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Temperature Monitors Report Widescale Global Cooling

Over the past year, anecdotal evidence for a cooling planet has exploded. China has its coldest winter in 100 years. Baghdad sees its first snow in all recorded history. North America has the most snowcover in 50 years, with places like Wisconsin the highest since record-keeping began. Record levels of Antarctic sea ice, record cold in Minnesota, Texas, Florida, Mexico, Australia, Iran, Greece, South Africa, Greenland, Argentina, Chile -- the list goes on and on.

No more than anecdotal evidence, to be sure. But now, that evidence has been supplanted by hard scientific fact. All four major global temperature tracking outlets (Hadley, NASA's GISS, UAH, RSS) have released updated data. All show that over the past year, global temperatures have dropped precipitously.

A compiled list of all the sources can be seen here. The total amount of cooling ranges from 0.65C up to 0.75C -- a value large enough to wipe out nearly all the warming recorded over the past 100 years. All in one year's time. For all four sources, it's the single fastest temperature change ever recorded, either up or down.

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Solar Activity Diminishes; Researchers Predict Another Ice Age

Global Cooling comes back in a big way

Dr. Kenneth Tapping is worried about the sun. Solar activity comes in regular cycles, but the latest one is refusing to start. Sunspots have all but vanished, and activity is suspiciously quiet. The last time this happened was 400 years ago -- and it signaled a solar event known as a "Maunder Minimum," along with the start of what we now call the "Little Ice Age."

Tapping, a solar researcher and project director for Canada's National Research Council, says it may be happening again. Overseeing a giant radio telescope he calls a "stethoscope for the sun," Tapping says, if the pattern doesn't change quickly, the earth is in for some very chilly weather.

During the Little Ice Age, global temperatures dropped sharply. New York Harbor froze hard enough to allow people to walk from Manhattan to Staten Island, and in Britain, people reported sighting eskimos paddling canoes off the coast. Glaciers in Norway grew up to 100 meters a year, destroying farms and villages.

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just curious...

Has the average itself lowered? or just certain areas...

the average.

No one ever listens to me damnit. I have been trying to tell people for 5 god damn years that global warming was/is a hoax to make Gore and the UN rich. The "Science" that proves it is half baked and only looks at little pieces of the big picture. There is no god damn consensus that Global warming is man made. The consensus wasw the global warming was happening and man MIGHT be the cause. People fucking ignored the scientists and activists like me that said the the warming was a prelude to the cooling... that it was the sun... that a new ice age was coming.

You think you have seen tornadoes and hurricanes? You thought Global warming was fucking up the weather? Just give it some time... Global Cooling causes the most unstable weather systems... it causes the biggest storms... Katrina was nothing compared to what cooling is bringing.

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In any event, whether the earth warms slightly or dramatically cools, we have to be ready for it. It is simply impossible for a planet with an atmosphere to maintain the same temperature over any long period of time. Moreover, we can clean up our coal plants. Mercury is never something you want to release by the tons into the atmosphere.

Look... I believe in global climate change. Anthropogenic climate change... I'm still iffy on that. However, getting off of the carbon crack pipe is a good idea, simply because... we are going to run out of the stuff eventually, and it IS dirty.

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I really don't think you understand the ramifications of Global Cooling. Just think of all the doomsday stuff predicted by global warming activists... then multiply that times about 100.

This I agree with.... if I had to pick one... I would want warming NOT cooling

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Yes, global cooling would be absolutely horrible. Global warming... people could adapt.

We still should get off of the carbon crack pipe. Global climate change is a reality, and more sustainable methods and practices regardless of which way the thermometer swings are always a good idea.

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I dislike Glaciers taking over land masses. I dislike most drinking water disappearing to create new ice caps that cover 1/3 of the world. I dislike years without summer. I dislike millions of people dieing of starvation because we cant grow anything.

We wont be worrying about green house gasses or mercury emissions. We will be worrying about not freezing to death or starving to death. And thats the "civilized" and modern world.

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Yes, more than likely, billions would die during a global cooling epoch.

We are still going to run out of oil, carbon, and natural gas. If the survivors have access to renewable energy and sustainable land management resources, when the glaciers recede, there will be a civilization to speak of.

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I can see you saying we will run out of oil and natural gas (though there is not a danger of running our of natural gas for a very very very long time).. I am not sure why you think we are going to run out of carbon. More and more carbon is made every second. It literaly falls from the sky after it is spued from the sun. Next to iron, it's the most common element created by stars. Every living thing on the planet is made of carbon. Volcanoes create more carbon constantly when they burn up minerals. There is more carbon trapped at the bottom of the sea in the form of methane than is above the water line. (hence the billions of dollars worth of research into ways to tap it without blowing up the planet.. yes, thats a real risk)

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Mankind survived the last ice age when all we had nothing compared to what we have now, if a new ice age comes we will surely be better equipped to survive that one.

Local and/or shorter term warming and cooling are effects of "global" cooling or warming. The average temperature will rise or lower, but in a given year or given geographic area the temperature could rise dramatically in opposition to the overall average or lower dramatically in opposition to the overall average the temperature of a given year or even a few years is not relevant in and of itself.

I'm sure there are many people that push a particular viewpoint without fully "provable" evidence, not due to some agenda but due to faith. Some value revelation/intuition over reasoning and that is considered a VIRTUE by some. (the concept of "pure faith") If we are to accept faith in religious matters without clearly demonstrable evidence and not just laugh at it for being silly, we also need to accept faith in other matters.

But beyond that. I read several scientists that I'm I'm quite sure aren't "hoaxters" (either for or against global warming) that are very convinced of their scientific data. They may be wrong but the scientific community isn't some global-conspiracy group. There are plenty of serious scientists that value their search for truth that believe that global warming exists and is at least in part man-made. They might be wrong in their conclusions but at least some of them, are not making it up for some underlying political reason. There may be some that are doing that, but they are not all doing that. Many scientists ignore politics altogether (a mistake i think , but they do)

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I know there are some scientists that really believe the science behind global warming. I don't think they are right and I'll tell you why...

If, in fact, the climate change is caused by the Sun... it fits the model that it would warm the planet first. On the other side of that coin is the Global warming model... that does not resemble the actual world at all.

BTW... the Global Mean Temperature is what raised. In all the years we have been monitoring global weather it has never changed even close to this much. It cooled in one year almost enough to wipe out 100 years of warming. That does not fit into the Global warming model either.

Also, there is not one shred of evidence that says Global warming is caused by man. Not one. When pressed there is not one real scientist that will refute that. Thee is some evidence, anecdotal, that says it MIGHT be partially caused by humans.

Seen much new scientific evidence come out int he last 3-4 years that backs up the Man Made Global Warming? There has been sit loads of scientific studys that have shown it to NOT be human's fault... most of them end up pointing back to the Sun.

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The average temperature will rise or lower, but in a given year or given geographic area the temperature could rise dramatically in opposition to the overall average or lower dramatically in opposition to the overall average the temperature of a given year or even a few years is not relevant in and of itself.

Dr. Kenneth Tapping of Canada's National Research Council disagrees with you.

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Dr. Kenneth Tapping of Canada's National Research Council disagrees with you.

Not sure if your making a point there or what it is particularly since we can all agree that my quotation is a generally accurate statement. You can just go outside on a cold day and know that the average overall global temperature isn't necessarily the same as your Local, perceived "rapid drop(or increase)" in temperature. The "overall" picture is never clear locally, its only becomes clear on a larger scale be that larger scale geographic or chronological or both.

Maybe you were pointing out that this guy is a quack(?), not sure.

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I know there are some scientists that really believe the science behind global warming. I don't think they are right and I'll tell you why...

If, in fact, the climate change is caused by the Sun... it fits the model that it would warm the planet first. On the other side of that coin is the Global warming model... that does not resemble the actual world at all.

Me and the old man (my dad) have been arguing the sun argument for years. On a VERY large timescale, the sun is causing global warming i agree. But i think when we are talking about global warming as an issue, we are saying "is the temperature rising faster than it should normally be rising due to the sun and and tons of other natural factors that may or may not override the very slow rise in temp due to the sun. The ice ages being good examples of the local natural factors that can override (short term... and when i say short term i mean on a scale of thousands to millions of years) the sun. Thats not a statement for or against, just a statement of the question.

I'm at this point a global warming agnostic honestly, i really am not convinced one way or the other, but i tend to play the devils advocate. Not because i just like to be argumentative, I'm just usually skeptical that anyone really has "the answer" about anything until I've bounced it around for a very long time and after much study, that being obsessive study, not say just reading some articles here and there. Authority has been wrong so often i need to do the homework and compare a lot of different "authorities". That time and study becoming larger and longer based on the importance or relevance of the issue at hand. Almost every time I've really seriously done my homework for a few years (only really have had time to do this on 2 or 3 subjects in 20 years) they almost always seem to have very complex answers.

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Every bit of Energy on the planet comes from the Sun and other stars. The Sun dumps shit loads of energy on Earth. It drives our weather more than any local affect. Glaciers and the Ice Caps are just low energy matter. Cold. Increase their energy and the melt. The only way to increase their energy enough to melt them, you need the Sun. Glaciers are not a force, they are an affect of force. 174 petawatts a day. Think about it. A cloud moves... and suddenly your in a Sun beam. you can feel that energy as warmth on your skin. It's warming the air around you. Every bit of warmth you have ever felt, came from the Sun. All of it.

I just can;t believe it so far fetched to think that fluctuations in Solar output might just have some dramatic affects on Earth.

Mars, Jupiter, and Venus all show the exact same raise in mean temperature as Earth and the exact same rate.

So, of course, it's Man's fault. We are so awe inspiring in our power, that we can affect the mean temperature of whole other worlds. Just by driving a SUV.

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Every bit of Energy on the planet comes from the Sun and other stars.

It originally (as in billions of years ago) came only from the stars if we want to even phrase it that way as it can get confusing as to what constitutes what on that large of a timescale. But the earth generates a lot of its own energy nowadays. , geo-thermal, atmospheric, biological, etc. The earth needs the sun somewhere in the chain for such things to exist as they do on earth, but the energy does not all directly come from the sun as such. Unless we want to play games with the words and say "because the sun needs to be there for the earth to be there for the water to be there..". Even if we granted that, the sun isn't the sole source of weather patterns nor energy and on a shorter timescale (on the order of centuries) the sun is fairly constant. "The stars" are even more remote a source, and only really relevant on a universal timescale unless we have a supernova somewhere pretty close to home or some such.

The ice ages as referenced above weren't "caused" by the sun and they were global-esqe in nature the same way as "global warming". Its not far fetched to think that the sun is responsible for global warming from a first-glance standpoint, but its a lot more complicated than just "its the sun" the suns geostatic equilibrium and a million other factors causes it to be very stable (generally) over long time periods. The sun is a factor to be taken into account, but by no means the only factor. The truth i don't think is so simple, it could be, but I'd hesitate to rush to final judgment on something so exceedingly complex as global , historic weather.

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