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Ghetto pimpin shorts.

K had to buy bermuda shorts for a party tonight...why can't he find anything above the knee??

This new baggy ass style has infected ALL OF MENS FASHION

All the shorts were below the knee...

He said, 'we used to call those knickers...guess we can't now its too close to that 'other' N word...'you talkin' to me?? Willis?'

yah he has his funny moments...but I regress...

They get much longer and or baggier and they will be pants...hell its almost a skirt now.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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The bagginess of men's fashion these days depresses me. If anything, it forces me into a more formal/business attire. If the temperature in CC was somewhere below the level of a sun going nova, I would be tempted to wear more of the stuff.

I will be the first to admit I dress like a preppy gone bad, but I would rather have a bullet in my brain before wearing any shirt in pink, salmon, or any other of those hideous colors. Besides, bright colors hurt my eyes.

I might be the only one to say this, but I don't like jeans. I haven't owned denim that goes below the knees since 1994. I could never get the buggers to fit right, never liked the way they feel on me. Slacks most of the time for me.

Right now, my club attire is whatever is comfortable; as cool as possible, dark enough to blend in (a bit,) and offer some traction while on a potentially wet dance floor.

Not a boot person myself, personal preference. I spent 8 years in them by orders, and they were never very comfortable for me to be in. I will wear dress shoes or athletic shoes as I can. At work I wear Birki plastic slip-ons. Trust me, when you let it fall towards your feet, Mr. Scalpel is NOT your friend.

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Pregnant women in little bitty belly shirts. I haven't seen as much of it in the last couple years, since longer shirts are more popular now in general, but yuck. I don't want to look at someone's fat rolls hanging out of the bottom of a cropped shirt, and I don't want to look at someone's big fat pregnant belly hanging out.

I think that falls into the category of "Just because they make it in your size doesn't mean you should wear it."


I think pregnant ladies look gross PERIOD...why show it off? Maybe it's because I strongly dislike/hate children...maybe it's because everytime I see a pregnant woman my libido is ruined for at least a month...MAYBE it's because seeing pregnant women reminds me that I CAN catch the pregnant after all which scares the EVER LOVING SHIT OUT OF ME. Whatever the reason, I just don't plain like it, and especially if it's someone who's got it just CHILLIN out the bottom of their shirt like that's supposed to be attractive or something.

I really don't get it.

Edited by Chernobyl
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  • 3 weeks later...

When I was a child, we would spend our Winters in Texas up until I was about 5 and my mother would dress me in shorts & cowboy boots. She claims I wanted the boots, so, hard to say. I can't stand the look of cowboy boots and shorts on a grown woman. I lived in Los Angeles with an ex of mine years back and I saw that on a daily basis.

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Have we've finished beating wearing of flip-flops to clubs or in dresses? Need to get my $0.02 in on this.

I understand that they are comfortable, and I will wear sandals around, (like keeping feet dry and clean, dealt with too many diabetic feet to do otherwise,) but not in a club setting. For the love of all that is safe, they leave one open to the nasty things that are on club floors, having one's feet stepped on, or slippage. If heels are not one's thing, and one want to wear a dress, could they at least try a pair of reasonable flats? Or boots? Hell, even tennis shoes would offer some protection.

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Have we've finished beating wearing of flip-flops to clubs or in dresses? Need to get my $0.02 in on this.

I understand that they are comfortable, and I will wear sandals around, (like keeping feet dry and clean, dealt with too many diabetic feet to do otherwise,) but not in a club setting. For the love of all that is safe, they leave one open to the nasty things that are on club floors, having one's feet stepped on, or slippage. If heels are not one's thing, and one want to wear a dress, could they at least try a pair of reasonable flats? Or boots? Hell, even tennis shoes would offer some protection.

Hear ye hear ye. I hate when people wear flip flops to the club. Well, anywhere in fact, but the club is absolutely unacceptable. D:

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Period. On any person. For any reason other than actually being up on a horse.

I usually don't use fashion as a dating consideration, but I absolutely will not date a man who wears cowboy boots.

I know cowboy boots are dorky, but they are actually useful for at least ONE thing besides their actual purpose; motorcycle riding! I wear them a lot when I ride, especially if I have to ride "bitch" on a bike-- as the way the heel is made to fit a stirrup is certainly good for keeping a comfortable grip on the footpegs of a motorcycle! ;) The leather bottoms and tough wooden heels are also a road-tested feature. I have a pink pair of 'kickers that matches my riding leathers. :)

P.S. Shit-kickers can also come in handy if one happens to get caught up in a little scrap. The pointy toes and hard heels hurt like all fuck, when they connect with a foot, kneecap, hand, or face. Another cowboy and biker-tested feature!

Dorky, but useful. ;)

As for fashion violations, how about when men wear their flannel pyjama bottoms with a wifebeater to the corner store in the morning? UGH! How lazy.

Edited by jynxxxedangel
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Today was not hot out. Nonetheless, on my way home from work filling up my tank, there was a flabby gross guy about 30 filling up with no shirt on. He rode up with no shirt on, walked out, walked around, put his shirt on to go inside and pay, and then walking out the door pulled it back off to fill up.

You are gross and fat, sir. You don't need to be pulling that off to impress us girls with your physique - you really don't. And don't tell me it was because you were hot, since I didn't even have my air on...it was like 70something this evening! Moron.....

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Hear ye hear ye. I hate when people wear flip flops to the club. Well, anywhere in fact, but the club is absolutely unacceptable. D:

(all in good fun):


otherwise, I'd never wear them to the club... lol but I have, twice. and trust me, no one was looking at my feel :p :p :p :p

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(all in good fun):


otherwise, I'd never wear them to the club... lol but I have, twice. and trust me, no one was looking at my feel :p :p :p :p

It's different when that's the reason! I just mean out of laziness pure and simple. You were totally allowed! XD

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I hate shoes personaly and if I could I'd wear flip flops all year long. With that being said, there is no way on Gods green earth you would catch me wearing flip flops to the club.

One word: Suspenders. When the fuck did those become fashionable again? My grandfather wore them all 84 years of his life...but those were for necessity not fashion. And the only reason I bring this us is because I was bored and looking at hottopic.com and they have like a whole page or two of suspenders.

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  • 3 months later...

Shemagh scarves.

LOVE them

Yup and its come back in style....at least for celebs. Its like fame makes them nuts or develop bad fashion senses.

It looks like something crawled around her neck and died. I like them in the winter but not all bunched up like that.


I'm just curious as to whom made a LOT of you fashion critics. Could you please share your credentials. I think ANYTHING ICP is hideous, as is that so-called band. But I'm not going to complain. You wear what you like. I'll be sure to wear one of my scarves next time. With skinny jeans and boots. It's not EMO or scene kid. It's fucking rock and roll.

Who else HATES capri pants? They look like what we used to call 'highwaters' down south (which meant your folks were too poor to buy pants that fit you for the schoolyear)!

Yes, I had to wear them, sometimes, and I dreaded the teasing from the kids who were more well-off than we were.. *LMAO*

I also hate already-distressed (holey) jeans that cost 150 bucks off the rack. Christ! I fought every DAY in school because I got picked on for being poor. It actually interfered with my EDUCATION! Now rich fecks want to look like poor kids. It makes me SICK.

Oh, and ALSO, when gentlemen of colour wear their fingernails LONG.. GROSSSSSS!! Cut your NAILS, dude-- PLEASE!!!

I ROCK capri pants, mainly denim ones. With stilettos. I also rock the shit out of holey jeans. I grew up pretty fucking poor. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that it's all in HOW it's worn. No way in Hell will I EVER pay a lot of money for them. My skinny jeans were originally $145. But, they were a gift. And I wasn't saying No.

I agree with the whole fingernail thing. GROSS.


I think pregnant ladies look gross PERIOD...why show it off? Maybe it's because I strongly dislike/hate children...maybe it's because everytime I see a pregnant woman my libido is ruined for at least a month...MAYBE it's because seeing pregnant women reminds me that I CAN catch the pregnant after all which scares the EVER LOVING SHIT OUT OF ME. Whatever the reason, I just don't plain like it, and especially if it's someone who's got it just CHILLIN out the bottom of their shirt like that's supposed to be attractive or something.

I really don't get it.

I won't even go there. Most of this comment is DEEPLY offensive.

Christ, people. There is not ONE person here who is a fashion plate. Look for me. I'll be in ALL the most offensive gear.


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i love crocs end of story lol they are orthopedic and i have bad knees :/

These Crocs aren't so bad-- I'd actually wear them. :)


As for holey jeans, I still wear them from time to time (almost all my fave jeans end up with Ramones knees, eventually). I just refuse to buy already distressed jeans, as they last about half as long for me. I'm tough on pants. Not to mention, the entire point of paying so much for something made to look like clothing I've been ridiculed for wearing my entire life (and am perfectly good at creating naturally), is moot. I do like the embellished jeans, though. Some are very pretty and unique.

As for capris, most short people can't wear them and pull it off. They tend to bunch up at the knees and hips, and shorten the torso. I suppose if a person is long-waisted enough, they can get away with it. ;) On me, they look like highwaters. :rofl:

All being said, I think I could totally rock that t-shirt made from boy's underdrawers. :p I wouldn't wear it as street clothes, though..not even to a truck pull. :rofl:

Only people who can pull off whatever look they choose are fashion plates! Otherwise, the clothes are merely wearing them, and they are fashion victims. ;)

I don't think pregnant women are hideous, either. Pregnancy is a beautiful and natural thing. Some ladies expecting should think over their choices of clothing a bit better, though, as not to make themselves look like Baby Huey!


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These Crocs aren't so bad-- I'd actually wear them. :)


As for holey jeans, I still wear them from time to time (almost all my fave jeans end up with Ramones knees, eventually). I just refuse to buy already distressed jeans, as they last about half as long for me. I'm tough on pants. Not to mention, the entire point of paying so much for something made to look like clothing I've been ridiculed for wearing my entire life (and am perfectly good at creating naturally), is moot. I do like the embellished jeans, though. Some are very pretty and unique.

As for capris, most short people can't wear them and pull it off. They tend to bunch up at the knees and hips, and shorten the torso. I suppose if a person is long-waisted enough, they can get away with it. ;) On me, they look like highwaters. :rofl:

All being said, I think I could totally rock that t-shirt made from boy's underdrawers. :p I wouldn't wear it as street clothes, though..not even to a truck pull. :rofl:

Only people who can pull off whatever look they choose are fashion plates! Otherwise, the clothes are merely wearing them, and they are fashion victims. ;)

I don't think pregnant women are hideous, either. Pregnancy is a beautiful and natural thing. Some ladies expecting should think over their choices of clothing a bit better, though, as not to make themselves look like Baby Huey!


Those Crocs aren't too bad. I had a few coworkers who wore them. I hear that that particular style isn't very comfortable, though.

As for capris on shorter women, maybe more of a pedal pusher would work? They're shorter.

*thinks about stealing some boys underwear*

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Gah! I don't care much for that trend, either. I see mostly emo Asian boys with that 'do (who usually happen to have exquisite faces they're trying to hide).

It was difficult enough to see, with the devilock I had back in the '80s! Kidz and their hair dooz.. :p


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i rather enjoyed having long hair with an equal length fringe in an office. but step outside on a windy day and i could not see for the hair. being blow out of its place and where it naturally wants to go.

not so much as a fasion crime (could be technically) but the fauxhawk.

its awfull. but yet usefull..... as every person i've dealt with who has one has been an utter knobbend. more often than not you can smell the teenage bullshit from 5 yards off


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i rather enjoyed having long hair with an equal length fringe in an office. but step outside on a windy day and i could not see for the hair. being blow out of its place and where it naturally wants to go.

not so much as a fashion crime (could be technically) but the fauxhawk.

its awfull. but yet usefull..... as every person i've dealt with who has one has been an utter knobbend. more often than not you can smell the teenage bullshit from 5 yards off


Not to self: wear my fauxhawk as high as I can. I want to smell like teenage bullshit.

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