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Fashion Violations

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if you look like you need to be taught how to get dressed properly its probably a bad idea to step outside the house wearing it like that.

i offended a large collection of the old elitist goths who lived in swansea by telling the lead one "you looks like a prick, your supposed to be 30 not 13, get a mirror if your not sure on how it goes"

he was wearing full victorian garb with looked good but then put on big clunky new rock boots with red flame design with the trousers tucked in them.

a few of them made me laugh every so often with dissasters like that. i gues i shouldnt have abused them over the PA though :p i miss being the bastard i was

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Anachronistic bits with medieval wear at the Ren Fest.

I know a lot of us combine periods - renaissance, medieval, feudal - I don't know the difference so that doesn't really bother me.

But PLEASE - if I see one more person wearing linen peasantwear with white Nike sneakers, or modern eyeglasses, etc. methinks I shall falleth upon mine own weapon.

I can't see without my glasses so I have no choice but to wear them when in ren garb. A lot of people are that way and no I don't wear nor will I wear contacts. I have a phobia of putting them in.

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I dont really pay much attention to fashion. I wear what is comfortable. I am a bigger woman and I wear what flatters me. I am not going to try to squeeze myself into something that a 150 pound woman would wear I just wont. That would make me look ridiculous.

Yeah sometimes I wear plain clothes to the club. But that is what I like and what I feel sexy in. It doesnt matter to me what anyone else thinks. I think someones attitude makes the outfit sometimes. I have had many compliments while at CC on the outfit that I wear the majority of the time. At first I felt under dressed but I thought what the hell...Im comfy and I feel sexy and thats all that matters.

As far as the people who's pants sag...I think its silly...but I dont think our tax dollars should be spent sending those people to jail. There are people that are far more offensive. Let them dress the way they want to. As long as Im not seeing completely bare ass or full frontals while im walking down the street, Im all cool.

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I can't see without my glasses so I have no choice but to wear them when in ren garb. A lot of people are that way and no I don't wear nor will I wear contacts. I have a phobia of putting them in.

I'm with you Draco. That’s all I need to do is dole out a wad of cash for more "Renaissance-eee" looking glasses.

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/Off topic


(I say that with love :sorcerer:

and just a little bit of healthy confusion )

And Bean thought she was being harsh :wink

Well if you'd like to PM me with what's bothering, or confusing you, I can get back to you in both English and ROT13. I don't consider it harsh per-say, possibly, slightly, just a tad, tiny, tiny bit abrasive. Like when a plane lands in the jungle and the only survivor gets bloodied up by branches and thrown unconscious into a contaminated swamp, only to find shelter in the stomach of a giant, evil biscuit.

/Resume topic

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Those itty bitty jackets that look like your boobs are wearing a jacket but the rest of you isn't are stupid.

Corsets are not supposed to shove your boobs into your armpit. If your backfat is oozing out between the laces, it's time for a bigger size. Lots of places do custom sizing so there is really no excuse.

If your skirt looks normal in the front but your booty is hanging out the back because it's riding up so damn far... that's bad. If your jacket couldn't possibly close, don't wear it anyway. I'm not trying to bash fat people, I'm fat myself. But wear clothes that fit. It's not hard.

If you insist on wearing just a bra at least make it a nice bra and not your dingy 10 year old one from JC Pennys that used to be white but now is gray and has lost most of its functionality.

Shirts with smartass sayings on people over age 18 make me cringe. No, no one is jealous because the voices talk to you. Teen angst isn't cool when you're 25.

Pants with words across the ass are dumb.

Wearing a plastic cape from spencer's is bad. Wearing it with blue jeans and tennis shoes is worse.

Like Kevyn Aucoin I don't believe in makeup "rules," but please don't draw on your face with sharpie.

That will do for now.


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/Off topic

Well if you'd like to PM me with what's bothering, or confusing you, I can get back to you in both English and ROT13. I don't consider it harsh per-say, possibly, slightly, just a tad, tiny, tiny bit abrasive. Like when a plane lands in the jungle and the only survivor gets bloodied up by branches and thrown unconscious into a contaminated swamp, only to find shelter in the stomach of a giant, evil biscuit.

/Resume topic

He wasn't referring to me in regards to whatever it is that you post. I made no commentary about whatever it is that you post. He was saying that my post about fashion was harsh.

Back to the topic

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Yeah, the pants hanging off the ass thing...Why is it a fashion statement to look like you were in the middle of taking a dump when the fire alarm went off and you were in such a rush to evacuate the burning building that you forgot to finish your business?

Edited by TygerLili
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Flood Pants - OMG this drives me crazy. I have learned one thing from Richard Blackwell over the years... wear pants that are long enough. For a man, your pants, when standing, should bunch on the top of your shoe slightly but not touch the ground at your heel. Nothing else about your pants matters if they are too short or to long. Too short being the worst. People discount everything else about your looks as soon as they see those flood pants... most don't even realize they do it.

I saw a lady at the gas station yesterday.. maybe the day before... I'm married, not dead... an attractive woman will turn my head... and she was pretty of face and had a rather attractive body... and when she walked away I naturally looked at her ass.... and then looked away in disgust... in big bold red letters were the words "Apple Bottom" I must admit... it was a finely shaped ass... but i really don;t think it needed a sign to announce itself.

Edited by Gaf The Horse With Tears
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What about those of us that have what looks like ribs... but is actually defined muscle?

Clearly you need to eat more donuts...

Back on topic... Most fashion trends look great on models and not so good when translated into the regular world for regular people. Some things I like on some people but they look like shit on others. Basically, if it flatters you, wear it. If it doesn't, don't.

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You can't legislate good taste, unfortunately, so trying to throw people in prison for wearing their pants like they forgot to pull them up after their last visits to the toilet is futile, not to mention that a case could likely be made for it being Constitutionally unsound, since they aren't exposing anything obscene. Indeed, the only thing such people really expose, is themselves, to ridicule.

My fashion pet peeve is the trend for preppy guys to wear the ridiculous-looking bubblegum pink polo shirt with the popped collar. It's ridiculous; you look like you went shopping at the Bazooka chewing gum online store, and forgot to straighten your shirt out when you left the house this morning.

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My fashion pet peeve is the trend for preppy guys to wear the ridiculous-looking bubblegum pink polo shirt with the popped collar. It's ridiculous; you look like you went shopping at the Bazooka chewing gum online store, and forgot to straighten your shirt out when you left the house this morning.

I know a woman who does that, and her girlfriend wears pearls with blue jeans. They are over the top preppy but total badasses, so they're allowed.

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I'm going to be a total bitch now:

Exposed fat rolls, tight clothes on the hefty peoples, exposure of chronic cellulite - seriously, someone can be heavier but know how to dress for their size and look fabulous

Exposed ass cracks on men and women - just gross!

Also, I don't want to see anyone's underwear, whether it's a thong, boxer shorts, etc - it's called underwear for a reason.

Florescent colors on anyone *gag*

Unflattering bras, or going braless (unless you are of the wee chested) - that's just trashy!

Spandex anything on anyone.

*On the saggy pants thing - it doesn't bother me that much. The ones that are hanging around the knees are hilarious.

I'm certainly not a fashion maven, but I must agree that fit is essential regardless of your size. Clothing that is too loose or too tight can be so unflattering, and for women, a good bra is a must!!!

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