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To Eat It Or Not To Eat It

Gaf The Horse With Tears

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You know those big cans of Red Bull? i have been known to slam two of them... ofcourse, my heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest and go for a run...

There is 250 Calories in it... 110 from Fat. 13grams of fat, 5grams of saturated fat, no trans fats, 120mg of sodium, 31 carbs, 25g of sugar, 4g or protien... 10% of the daily of B6 and B12

Those things I'm not so concerened with... it's the 60mg of caffeine and 250mg of Taurine that worry me. Wired from hell comes to mind.

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You know... I drink Red Bull mostly cause I like the taste. It's the one and only energy drink I have ever been able to stand. Most make me want to puke. Reb Bull on the other hand is nummy... hence my wife not allowing me to buy more than one at a time... cause I'll just keep drinking them one after another...

plus Taurine is my friend. bzzzzzz

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Oh man, Monster is my lifeline. I drink 2 billabongs a day sometimes,

or at least 3 regulars when I'm on a 24 hr marathon, For someone like

me who watches my Son during the day and then works 12 hrs shifts at

night there the best thing to next to Meth.

Also, Monster is one of the only energy drinks that uses Glucose and

sucrose instead of fructose. The latter causes more stomach upset

and is not as easily processed.

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Sweet angry jeezus. All this energy stuff can NOT be healthy. I just drink coffee, stereotypical goth stylie :tongue:.

Ten bucks that in two years there will be portable IV packs on the market. Just stick it in a vein, strap the little pack to your waist and walk around all day constantly hyped up and wired on shit that's not good for you :laugh:. It can't be healthy...but hey, they DO still sell things like cigarettes (...and with harmful shit like Red Bull and cigarettes on the market, why isn't weed legal?! :blink:)

I do caffeine, I don't do the other stuff because I have heart issues and a little bit of energy isn't worth having me fall over dead. I've done Jagerbombs, that's about the extent of it, which is why I can't drink Red Bull plain (reminds me of alcohol...and not a good mix at that :ralph).

I WAS in a really bad phase about a year and a half ago. They came out with these evil little drinks on the market called Sparks. It's basically an energy drink that comes premixed with alcohol and doesn't even really say what's in it. I did notice, however, that they're delicious and cheap, so I would stop all fucking day and buy them from the store and just walk around and sip until my heart felt like it was going to come out of my chest. Very...odd buzz.

I stopped drinking them when I realized that I was putting myself in harm's way by not only drinking them but having like two to six a day :laugh:. I also realized that, yes, even though it IS five o' clock somewhere...getting sloshed at three in the afternoon generally isn't acceptable. I swear they put crack in that shit (and all other energy drinks as well).

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I wont do cafeen pills. Make me puke... but high concentrations of Tuarine is cool. Our bodys make Taurin anyway... as part of our bile... It is what breaks down carbs into usable sugers (read that as energy)

Slam a double RedBull and eat a bag of chocolate covered raisons... The caffeen in the Red bull is nothing compared to the rapid digestion of the sugars in the raisons into energy.

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i've never done any of the "energy" stuff. i had a sip of something once, red bull i think it was, and i thought it was SO DISGUSTING i could not understand how people willing drink that stuff every day/all the time!

i do think i need some sort of energy... something. i lack even a normal amount. :p

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I thought I had posted this in this thread already, but I guess not...

What the hell is Taurine? Is it some energy thing? I think it's a city in Israel, actually, but either way it has no business being in a candy bar. And what's wrong with candy just tasting good? That's it's job! And it does it well. Now, it's supposed to give you energy, too? That's just too much work for a damn candy bar. No wonder it tasted gross.

When I had this thing called a spinal headache, the doctor said, and I am NOT making this up, that the only thing that would relieve the symptoms was salt and caffeine, so I slammed coffee drinks and MOuntain Dew and I thought I was going to DIE because it all tasted so disgusting.

Seriously, people drink these things because they LIKE them?

That's so weird.

ONCE I drank a WHOLE cup of Starbucks coffee. Seriously, I thought I was having a heart attack.

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ONCE I drank a WHOLE cup of Starbucks coffee. Seriously, I thought I was having a heart attack.

once i drank SEVERAL cups of espresso, not really knowing at the time what it was, and i got what i consider cats on cat nip getting- the zips. i was SO damn zippy it was painful. i hated it. i was like bzzzzzzzzz but not in a good way. i got so sick. i had no idea what was going on. i literally laid on the floor in pain. i had to call in sick to work the next day. :X

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I absolutely cannot stand the taste of energy drinks. The smell of thems alone make me want to vomit.

A candy bar being an energy bar? I guess that's an idea. But, if it tastes bad, really whats the point? I would rather drink a whole bottle of Mountain Dew or a whole pot of coffee rather than eat something I detested.

I'm not sure what Taurine does for humans. I do know that in energy drinks though it does more for you than the caffeine does.

I know that cats cannot survive without taurine. I don't know if that's the case with humans or not.

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