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The phlosophy of the word assume

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I can never understand why so many people believe in this BS word and what it stands for! It pretty much says that you are right: but you have no proof to back up your conclusion. I have gotten to the point where I dont ever want to here this shity word at work at home or anywhere! I know to many innocent people who have been screwd over by this philosophy! I know cops love this word and they probably have it tattooed on their arms. I guess I can assume two cars are traveling at onehundred mph towards each other and crash: than I can say I was right because they were only threehundred yards apart from each other! Before you use this evil word; please make sure you have proof! By the way this is only directed at dishonest worthless people; not the goths; goths are the good guys We rule!!

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There comes a point where assumption isn't unsafe. For example, I assume that when I jump up in the air, I am going to land on the ground. It is possible, although extremely unlikely, that I could jump up in the air, and something could prevent me from landing on the ground. It was still a fair and functional assumption to assume I would land on the ground.

Assumptions are not always rotten things. You have to consider probability and how realistic the assumption is, in relation to how dangerous the assumption is and what sort of consequences will result from the assumption. It is more dangerous to never assume anything. You would have an insecurity complex because you would realize how little we actually know about anything. Remember, you generally can only prove things in mathematics. Otherwise, you are working on tested patterns.

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My ex's cheezy alcoholic dad used to say: "Assume... it makes an ass of U and ME!"  Strangly true coming from the inebriated.


I actually know where he got that from, I don't know if it's the origin though but it's the earliest one I know of. Was from an episode of The Odd Couple where Felix goes to court. I forget the rest of it though.

Asuming isn't a bad thing, since sometimes it is the only choice we have due to lack of information. However proper research can avoid it but when you're short on time you don't have much choice.

Oh yeah and since there is always potential that you are wrong it might as well just mean the exact same thing as presume.

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I actually know where he got that from, I don't know if it's the origin though but it's the earliest one I know of.  Was from an episode of The Odd Couple where Felix goes to court.  I forget the rest of it though.


That makes sense.. He liked that show.

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i hate that ass of you and me saying. and it is not true. if you assume, and you are wrong -depending on the situation of course- you are the ass, not me. ;) that is not to say assuming always makes you an ass.

i have often assumed things when people would not just tell me something and have been wrong but how was i to know if they wouldn't just tell me when i asked?

and this is a good point about assumption:

"There comes a point where assumption isn't unsafe. For example, I assume that when I jump up in the air, I am going to land on the ground. It is possible, although extremely unlikely, that I could jump up in the air, and something could prevent me from landing on the ground. It was still a fair and functional assumption to assume I would land on the ground....

It is more dangerous to never assume anything. You would have an insecurity complex because you would realize how little we actually know about anything."

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to asume properly, would take common sense and/or prior knowldge of a particular situation, which alot of people lack , which why assumption is dangerous.

IF used properly assumption can be very helpful.

Hell i would love it if some one came to my house and assumed it would be nice for some one else to load the dishwasher besides me.

I dont see how using the word assume would consitiute someone being right, if i assume something and i was wrong then i apologize for it and try to rectify the problem, but then again perhaps i am diffrent...... :erm ......


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Unfortunately if you throw a spotlight on any single word or phrase, its difficulties will become apparent. Any single word can be misunderstood, confused and just generally cause trouble the longer you stare at it.

Often arguments / discussions / disagreements are based on miscommunication , due to all parties not having the same definitions or using the same context for a given word.

Frustrating at times. Often you end up either in a pitched argument, or being forced just to agree to disagree due to an impasse over to many conflicting meanings of terms/ideas between speakers. =(

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What word would you like to replace it with? You can't live without assuming. We all do it, every day of our lives. I assume that when I get home, my house will be there. I may be wrong, I may be right. I assume my kids are all still alive and that my wife has not left me for that cute little girl we saw at Walmart.... The point is, you cant know everything or every detail.. you have to assume some parts of everything.

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