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Psst. That crunchy_pickle guy keeps talking about God. Doesn't matter what thread he's writing in. Isn't that weird? I think he just might be unstable. His thought patterns are circular, he seems preoccupied with religion. Definitely a schizo. For sure. I bet he's just as fearful as the rest. If we scare him a little, they'll slap the paranoid label in front of the phrenia. Uh oh. Maybe even in front of the schizo......

Yeah man. I think that dude needs medication. He's just kinda weird man. He keeps going on about shit we don't care about as if we should. Who is this guy?

I mean really. He has the nerve to tell me what to believe? I think he really is telling me this. I don't even think he's sharing himself with me. I think he's just outright telling me what I have to believe.

I think the dude is dangerous.

He might hurt someone.

Let's make sure he gets his medication.

Before he breaks something.

We like things just the way they are.............

Why would that guy use the Devil's Advocate as his subject line?

Like he knows shit about the Devil.

Fuck man. What a tool.

He doesn't know God.

He doesn't know Satan.

He doesn't know Jesus.

He doesn't know anything at all.

I think.

It's some.

Kind of sick game.

To make us care that people suffer.

What a loser.

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lol :)

I don't mind really. How's it going?

In response to your siggy. You'll understand one day bro. No worries. Honestly, that's probably the last thing we have to worry about at the moment.

If we examine our own behavior and modify it to a point that we get most of the bad shit out, we'll realize a lot more why God does what he does, and why the Devil does what he does.

After all. We're made in his image, and we have the flesh of the devil charred and broiled. Everything that's God's will return. It's really all about which direction our concious state of mind goes. Whether it follows our body to the scary place or follows our souls when they return to God with the Spirit.

You see souls don't really burn in fire too well. They're just not really combustible. They're kinda made of the wrong stuff for fire. God knows this though, he did invent it after all. You won't have to worry about new bodies in the next life because you'll get your old one back if you really want it that bad.

Along with everything else you want in this world.

It might suck watching it all on fire.

But maybe you can draw a picture one day. :) (again not meaning you specifically so don't take that the wrong way dude) I've been a smartass since 7-13-77 and I doubt that will ever change.

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On another note. Don't most people like attention? I'm not sure where I ever heard that attention or affection were bad things. Where did this start?

I mean being an attention whore can get annoying, but I usually forgive people their loneliness rather than make a big deal of it. Is this a bad quality?

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Will you guys shut up already and start paying attention to me.

I mean come on man. Get real. You gotta know that's what I'm about baby.

I need some cool hot topic clothes too. So I can get even more attention.

Oh wait. No nevermind.

I'll wear a garbage bag instead so I can look a little different.


Damnation. I'm all out of tape and nipples......

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Will you guys shut up already and start paying attention to me.

I mean come on man. Get real. You gotta know that's what I'm about baby.

I need some cool hot topic clothes too. So I can get even more attention.

Oh wait. No nevermind.

I'll wear a garbage bag instead so I can look a little different.


*phee pays attention with an interest rate*

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Hehe. So do I bro. So do i.....

Not a bad quality despite the taxing, I feel like my anus hurts, from paying attention to everything else in the world but my own stuff. Then again, it doesn't really belong to me anyways right? I mean hell if I give stuff away and people want just a little more than what I give most of the time. I think I'll throw a deal this week. Maybe a free monitor, and some money. That sounds like a plan.

It'd definitely be more ideal than having to go to the store every time someone steals a lighter from me......

Maybe they can finally...

Afford to buy their own.

If I leave dollar bills out on the table for them instead.

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You know what's really funny?

When some douche bag yacks and yacks about how you bought dinner for 15 people at a restaurant not knowing that you really couldn't afford it at all and just wanted to be nice, and impress a girl.

Yeah I was an idiot.

The point is.

Why do you brag when people spend money? It's paper dude get over it.

Why not brag about someone when they do something kind for someone?

Oh wait. That's some dorky shit.

My bad.

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I have noticed that you also refer to yourself in the third person alot... is this a new thing, or have you always done it? and if you always have, its a wonder I haven't noticed!

but then again, I have been out of it, with the lack of sleep...

anywho... moving on


i distract you from my thread jack, with my dancing banana!


*runs out of the room in a flash of smoke* *poof*

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