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George W's 50 greatest accomplishments

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Most politicians suck. Until this country and our government focus on our issues, problems, citizens and what not, it's only going to get worse here. If we can give billions of dollars to other nations in aid and support, why the hell can't we take better care of our own people? What's it gonna take? I say, our tax dollars fix our country first. Period.

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The problem with most politicians is, they're either rich, and want to help the rich/industrial giants or their rich and awant to help the poor, but not at thier own expense...lol, that's a serious conflict of interest, if you aske me! So who are we left with to fight "our battles?"

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so here is my thing, we rip on politicians too much.

We live in a great country, my life is pretty good, most of my family and friends have good lives.

Nothing Bush or Clinton or Reagan or Carter has impeded this. Sure our Political system has flaws, but man I can pretty much do whatever I want in this life and I have some great material posessions. 85% of Americans have pretty good lives.

There are wars, sure. But in every war the U.S. has been involved in there has been some good.....in fact ABC, the BBC and Zogby all did polls in Iraq and the Iraqi people have a much more favorable view on the war in Iraq than many Americans (ok the Sunni's obviosuly think the war sucked but they make up 20% of the population). The Kosovo bombing I mentioned above ended genocide. The U.S. removed the Taliban, one of the most repressive governments in the world.

I don't know, I just think this is a pretty comfy life I got here and the people who REALLY have a right to complain are those people living in Syria or Iran or Zimbabwe with REAL dictators and a REAL lack of freedom. In fact the freaking grandosn of the Ayotollah Khomeini said he wants the US to attack Iran to bring freedom there.

So in conclusion, the politicians aren't as bad as people say. I see no real reasons to make these sort of lists. I thought the anti-Clinton republicans were silly and I think the far left Bush haters are a bit over zealous. And trust me, I'm well informed on world affairs, I just havn't seen anything explicitly evil from George W Bush. Though I am opposed to the death pnealty.

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not quite so impressive, did you read that site?

first off, that site is usually laughed at by anyone to the center, commondreams.org is usually off limits in online debates as it is no better than national review online or newsmax, secondly they take very strange interpretations of their "sources".

number 7 is especially dubious since they found abu musab al zarqawi training tapes in Iraq, we knew he was in iraq before the war.

I've seen that list before and I've seen counter list, I'll try to dig them up.....but to me that seemed like a weak attempt at badmouthing the president.

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