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Movies That Blew Your Mind

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  1. Movies That Blew My Mind.
  2. The Nightmare Before Christmas- I was THREE when it came out.
  3. Secret Window-Johnny Depp
  4. Edward Scissorhands-Johnny Depp (again)
  5. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas-Johnny Depp (my fav Actor)
  6. Donnie Darko-I dont even know who that was
  7. Figt Club- Edward Norton FUKING PERFECT!!!!!
  8. Crazy/Beautiful-Kirsten Dunst what more can I say
  9. Mad Love-Drew Barrymore/SuicidalTeen/love(I RELATE)
  10. Girl Interrupted- Angelina,Winona,Brittany,Whoppi
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The one movie that totally blew my mind is Gummo.

It's just so fucked up, so crazy, so wrong, that I love it.

Who knew white trash could be so beautiful.


Before any of you put it on Netflix, note the lol at the end.

Beautiful is not exactly the word that springs to mind with Gummo.

Fucked up, crazy, and wrong would be up that alley.

Movies that blow your mind sets a very high bar, and I fear that anyone might read mine (if I really have any) and laugh as I have at least chuckled at some of the ones listed here.

Which I'm allowed to do, since none of the people I chuckled at even post anymore.

That said, if love was based on movie selection alone, Phee and I would be star-crossed.

Did anyone mention Eraserhead? It's not even one of my favorites, and yet, when I saw it as a kid, I had never seen anything like it.

I was like, whoa, a movie can be like this?

People generally have one of three emotions after watching it



--Blown away

Grave of the Fireflies (never thought I could be so moved by an animated film--It may be PG but it's for adults only)

Night and Fog (30 min Holocaust doc filmed only a few years after the war . People weren't even talking about it yet. He filmed it.

It's now considered one of the best documentaries of all time. Stark, Unemotional. Scary.

The gas chambers were still intact. Watching it, you half-feel like you're going to a crematorium yourself.

If you go in with a sappy "Life is Beautiful" mentality this movie will fuck you up)

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I think I'm over-analyzing what "mind-blowing" means. I'll go with "made a deep and lasting impression, and was impossible to get out of my mind for a long time".



Pan's Labyrinth

I Spit on Your Grave (mind-blowing but not in a good way- VERY hard to watch)


Throne of Blood

The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Lover

Fantastic Planet

Dead Ringers

Princess Mononoke

The Piano


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There are movies that I think are better than these (the LOTR series comes to mind), but these are some of the ones that really shook my ideas of what was possible in film:


Apocalpyse Now

A Clockwork Orange


Naked Lunch

City of Lost Children

Cemetery Man




Dark City

Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown

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  • 3 months later...

jacobs ladder blew my mind, aeon flux cartoons blew my mind, the dark knight blew my mind, and begotten, sin city, pans labyrinth, donnie darko, the matrix (dont laugh)

also when I read fight club the book blew my mind so maybe the movie might have if i saw it before i read the (fantastic) book. same thing happened when I read invisible monsters!

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all the movies ive seen the ones that still stick in my mind are... Snatch, Pulp Fiction, Boondock Saints 1 & 2, a few SAW movies...The Patriot, The dark knight, Thinner, Ishi the killer, and Audition

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