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Ah. Okay, I didn't know how it worked, but I *thought* they did. From my years of ROTC, I know the military is really big on giving money for education.

That sucks though you got to pay up front. But it's better than nothing. I wouldn't have had to wait 10 years to get into school again if I could have gotten something like that.

Saddly enough, the army isn't really big on giving you money for anything. If you could work for free, with junk equipment, go to war with faulting rifles, and have no life insurance, they'd be down for that.

I am going to have to pay up front, all of I think over 4 or 5 grand, then wait for the VA *that's who I am going through* will ssssssssssslllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwllllllllll

lllllllllllly give me back my money.

You actually have 13 years to use your college money through the Army, but that takes way more time to deal with than the VA. With the Army, you need to keep up on your PT tests, and actually showing up for drill. * I don't have a problem with showing up, I'm always early for drill*. With the VA, all you have to do is live through a year of War and you should be okay.

But right now, it's the whole "my parents paid my sister's way for 5 years for college at first Macomb for a year to get her basic courses down, then another 4 at CMU. PLUS paid for her appartment."

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Saddly enough, the army isn't really big on giving you money for anything. If you could work for free, with junk equipment, go to war with faulting rifles, and have no life insurance, they'd be down for that.

I am going to have to pay up front, all of I think over 4 or 5 grand, then wait for the VA *that's who I am going through* will ssssssssssslllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwllllllllll

lllllllllllly give me back my money.

You actually have 13 years to use your college money through the Army, but that takes way more time to deal with than the VA. With the Army, you need to keep up on your PT tests, and actually showing up for drill. * I don't have a problem with showing up, I'm always early for drill*. With the VA, all you have to do is live through a year of War and you should be okay.

But right now, it's the whole "my parents paid my sister's way for 5 years for college at first Macomb for a year to get her basic courses down, then another 4 at CMU. PLUS paid for her appartment."

I see. That's icky ... but worth it. Paying out of pocket sucks, that's all I've ever been able to do. That's why it took me 10 years to get back to college.

I know what you mean about the last part, BTW.

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Woke up.

Had teh sekz.

Took a shower.

Took a bath, read my book, while looking out the window at the snow w/ a cat or two sharing the windowsill.

Did dishes.

Made cranberry ranch salad dressing for dinner later (grilled turkey salads).

Made a hot turkey sammich w/cranberry sauce for lunch.

Ate my sammich while catching up on DGN.

Now I'm outta here and going to spend a snowy day on Second Life with the fabu new video card that gives me those brilliant crisp graphics I've been dreaming of for so long.

Mebbe l8r, "I am Legend" at the moovees w/ a big bukkit o' popcorn, hawt dawgs & a coke.

This has been the Critter Itinerary update. We now return you to your regularly scheduled cawphee hawse.

Edited by Fierce Critter
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I thought I was feeling better.

I was wrong. My stomach is wicked upset. I've been on the couch since 745 this morning. I fell back alseep, but I don't know how much good that did.

I haven't even had the coffee i made this morning! But luckly, I bought Odims a coffee pot that keeps coffee hot for 20 hours. And it doesn't have a heater either!!

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