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So, I know it may seem a bit premature, but I've never steered you wrong yet.

In case you weren't thumbing blogs, the NYTimes, CNN, NPR,

Clinton is on the ropes.

Obama has beaten her MUCH worse than expected in February's primaries (He won 11 in a row, count em, 11!)

He's looking MUCH better for next week's OHIO and TEXAS primaries than expected.

Clinton's attempts to discredit him have ALL backfired.

AND, if that wasn't bad enough, former candidate, and democratic elder statesman Chris Dodd just endorsed him.

It's now just a matter of time before Hillary drops out.

Just thought I'd let you guys know the showdown for November

The Man of Hope For Everyone (and so cute, TOO)


"My voting record is the most liberal of ALL 100 senators for 2007???"

Gee, I didn't even notice. All I know is I'm the most inspiring man since JFK,

...SOOO if you want to avoid all that voting nonsense, you could just appoint me President

and let me heal this nation right now."


The Moderate Maverick


Moderates and Democrats, PLEASE!!

Pay NO attention to my 82.3% lifetime voting record from the right-wing American Conservative Union

I'm the most radically independent



straight arrow with ties to a savings and loan scandal

you've ever seen!"




From a back rub to blow job,

it all will be possible when either of these two men take the oval office next year.

Just a warning, if you don't want to hear this message 5000 times over, you may want to turn off your TVs until November.

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I wouldn't be surprised if after Obama gets done stompin a mudhole in Nurse Ratched, that McCain goes down in flames in November. Did you know that Obama is 46 yrs old, TWENTY FIVE YEARS, a 1/4 Century YOUNGER THEN MCCAIN!!??? Lol!! Say what you will about democrats and or Obama, but Im gonna vote for him. He just wants to get stuff done in Washington and help this country. Obama is not interested in slinging mud, and I think the voters have seen that already with his dealings with Nurse Ratched. I will have to wait and see if things do play out that way, and if Obama goes up against McCain, to see if McCain resorts to mudslinging, which Ive a feeling he will. Interesting nonetheless....

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I'm thinking of just writing in a vote for David Letterman.

Here's my Top Ten Reasons.

01) He makes a hell of a lot more sense than either candidate.

02) He's a hell of a lot funnier than any other candidate.

03) He'd probably make me laugh while he was leading our country.

04) I'd rather see him on TV if I had to turn on the TV at all like ever.

05) I would guess that he's at least ten times smarter than McCain 50x Hilary, and I'm sure he writes his own material unlike Mr. Obama

06) He's got a great smile too.

07) But he usually means it.

08) I don't think the dude would shake your hand while he was destroying your country.

09) I think he's definitely got better creative problem solving skills than any other candidate.

10) He might not be the best man for the job, but he's a man, and it's a job, and the man part is more than I can say for 100% of the Presidents we've had since JFK.

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*grabs sign that says "The End is Near" in order to go out and stand on a street corner and yell it out at people all day*

I quote Ms. Bitters from Invader Zim when I say: "doom...doom...Dooom...DOOOM....DOOOOOOOM....DOOOOOM"

I really need to look into moving to another country. I've lost all faith in this one, not the government but its people. When a candidate can win simply by his "good looks" and the fact that he uses the words "hope" and "change" left and right without backing it up...well...that's about the time I believe the 2012 prophecy is true. Freakishly Dec. 2012 WOULD be the end of Obama's first term also...coincidence? Let's all, as Obama would say, "hope" :laugh:.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, here's the deal.

He's about as close as it gets.

Forget what the media's said. It's his to lose at this point.

The media wants a good story.

Hillary had this "big win."


She picked up a dozen or so delegates.

He's over 100 ahead of her, and there are only about 600 left.

What will happen is he'll win the next two races.

She'll beat him marginally in PA.

Then, at some point the "superdelegates" will come to his side because he's won more of the people's votes,

and they don't want to piss off their constituents.

Superdelegates, as you may know, are active people in the party, like Jeb Bush, and Jennifer Granholm,

who can vote however they want and have the same power as thousands of our votes.

Clinton is more entrenched in the party, so she had more superdelegates vote for her.

They can switch their vote, over fifty of them already have, to Obama.

When he gets a bigger lead, they'll switch their delegates to him.

In the meantime, McCain fets to go around the country,

shoring up the base,

smiling his ass off,

while the Democrats fight each other like dogs again.

I have full confidence that the Democrats can self-destruct.

They've always proved themselves very adept at doing so in the past.

Why not now?

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  • 2 weeks later...


Whoever reaches the magic number of 2025 delegates,

gets to be the Democratic nominee for president.

Delegates are awarded proportionally, NOT winner take all like it is in the general election.

The 2000 presidential election was a big deal, because as long as Bush had one more vote than Gore,


Not so when the candidates win proportionate amounts of the state.

In other words, it doesn't matter that much if Hillary

wins a certain state, unless she can parlay that into great momentum,


even the loser (Obama) will pick up a shitload of delegates too

Obama's way ahead BECAUSE he had a lot of momentum at one point,

winning a dozen states in a row

some of them quite handily.

It's pretty evenly matched from here on out.

They'll be trading off wins, and so she'll ALWAYS be a couple laps behind him.

Look at the numbers:


Delegates still remaining: 689

Obama's lead: 115

So, for example, if Hillary wins Guam in a lanslide, say 2/3 of the people,

Clinton: 6 delegates

Obama: 3 delegates

he's still only 3 behind her.

There are only 2 big states left,

Pennsylvania--predicted to go for Hillary

NCarolina--predicted to go for Obama

So, that's a draw.

But, either way, as long as

A. an entire state doesn't vote for Hillary, and/or

B. she doesn't build unbelievable momentum, (which she hasn't so far)

she will NEVER be able to fully make up the

114 delegate deficit that she's behind Obama now.

SO, she's going to have to slaughter Obama in Pennsylvania.

If she doesn't, I honestly don't think there's a snowballs chance

for her.

Obama may EVEN be able to have this wrapped up on May 6th,

after he wins North Carolina.

Because once he wins enough states,

the "superdelegates," the VIP people whose votes are 100x more

important than yours and mine, may ALL switch to him, giving him the nomination.

Let me know if you disagree.



Tuesday, April 22 PA Primary 188 delegates

Saturday, May 3 Guam Other 9 delegates

Tuesday, May 6 Indiana Primary 84 delegates

N Carolina Primary 134 delegates

Tuesday, May 13 WVirginia Primary 39 delegates

Tuesday, May 20 Kentucky Primary 60 delegates

Oregon Primary 65 delegates

Sunday, June 1 Puerto RicoPrimary 63 delegates

Tuesday, June 3 Montana Primary 24 delegates

S Dakota Primary 23 delegates

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