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Michael Weiner Should Stick With His Real Last Name On The Radio...

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Because he is one....


"Michael Weiner has a radio show. For obvious reasons, he has chosen to do the show under the name Michael Savage instead, and "The Savage Nation" attracts a few million listeners per week. They listen, in part, to hear Savage rant on conservative topics. On October 29, 2007, listeners were rewarded with this bit of enlightened monologue on the topic of Muslims:

What kind of world are you living in that you let them in here with that throwback document in their hand, which is a book of hate. Don't tell me I need reeducation. They need deportation. I don't need reeducation. Deportation not reeducation. You can take CAIR and throw them out of my country. I'd raise the American flag, and I'd get out my trumpet if you did it. Without due process. You can take your due process and shove it... Wherever you look on the Earth there's a bomb going off or a car going up in flames, and it's Muslims screaming for the blood of Christians or Jews or anyone they hate.

There's more... much more (Savage believes that "90 percent of them are on welfare," for instance), and it's not surprising that the Council for American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) might have a different view. CAIR posted a four-minute excerpt of this show on its website along with a rebuttal, and Savage then filed a lawsuit against the group, alleging copyright infringement. "

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Yes, I've come across his radio program on my way home from work. I listen occasionally for the train-wreck effect: it is horrible to witness, yet strangely fascinating to think that someone could actually think this way, and publicly vent it on the airwaves, on his own program, and get away with it.

Freedom of speech... gotta love it. The issue here isn't that he's spewing willy nilly, it's that he has the balls to cry about it and sue because the other side actually stood up for themselves.

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Yes, I've come across his radio program on my way home from work. I listen occasionally for the train-wreck effect: it is horrible to witness, yet strangely fascinating to think that someone could actually think this way, and publicly vent it on the airwaves, on his own program, and get away with it.

Freedom of speech Dude.

its his right to do - and your right to rebut or challange, or come up with a radio program of your own.

I understand the concern.....but you start flirting with the idea of censorship and we have an even bigger problem...

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Freedom of speech... gotta love it. The issue here isn't that he's spewing willy nilly, it's that he has the balls to cry about it and sue because the other side actually stood up for themselves.

oh I agree.

but if his suit is without merit then he'll get his clock cleaned.

and spend money in the process.

who is his advertising support by the way?

thats who its costing.

(by the way we kinda do that in here too)

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To be honest... I can't say I 100% disagree with him. I have read the Quran and have read the history of the Muslim faith. Murder and mayhem are too easily justifiable in that faith system for me.

I'm neither disagreeing nor agreeing with his message, I just find it sad that he expects to be able to say what he wants but when the group he attacks uses his own words to defend themselves his only response is to bring legal action against them instead of providing evidence to make a point in return. Especially when what they did falls very squarely under "fair use" guidelines provided in copywrite laws. And to be fair, Christianity (Yes, I know you don't identify as such) has spilled more then it's fair share of blood over the ages.

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Ideologues... they are so predictably and boringly consistent. We've seen this movie before. Al Franken posted factually accurate rebuttals to the claims of Bill O'Reilly, Bill sues Franken, and gets laughed out of court.

Peter Schweitzer posts truthful rebuttals of several prominent liberals in his book "Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles In Liberal Hypocrisy", and the liberals, knowing when not to pick a fight, ignore the book.

How many copies of "Lies and the lying liars who tell them" did O'Reilly sell when he sued Franken? How many dollars is this Weiner raising for CAIR?

When was the last time you have ever heard of Peter Schweitzer?

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I'm neither disagreeing nor agreeing with his message, I just find it sad that he expects to be able to say what he wants but when the group he attacks uses his own words to defend themselves his only response is to bring legal action against them instead of providing evidence to make a point in return. Especially when what they did falls very squarely under "fair use" guidelines provided in copywrite laws. And to be fair, Christianity (Yes, I know you don't identify as such) has spilled more then it's fair share of blood over the ages.

Actually, no, it is not within fair use. Rebroadcast without permission is a breach of copyright. Pay attention to talk shows... they will often have snippets from other shows... tv news and such... Ever notice they never play the question being asked? They play the answer but not the question asked. Thats because they wouldneed permission to play the recorded bits of the other Radio/tv show.

As for beinging legal action... the ACLU and other liberal groups sue over everything and anything they can to make thier point. It's, unfortunatly, part of how things get done anymore.

He could have taken the Muslim approach and had some mentally impaired person walk into their offices with a remote bomb attached to them.

Ofcourse, bring up what the Christians did hundreds of years ago to somehow justify what the Muslims are doing today.

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"The Muslims", Gaf?

Ugh. Muslims are not a monolithic group, and you know it. Moreover, show me one piece of data that supports the assertion that CAIR has ever supported suicide bombing. Accepting donations from people that eventually turn out to also donate to terrorist groups doesn't count.

Moreover, there are plenty of failed suicide bombers. They have all been interviewed. While desperation or depression may indeed be considered "mental impairments", I think we all know what you were implying.

Many suicide bombers, unnervingly, are in many ways just like you or me.

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Perhaps you missed this last week. The biggest suicide bombing since the surge began... evidence points to the fact that they used local women with mental impairments... autism to be specific to get the bombs into the markets.

I don't care if CAIR supports terrorists or not. It has squat to do with the merit of the civil suit.

And yes, the Muslims. Last I checked Al-quada and the other islamic terrorist groups were infact Muslim.

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Ideologues... they are so predictably and boringly consistent. We've seen this movie before. Al Franken posted factually accurate rebuttals to the claims of Bill O'Reilly, Bill sues Franken, and gets laughed out of court.

Peter Schweitzer posts truthful rebuttals of several prominent liberals in his book "Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles In Liberal Hypocrisy", and the liberals, knowing when not to pick a fight, ignore the book.

How many copies of "Lies and the lying liars who tell them" did O'Reilly sell when he sued Franken? How many dollars is this Weiner raising for CAIR?

When was the last time you have ever heard of Peter Schweitzer?

Al Franken and Bill O'Reilly are both proven liars.

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And to be fair, Christianity (Yes, I know you don't identify as such) has spilled more then it's fair share of blood over the ages.

True but you have to go back quite a long time to find groups of Christians banding together to spill blood. You see it weekly in the middle east. Muslims are not a monolith, but there are several hundred thousand that adhere to the stereotypes.

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I was not endorsing Al Franken's politics, way of life, or asserting his virtue. However, Bill O'Reilly sold every last copy of Al Franken's book with his lawsuit against it.

Also, there are about 1,610,000,000 Muslims. Let's say, for the sake of argument, that "several hundred thousand" means seven hundred thousand, right on the nose.

700,000 / 1,610,000,000 = 0.000434782609. Not one percent. Not one tenth of one percent. Four one hundredths of one per cent.

Radical Islamic Extremism is BAD BAD MOJO. Be that as it may, portraying it as anything but the fringe of a fringe of a fringe group is extremely foolish.

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I was not endorsing Al Franken's politics, way of life, or asserting his virtue. However, Bill O'Reilly sold every last copy of Al Franken's book with his lawsuit against it.

Also, there are about 1,610,000,000 Muslims. Let's say, for the sake of argument, that "several hundred thousand" means seven hundred thousand, right on the nose.

700,000 / 1,610,000,000 = 0.000434782609. Not one percent. Not one tenth of one percent. Four one hundredths of one per cent.

Radical Islamic Extremism is BAD BAD MOJO. Be that as it may, portraying it as anything but the fringe of a fringe of a fringe group is extremely foolish.

It's the fringe who carry out violence but as poll results show in Palestine, terrorist groups can win the popular vote in elections.

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Freedom of speech... gotta love it. The issue here isn't that he's spewing willy nilly, it's that he has the balls to cry about it and sue because the other side actually stood up for themselves.

Freedom of speech Dude.

its his right to do - and your right to rebut or challange, or come up with a radio program of your own.

I understand the concern.....but you start flirting with the idea of censorship and we have an even bigger problem...

Honestly? Don't give me the freedom of speech canard. He has a perfect right to say what he wants. He does NOT have the perfect right to say whatever he wants and get PAID for it. I might also mention the fact that I never even insinuated that he should be censored, only that I find it amazing that he can get away with saying some of the things he does. Imus was canned for less, but Mr. Weiner has been saying and doing crap like this for years, and is only now beginning to feel the backlash of advertisers pulling out on him.

To be honest... I can't say I 100% disagree with him. I have read the Quran and have read the history of the Muslim faith. Murder and mayhem are too easily justifiable in that faith system for me.

Actually, no, it is not within fair use. Rebroadcast without permission is a breach of copyright. Pay attention to talk shows... they will often have snippets from other shows... tv news and such... Ever notice they never play the question being asked? They play the answer but not the question asked. Thats because they wouldneed permission to play the recorded bits of the other Radio/tv show.

As for beinging legal action... the ACLU and other liberal groups sue over everything and anything they can to make thier point. It's, unfortunatly, part of how things get done anymore.

He could have taken the Muslim approach and had some mentally impaired person walk into their offices with a remote bomb attached to them.

Ofcourse, bring up what the Christians did hundreds of years ago to somehow justify what the Muslims are doing today.

True but you have to go back quite a long time to find groups of Christians banding together to spill blood. You see it weekly in the middle east. Muslims are not a monolith, but there are several hundred thousand that adhere to the stereotypes.

The IRA, the Ulster Defense Association, the Tsar Lazar Guard, God's Army, the Lambs of Christ, the Army of God. All terrorist organizations with at least a partially Christian agenda. So, by the logic related here, Christianity should be eradicated from the Earth, right? Right? Does anyone see how fallacious, how specious this line of reasoning really is? I'm sure we could come with a few Buddhist groups, too, so we can justify doing away with all of them. How about the Aum Shinrikyo for starters?

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Marco, terrorism is a tactic. One can use terrorism, renounce it, and begin the process of using politics to resolve areas of contention. Hamas' failure is not that they entered the political arena, it was that they failed to leave the violent arena.

Radical extremism, be it Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Animist, Atheist, or what have you, that is an entirely different kettle of fish. Once you sign on to a radical extremist agenda, chances are you are not going to make it to old age.

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Actually, no, it is not within fair use. Rebroadcast without permission is a breach of copyright. Pay attention to talk shows... they will often have snippets from other shows... tv news and such... Ever notice they never play the question being asked? They play the answer but not the question asked. Thats because they wouldneed permission to play the recorded bits of the other Radio/tv show.

As for beinging legal action... the ACLU and other liberal groups sue over everything and anything they can to make thier point. It's, unfortunatly, part of how things get done anymore.

He could have taken the Muslim approach and had some mentally impaired person walk into their offices with a remote bomb attached to them.

Ofcourse, bring up what the Christians did hundreds of years ago to somehow justify what the Muslims are doing today.

In my opinion it is fair use. Rebroadcast generally has a commercial value to it that disqualifies it. (Advertising audience, anyone?) In this case they are using it under the "criticism" provisions of the act.

Yeah... people sue too much. That's a fact.

And I wasn't justifying anything, but the fact remains that both religions have histories of violence.

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Let me re-phrase that....

Palestinians teach their children to kill Jews and Christians.

Non-Muslims in Dafur are getting slaughtered by Muslims or at best being forced to live in camps.

Iran hangs people for being gay.

Women are repressed and treated like property in most of the middle east.

All in the name of Islam.

I could keep writing all night about the horror that I find Islam to be. I still could not cover all the deplorable acts that are carried out in the name of Islam. The millions of people being repressed, tortured and killed. It sickens me.

It's not just the extremists. Every large population of Muslims in the world has it's own judges and laws. Sharia law. They are petitioning governments to be exempt from the laws of the given country and only be held liable to Sharia law. They also force said Sharia law on non-Muslims living in Muslim areas.

I have no problem with getting rid of the virus that it is.

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Yes, Turkey... where during the 1990's 3000 Kurdish villages and towns were wiped off the map via napalm. Almost 400,000 people violently displaced. People still "disappear" there. 20% of thier population are Kurds who are not allowed to speak thier native Kurdish on fear on death.

A Blind eye will kill more people than seeing in Black and White.

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