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That's true. Look, meat can taste wonderful sometimes but I just kind of feel wrong about it. I think you have to live out all those things you feel. I try to. I mean why kill something to eat it when I don't have to? And when you take into account popular methods of raising and slaughtering animals it makes it even worse.

And meat makes me feel less healthy, physically.

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Then you should see a doctor. Thats kinda like saying breathing air makes you feel icky.

Someone comment on my new profile pic damnit.. I searched all over the net for just the right Ghost Rider pic to crop... it took all of like... 5 or 6 minutes to find one and like... i think it fits my personailty rather well.

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Then you should see a doctor. Thats kinda like saying breathing air makes you feel icky.

Someone comment on my new profile pic damnit.. I searched all over the net for just the right Ghost Rider pic to crop... it took all of like... 5 or 6 minutes to find one and like... i think it fits my personailty rather well.


well, i had to refresh to see it. so there! :tongue:

awesome, btw. :grin

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Plus, with all of the antibiotics they pump all these things up with and that...I mean I'm not trying to grow "bitch-tits", if I can avoid it; no?

You mean.... If I eat enough meat I can grow my own tits to play with??? I am going to Ponderosa for Lunch!!!

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80% of the beef this country produces comes from spent dairy cattle.

A Dairy cow is raised on a special diet that includes certain added chemicals, to help it produce more milk. This special diet makes the animals anemic. 40% of the beef cows, by the time the reach the slaughter house cannot walk or stand because of anemia. Often they develop sores similar to bed sores, from laying around, which go un treated, because there is no law that says their wounds have to be treated. Many of the cows slaughtered have advanced infecctions. The cattle also develop chemical imbalances from lack of stimulation (because beyond crippling anemia they are kept in special desiegned cages with prevent them from being able to even face another direction their whole lives) and of course, depression effects the entire body.

So imagine the cocktail of healthy chemicals your ingesting the next time you sit down to have a steak.

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80% of the beef this country produces comes from spent dairy cattle.

A Dairy cow is raised on a special diet that includes certain added chemicals, to help it produce more milk. This special diet makes the animals anemic. 40% of the beef cows, by the time the reach the slaughter house cannot walk or stand because of anemia. Often they develop sores similar to bed sores, from laying around, which go un treated, because there is no law that says their wounds have to be treated. Many of the cows slaughtered have advanced infecctions. The cattle also develop chemical imbalances from lack of stimulation (because beyond crippling anemia they are kept in special desiegned cages with prevent them from being able to even face another direction their whole lives) and of course, depression effects the entire body.

So imagine the cocktail of healthy chemicals your ingesting the next time you sit down to have a steak.

But if I eat it I grow breasts?

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Chicken have similar lives as cattle. They are kept in cages so small that they never have the opportunity to spread a single wing their entire lives. They are kept in the cages with other chickens who sometimes die from the conditions. The cages go with out cleaning.

they also develop depression and other diseases.

40% of chicken out grow their legs becuase of antibiotics and steroids put in their feed to make them larger and cannot walk or stand when they get to slaughter.

These are also the same chickens that produce your morning eggs.

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I always ttry to by healthy varaties of things... I know what the word "Organic" is supposed to mean as defined by the FDA, basically that there were no pestasides or chemicals used in the process, or something like that. So milk that is "Organic" comes from cows that were not given growth hormones etc...

What I don't trust is that something marked organic actually means that... perhaps the product itself was not created using toxins as far as the law dictates, but who knows what else may have happened to it while it was getting processed and shiped?

I think I will have burger king for lunch.... I know that is bad for me.

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And I do eat meat sometimes, it's just that I try to stay away from it. I should clarify. I'm more of a semi-vegetarian.

Although, I'd like to be vegan, because eating cheese or eggs, for example supports the kind of practices I described, above.

If you can get cheese or eggs or milk from a reliably good source, I suppose that kind of thing is okay.

But eggs are full of cholesterall and milk is not really healthy. Once in a while, if you're active, that's about it.

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1, not using fertilizer leads to poor quality produce. simple. fertilizers are essentially 'organic' or 'natural'. you can use whatever, but the effect is the same.

anyone who sold produce for a profit that told me they used no fertilizers is full of shit, frankly.

2, 'pesticides' is another word with interesting meanings to some people. for example, some people use pyrethroidsand claim that they are 'natural' and 'safe' (note, we are not allowed to use the word 'safe' in our industry. you can be penalized for doing so).

so 'pesticide free' could mean alot of things you wouldnt imagine.

3, unless you grow it yourself, you have absolutely no guarantee on what was or wasnt used in the growing of said produce. yes, buying in a small market creates the air of honesty and safety, but we are not the only people to whom this idea has occured. there are plenty of peoplewho no doubt exploit this to their advantage. (for example, ever see 'amish' chicken in a grocery store... :rolleyes: ).

im not saying everyone is decieving you, but that you should in no way take the type of market place or the persons word as any sort of guarantee on the qualities of their produce.

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Umm...I find that although organic vegetables might not be as large or look as good as vegetables grown on farms that use chemicals, they taste better. Also, if I buy them from the farmer, the last about two weeks longer, on average. The ones you get at Kroger are almost at the end of their freshness.

And you can tell when a pepper, for example has bugs. pestacides are more to garuntee that the farmer doesn't lose his entire crop rather than protect you from worms. there's a market for things grown without pestacides and so many farmers take the chance.

I've grown things without fertalizers but i think the term organic probably means like no inorganic chemical fertalizers or pestacides rather than none what so ever.

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