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Being Framed

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Here goes another rant up my sleeve which just happened the other day

This may sound kinda ridiculous and I know this shouldnt be anything dwelled on either...But for the past few days my ex's dumb little 14 year old friends has been sending me im's left n right just critisizing for no reason, well usually for that stuff I just plain out ignore it and dont waste my time on such kindergarden games, However I did put up a little qoute in my yahoo status thing which repply's ta all there ignorance just to be funny and since I know they use my ex's screen name. Yesterday one of her friends was doing it again and this time I was curious why is she letting them use her screen name and sending me bullshit, well as I was asking one of them, and besides all the bla bla bla's n stuff, then it turns out my ex was even telling them my flaws in our sex life we had in the past.....Ok now who the fuck in the right mind would a adult be telling 14 year olds about there sex life n such, so then I just ignored that immature bitch again, after when me and my roomate came from from vacuming the vehicle and shopping for food at krogers, my ex sent me a I'm stating that im the one who's starting shit with her dumb little friends, im like WHOA HOLD the fuck up here, I explained to her that I wasnt doing shit and I just ignored them mostly. Then she automaticly assumed that I was lying and try's ta make me look like the bad guy. I'm really not that type of person ta be playing kid games with 14 year olds, I dont have time for that shit. I'm sure my ex knows me better than that too, she just wants the shit pinned on me.

Basicaly receiving crap from kids dont bother me, I just laugh because of knowing how stupid they are, so thats really no issue. I't just upsets me that my ex is trying ta frame shit on me again, like she kinda did ta me when we was still together at the time, like she wanted a open relationship so I was like ok we can give that a try, and at the end, she dumps me over it making it looked like I cheated, oh and not to mention of how much fuckin hell I went through of that step-mom bitch of hers, only thing my ex did on that part was critisize me also, but of course the rest was just the past we kinda became friends again after a few months, but of course of whut happened yesterday, that just litarly drew the last straw this time. I putted her on iggy just because I dont have time for these games and her trying ta pull that reverse psycholigy on me, I dont ever plan on speaking to her again. another thing that kill's me also is I done soo much for her the last summer, I got her out of that bad neighborhood and away from her drug-habited parents, constantly transported her back n fourth to my mom's house, her moms house, and her fathers, trying ta get things settled, I took so much time out of my hands and effort just ta make sure things get better for her, plus even bought a ticket to a concert for her. I did things that I wouldnt usually do for anyone just for her.....But at the end, this is my payback, the only thing I got is betrayel and framing bullcrap.....*sigh* this is why im glad I have long-time friends, they know me better than that, and if i didnt have any female friends right now I probaly woulda start having a huge grudge against all females. And this is also one of the reasons why I chose ta stay single once again, I just cant keep on going through this shit constantly, and from now on im also not buggin anyone who's associated with mostly 14 year olds either...

Ok now im done ranting lol, startin ta feel a little bit better

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Yeah, I know all about psychos, especially those of the "ex" avriety. Take it from me, completely ignore anything that comes your way that comes from her/them. Period. Nothing says "I'm tired of the BS" more than to completely ignore them. You're better than that, don't let them drag you down. Hang loose, be cool, and we'll laugh about them next weekend at City DC!

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Sounds like she's obsessed with you, Darkchylde. 

Good for you for ignoring that sort of behavior.  It's really pretty pathetic to harass an ex like that.


Oh you have no idea, back when we was together she constantly kept adoring me by "oh your so perfect and beautiful eyes" and when we went ta cc together she always followed me around also and expected me ta sit at a same table throughout the whole night without moving around...When im at cc I got people ta talk to and I cant just stay in one spot either, when I finally got away from her for a bit she always kept complainin about leaving her by herself n bla bla bla.

Ya know when I think about it, I think this is why I've been listening to "the cure" and "ministry" alot more often.

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Lol I dont even care anymore, and maybe I should tell others ta do there worse if they see her at cc again which they wanted to from the beginning. Basicaly now she's just like the trash like my other ex's were, she thought she could do better, but at the end, she proved herself ta be like them, maybe worse, who knows. :sleeping

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wow...she seems kinda of immature, then again hanging around with 14 yr olds? thats just weird. Yep, take TC's advice and simply ignore her completely, otherwise you play right into her little game. Look at it this way, you don't want to encourage her otherwise whe may take the "framing" to a more serious level, I mean you don't want to lose your freedom over some dumb girl and her idiot friends.

Anyway, I do know what your talking about since I had made similiar mistakes with a psycho and even let her move in with me. Needless to say, i had the play the big bad landlord and evict her ass. I made the usual mistake of doing everything for her and paying her bills. In the end I was taken for a chump and betrayed, she wanted a sugar daddy. I stopped playing her game after I knew what was going on and basically sent her packing. The stress and anxiety from the whole ordeal was so bad that I bombed several of my classes at emu and had to withdraw from the whole semester! :erm

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somebody should let the 14yrl olds parnet know hwta kinda BS this Lady is teaching them....... no adult has any business talking about there sex life with a 14 yr old....a minor and sohow i would think that could be illegal.... i am all about teaching facts and safe sex to a 14 yr old but no adult needs to get all detailed about there own personal experiences..... as a mom if my kids were invovled in this i would want to know so i could kick the chick ass my self.


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wow...she seems kinda of immature, then again hanging around with 14 yr olds? thats just weird. Yep, take TC's advice and simply ignore her completely, otherwise you play right into her little game. Look at it this way, you don't want to encourage her otherwise whe may take the "framing" to a more serious level, I mean you don't want to lose your freedom over some dumb girl and her idiot friends.

Anyway, I do know what your talking about since I had made similiar mistakes with a psycho and even let her move in with me. Needless to say, i had the play the big bad landlord and evict her ass. I made the usual mistake of doing everything for her and paying her bills. In the end I was taken for a chump and betrayed, she wanted a sugar daddy. I stopped playing her game after I knew what was going on and basically sent her packing. The stress and anxiety from the whole ordeal was so bad that I bombed several of my classes at emu and had to withdraw from the whole semester!  :erm


Oh trust me, I plan on completely staying away from her, even at cc *of course I know she wouldnt show up anyways* I already know whut will happen if I fall into her pity games. I totally agree with you and TC there, I never been the type of person ta repeat the same mistakes. Whut I said earlier was just my way of saying that im through with of trying ta prevent anything happening to her and this time she's putting it on herself. But other than that im really sorry ta hear that man, thats alot of anxiety ta deal with, im defintely glad I never moved in with my ex, it woulda been way lot worse *shrugs* thats too scary ta even think about it.

I doubt she'll ever show at CC though.  I was who she hung out with when you were wandering around and talking.  Bah.....  We always knew you could do better.  You need someone as social as you are.


Your right, this time I have ta be more picky of who I meet and make sure there on the same level. Oh and let ya know that im not trying to make anyone take sides so dont worry, you'll always be a good friend :happy:

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