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Bowling Pics!


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Created an album and uploaded most of the pictures from the bowling outting. DGN Bowling v1 Photo Album - Click HERE!!! and I've posted a few samples below. What a fun night!

Hot Candy and her hot ball!


The eternal, Raven, Chernobyl, Candy (in the background), BrendaStarrr and TomCat


Brenda's daughter, IDKMYBFFJILL aka Sierra (lol), Brenda, Odims and Candy


Sierra, Brenda, Msterbeau and Odims in the back


Brenda, Msterbeau (back to camera), Candy, back of JaneDead's head, Odims, back of Sierra's head, and St. Germain.


TomCat and Beanwater (damn, I love your eyes BW)


Brenda, Beanwater, back of Sierra's head, and the eternal


DBK, Boshy (standing), Chernobyl (sitting), Msterbeau, and Homicidal Heathen


The eternal and the scrumptious Brenda sporting her ball


edited to add captions for who's in what picture =)

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Yes, the eternal is quite photogenic! Good thing the manager had us in the lanes at the far end or he might have kicked us out. Speed bowling, duet bowling, double ball slinging, emo sighting, boobie rubbings, boobie sniffing (they really smelled wonderful, Candy!), sacrafice on the ball return, good stuff!

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Yes, the eternal is quite photogenic! Good thing the manager had us in the lanes at the far end or he might have kicked us out. Speed bowling, duet bowling, double ball slinging, emo sighting, boobie rubbings, boobie sniffing (they really smelled wonderful, Candy!), sacrafice on the ball return, good stuff!

We didn't get kicked out for a few reasons :

a) because I was wearing a wife beater, so I blended in...

b) I was showing my sweet "gut" which characterized the fine athleticism demanding by top bowling professionals.

c) I was bearing my bitchin tats, due to said "wife beater." Hence, blendage...

d) we had all of our teeth (no gold ones or "grillz) which was a source of wonder to the "locals"

e) WE had hot women. I could've worn nothing but lambswool chaps and sacrificed babies during the playing of Skinny Puppy, and there was no way they were kicking us out. WE had some fine womens with us! :gathering:

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That is an AWESOME picture. It almost looks professional. Has Marc been sharing his secrets?

When you upload anymore shots with me in them, let me know they SO go in my myspace!!! Tell me someone has a shot of me kicking the ball!!

All of the shots I have of you, and everyone else, are in the album I linked to in my post at the top. I have a great one of Candy and Marc getting you in position and then a shot of your ball knocking down all the damn pins as the next photo.

I know there was at least one other camera someone brought (Candy, I think). Hopefully we'll see those pics too.

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Oh, DUH! Sorry, tired. I didn't notice it was a link. :\

That's awesome!! You have a picture of the results!! Haha!! I kinda feel bad though, I didn't really pose. I didn't know there was a picture being taken until it was too late. :S

Most of the time no one knows a pics being taken. I'm like a ninja :shuriken: Ok, ok, not so much. Some posed, some just taken in the moment.

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You are very kind. I can only hope to be as good as Marc someday or have a camera as good as his. Also, while most of the pics were taken by me, there were quite a few snapped by others. I just left the camera on the table so anyone could use it if they felt so inclined.

That caption would be too damn funny for that pic! You are a nut!

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You're seriously a great photographer! Has Marc been teaching or something? This isn't unnecessary complimenting, I'm sincerely curious! You're good!

By the way, this is an awesome shot too! It's going in my myspace with the caption

"We're only talking about my penis."

We WERE talking about your penis.


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Hope you are all ready for this:



Mother & Daughter Love.




I thought this was a bowling ball...




St.Germain looks lost. :-D




Jane Dead and her son.


DBK and his Sweet blue hair chunks.


Odims kicking back with some Blue Moon.


German boy and I.


SuzQz and I.

Since I have so many fotos, I am doing a dual post.

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Marc getting the ball ready for DBK.


Here we go!!!!!


I attacked Odims. :-D


St.Germain kicking back on greasy bowling alley bar food.


Jane Dead and I.


Brenda, Bean and TomCat *who is bringing sexy back....*


Chernobyl lookin' sassy.


Mom attacking son with kisses!!


SuzQz just got a strike, so she humps the air. :-D


Odims doing some Zen Bowling.


Chernobyl looking hevenly.

Okay, thats all I have so far. Enjoy!!!

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