I heard was....the fashion came about because its 'easy access' in prison as in pull em down and stick it in (the butt) ha!

I always ask what the hell happens if you have to run or hop a fence, thats to funny. The last bit is gross :sick:

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Cybergoth fashion, uck. I don't see the goth aestetic at all. Its more industrial than anything gothic punk.

But more importantly, SCENE/HIPSTER Fashion. Gawwwd. Mini skirt legging combos, raccoon hair, ironic shirts, "vintage clothes" that cost you 80 dollars at Urban Outfitters.


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The wigger look got old the day it started,"be your fucking self!!"

Preppy bitches all look,act,and expect everyone to be like them,let alone their clothing looks stupid,let alone,they think they are protraying what American society should lok like.

btw crack kills,hike up your damn pants,moron,and grow up.

dressing up like you just got out of prison does not make you a roll model.

Edited by Darque Metallion
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i really dislike seeing kids wearing pants that hang off their ass. when they go to fix their shirt i see the whole back of their boxers because their jeans are LITERALLY down at their knees. why the fuck are you wearing pants then??

It kind of looks like their pants are being weighed down with a fresh load :yucky:

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I'm going to be a total bitch now:

Exposed fat rolls, tight clothes on the hefty peoples, exposure of chronic cellulite - seriously, someone can be heavier but know how to dress for their size and look fabulous

Exposed ass cracks on men and women - just gross!

Also, I don't want to see anyone's underwear, whether it's a thong, boxer shorts, etc - it's called underwear for a reason.

Florescent colors on anyone *gag*

Unflattering bras, or going braless (unless you are of the wee chested) - that's just trashy!

Spandex anything on anyone.

*On the saggy pants thing - it doesn't bother me that much. The ones that are hanging around the knees are hilarious.

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Islamic chicks should stop covering their faces, period; it's annoying and it's probably causing violence. If all the chicks in America were covered in robes all it would take is some sort of promise of afterlife sex to desperate, mentally slipping people, and the old guy in McDonalds at opening in the morning, that just wants to drink his fucking coffee and catch up on the newspaper, would be completely fucked. When religion covers up women, old people in fast food restaurants are threatened by explosive nut-jobs, if old people are KO'd so to speak, the person who does the crossword puzzles gets put out of a job. If the person who writes crosswords isn't writing crosswords anymore, then they're probably going straight across Crapville and down into the slums.

It's scary, and that's a five letter word.

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Let thugs wear pants like this I say...I saw a guy on cops get caught cause his pants fell down around his ankles.

Whats funny, these kids think they look tough.....ok, well maybe not all are kids...I know one guy in his 40s who does this too look young and he looks even MORE stupid lol...but.........the thing I heard was....the fashion came about because its 'easy access' in prison as in pull em down and stick it in (the butt) ha!


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Anachronistic bits with medieval wear at the Ren Fest.

I know a lot of us combine periods - renaissance, medieval, feudal - I don't know the difference so that doesn't really bother me.

But PLEASE - if I see one more person wearing linen peasantwear with white Nike sneakers, or modern eyeglasses, etc. methinks I shall falleth upon mine own weapon.

Also, Croc shoes. PUUUUUUUUUUKE

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First of all, this is the gayest thread ever! I mean that in a literal sense, not pejoratively.

I'm digging all the guys posting here.

I thought I was the only one with enough manskirt to post in a thread like this.

Preppy people.

There I said it.

Since when is plain the new craze? BLECH :ralph

And for their stupid guys: STOP WEARING BASEBALL CAPS! How fucking UGLY and POINTLESS.

I could go on and on for hours, possibly days, but since I'm not the Cyberkinetic Ghost of Christmas Past from the Future (...sorry, bad reference :laugh:), I will stop right here instead of being all "Ten THOUSAND years ago..." and busting into an incredibly long story.

Well, I hate to admit this, but I look good preppy.

Ok, maybe proper is the better term.

You'll never see me wearing a sweater tied around my neck, but I do rock the shirt and tie pretty well.

That's just what you get when Jeff Goldblum has a love child with the nerdy guy from Friends (Schwimmer),

and the dorky guy from Scrubs (Braff) :rolleyes:

Anyhoo, here's a disclaimer on my fashion sense and interest----

I hate clothes.

I hate underwear.

I hate matching.

I'm probably guilty of the Gaf gaffe (wearing 10 shades of the same color)

Hell, I even get nervous that my tie with the 10 colors STILL somehow doesn't pick up on the blackness of my pants.

People fold down my collar all the time, or tell me that my coat needs to hit the dry cleaners again.

If I could live and work in that Southern France town, where everyone's naked all the time, I'd be happy.

(And this last line is one more reason why I love being male

--I know that saying it won't get me any bizarrely inappropriate leering comments from sexually frustrated members of the board, like "Ooh remind me when you're going on vacation so I can book tickets for two.

Heh, heh":p

Seriously, STFU guys--we get it--You need to get laid,

Go to blackeyelinersluts.com and come back when you're not typing with one hand--

-not that there are any of those kinds of posters on DGN, of course :rolleyes: )

SO, anyway, the point I'm trying to mske is,

I'm probably not one to talk about clothes... but of course I will anyway.


1. When in Rome---

Guys, no matter how much you want black lipstick on your Johnson,

if you go to City Club with a Johnson Surfboards T-shirt,

it ain't gonna happen.

Last time I was there, I watched Beavis and Butthead nurse a beer bottle while

"watching the freaks"

("Look at that chick--I bet she's wild in bed" )

Not with you, douchebag! You'll be enjoying your sock when you get home.

PLEASE, put on a f*&king black shirt, and leave the Thai Beta Asshole ballcap behind for an evening, will ya?

2. Dress to flatter, not flaunt


If you weigh 700 lbs


If your boobs hang around your ankles, you may want to save the electrical tape for better uses,

like patching up your home.

Just a thought!

Less is more.

Accentuate your best features.

Sometimes it's sexier to make people want to know what's behind door number 2, instead of putting it in their faces.

(Notable exception: The couple that looks like they're trying out for the Jerry Springer Show. I need you guys for entertainment, just as much as I need the leather twins with the jetpacks.)



That goes for dancing too.

Hey f&*kstick, stop kicking me!

You don't know how to dance.

Just pick a mopier version of the white boy two-step and we'll both wake up the next morning

without a broken ankle. OK?

Islamic chicks should stop covering their faces, period; it's annoying and it's probably causing violence. If all the chicks in America were covered in robes all it would take is some sort of promise of afterlife sex to desperate, mentally slipping people, and the old guy in McDonalds at opening in the morning, that just wants to drink his fucking coffee and catch up on the newspaper, would be completely fucked. When religion covers up women, old people in fast food restaurants are threatened by explosive nut-jobs, if old people are KO'd so to speak, the person who does the crossword puzzles gets put out of a job. If the person who writes crosswords isn't writing crosswords anymore, then they're probably going straight across Crapville and down into the slums.

It's scary, and that's a five letter word.


(I say that with love :sorcerer:

and just a little bit of healthy confusion )

And Bean thought she was being harsh :wink

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I really hate the sagging pant look too...uhg and I see it all day too.

I will probably defend uggs until I die... why must a person be sexy all the time? Can't people just want to be cozy and not care about what you think about them. I wear uggs knowing they are not the prettiest of shoes but I really don't care. SO you may hate them, think they are ugly and never want to buy them but I find the argument that they are not sexy so you should stop wearing them really odd.

I hate those tights without the feet

bad makeup (like someone wearing orange looking base, red lipstick, and lots of mascare, I have seen this and I thought the person was joking but I see them every day looking like that...O.O its scary I don't understand why her freinds wont tell her) and shitty goth makeup pisses me off

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Bringing back 80's fashion........I don't like leg warmers.......scrunch boots......things ripped and falling off your shoulder. Let flashdance die.

Leggings..........wtf? Peter pan heh.

God please oh please don't bring back those dorky head bands and wrist bands......oh wait they already did. :sofa:

And guess what else is being recycled from the 80's........you got it.........BIG HAIR. First sparkles......now hair. Help me.

My kids actually bought their first cans of Hair spray even after I told them I single handedly cause the ozone hole.

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Those itty bitty jackets that look like your boobs are wearing a jacket but the rest of you isn't are stupid.

Corsets are not supposed to shove your boobs into your armpit. If your backfat is oozing out between the laces, it's time for a bigger size. Lots of places do custom sizing so there is really no excuse.

If your skirt looks normal in the front but your booty is hanging out the back because it's riding up so damn far... that's bad. If your jacket couldn't possibly close, don't wear it anyway. I'm not trying to bash fat people, I'm fat myself. But wear clothes that fit. It's not hard.

If you insist on wearing just a bra at least make it a nice bra and not your dingy 10 year old one from JC Pennys that used to be white but now is gray and has lost most of its functionality.

Shirts with smartass sayings on people over age 18 make me cringe. No, no one is jealous because the voices talk to you. Teen angst isn't cool when you're 25.

Pants with words across the ass are dumb.

Wearing a plastic cape from spencer's is bad. Wearing it with blue jeans and tennis shoes is worse.

Like Kevyn Aucoin I don't believe in makeup "rules," but please don't draw on your face with sharpie.

That will do for now.

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