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I watched it. I think it's a bit extreme but I also think the general message is good. They just go a little too far in some aspects.

It's really easy for me to get stuck in a cycle of hopelessness and catastrophic thinking. It's really nothing more than a bad habit, thinking that way.

It's comical really, the way I over-react if I look at it from another point of view. One little thing goes wrong with my day and it feels like the day is ruined. A little shift in thinking can change the whole day and make it better.

You can be literally surrounded by opportunities but if you are staring at the ground you won't see them or take advantage of them.

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i'm going to be my own cynical self here and say...


Yes, but look at all the negativity that you seem to exude. It may seem cult-ish to you, but you also have to look at yourself and ask yourself..

are you happy?

Why am I happy (or not)?

What makes me so cynical about certain things, or defensive?

Do others seem to have some sort of strange idea that they hold onto that makes them so happy all the time?

You often talk about distrust in people (especially girlfriends). If you go into a relationship thinking they're going to cheat on you, you keep doubting about things, it holds you back from being who you truly are, and they will feel that lack in your relationship (or closeness), if you shared with them, then maybe you will allow the opportunity for something to work out. Since you automatically go in not trusting, all you are doing is bringing in that negativity, and pretty much the only thing she has left to do (subconsciously) is to do what you fear most.

EDIT: Disclaimer, no I'm not brainwashed.

Ever think that it's your negativity that attracts the negative people in your life?

Trust me, I'm not criticizing you, I'm just saying this because it's exactly the way I have been for the past eight or nine months. I've been negative, thus attracting negative things into my life. It's just a simple mind shift, think positively and you will start to attract positive things.

I watched it. I think it's a bit extreme but I also think the general message is good. They just go a little too far in some aspects.

It's really easy for me to get stuck in a cycle of hopelessness and catastrophic thinking. It's really nothing more than a bad habit, thinking that way.

It's comical really, the way I over-react if I look at it from another point of view. One little thing goes wrong with my day and it feels like the day is ruined. A little shift in thinking can change the whole day and make it better.

You can be literally surrounded by opportunities but if you are staring at the ground you won't see them or take advantage of them.

I agree it's a bit extreme (some of it), but in order for people to believe the unbelievable can be achieved, you have to think extreme. Anything IS possible. We just have to be open for it.

Trust me, I am the first to say that I am the woman of catastrophic/hopeless thinking. I have decided that I need a change in my life. I need to be more positive, and put more positive spins on things. I've decided that NOW is the time to start this.

I was telling someone that I have so much negativity around me. The people that I work with have been very negative, the person I'm involved with and I seem to feed of each other's negativity (we're working on shifting this). So there's all this negativity surrounding me. I've decided that I will work on the people at work, one by one, because I love my job, and I know they're capable of more positive results.

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we listed to the multi CD set.......starts off good, but to me its old truth based on sowing and reping and the parable of the talants and such......

The Secret makes it sound as if the Universe is at your beckoned call and you are the "I AM" ...... delectible as that sounds I just dont beleive its true.

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we listed to the multi CD set.......starts off good, but to me its old truth based on sowing and reping and the parable of the talants and such......

The Secret makes it sound as if the Universe is at your beckoned call and you are the "I AM" ...... delectible as that sounds I just dont beleive its true.

Wow Steven, You're the one person I figured would be on this bandwagon. I thought you saw yourself the light in the ever-present darkness that is DGN.

Just because something is an old thought, or an old truth, does not make it truth now.

The universe IS at your beckoned call, you just put limits on yourself and doubts to make this unachievable.

Think about it, if the Wright brothers didn't have a vision that humans can fly, we would never be going from Detroit to Phoenix in four hours or less. If they didn't believe this to be true, if they didn't visualize, they would have never achieved. People thought they were crazy. Now it's a reality.

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I dont have a problem with what your suggesting in theory babe....I have a problem with suggested omniscience and omnipotence, which to me is where this teaching eventually leads......reminds of me PSI Seminars (people synergistically involved) secular humanistic events that I used to attend in the early 90's in >Los Angeles......very very similar.

old truth new truth......I certainly beleive (and teach) that the old truth still very much applies to now, especially in interpersonal relationships.

Just because some new truth presents itself does not mean old truth is irrelevent.

Or that the new is even really "new"....... or worthy as a replacement.

and thats wayyyyyyy too heavy a burdon to place on me as being the sole source of light inside the darkness that is DGN (had to chuckle). I understand why you say that in jest but its not really my gig. I am the sole source of Mexican inside of DGN. And I'm also the guy that says "um....not neccessarilly" or.... "what are you gay?"

pro positive thinking: absolutely ("the battle is for your mind..." - J. Christ)

law of attraction: absolutely ("the enemy came in and sowed tares in his wheat field while he was sleeping" - J. Christ)

(that which you bind I shall bind in heaven, that which you loose I shall loose" J.Christ)

the universe at your disposal? No.

saying I am limited in the grand scheme of things does not reduce me.

and in fact there is a great deal of evidence in my personal life that alludes the the idea that I may know at least a handful of things about creating succes.

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Oh, and by the way, just because something sounds cult-like, doesn't mean it's a bad thing.

I joined a weight loss cult, and I think it's done a lot for me physically and mentally.

They use a lot of the "positive thoughts" I don't believe that I will make a shrine to Florine Marx, but I do appreciate her for helping put together a support group for the fat-trodden.

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It's like Scientologys Positive Step Sibling.

They know the secret that will makes everyone'slie all perfect if only everyone knew it....

And for only 5 payments of $19.95 you can be happy too!!!!

If you call the 1-800 number on your screen now!!!

(meant as tounge in cheak)

I actually have listened to a bit of Toli and it can be relaxing

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It's like Scientologys Positive Step Sibling.

They know the secret that will makes everyone's life all perfect if only everyone knew it....

And for only 5 payments of $19.95 you can be happy too!!!!

Edit: Becuuse of you take the F out of life, it's a lie.

Hey welcome to the thread, strong source of negativity on board. ;) (I do not mean this as an insult, if we didn't have you on here Gaf, we would stop questioning things, and it's always good to question).

I'm not telling people they need to embrace any of these things, and I don't see them pushing anything more than a single video and single book in a couple different forms, relatively inexpensive compared to a lot of other inspirational forms.

People have inspirational speakers all the time come into big groups of people to speak on positive things. I figured if I could spread a little bit of sunshine, or help someone find a solution to what ails them, and not JUST focus on the problem, then maybe we'd live somewhat more meaningful lives.

PLUS, this is why were are on a forum, so we can discuss different things. We all can watch the video and take something different away from that video. I really needed this to come into my life, at the instance that it came into my life. Things for me haven't been going as well as I figured they would go, but now I am not seeing that my car broke, or my relationships are strained, I see it as an open door, to other possibilities, (no I don't completely believe it, but I have had some positives spins in the last two days and I will eventually believe it).

I am excited for the journey.

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what i get from this (and no, i have no experience/exposure to 'the secret") is that the concept is similar to wayne dyer's thought - "you'll see it when you believe it!"

to my way of thinking, hunhee is absolutely right. although we may not be "god", (as steven put it - paraphrased) we are, in fact, intimately conncted to everyone and everything in the universe, and yes, the universe is at our beck and call. we have only to "believe" or "have faith" that we will connect with the things we desire. i don't mean specific things like, "i want this truck", although that could happen - i mean things like, "i want to be happy", or "i want to be financially well-off", or "i want to be surrounded by great, positive people in my life"...

the universe (i call it universal energy, or "our source", which is how dr. dyer describes it) only has one law, one rule - to create, and it will create exactly that which you believe you have, 51% of the time. for example, you might say, "i tell myself all the time that i want money, but i never get any - i'm always broke!" well, what is it you're focused on, in that sentence? the fact that "you're always broke"...another example - "i have the absolute worst luck in the world! things are always going wrong!" wonder why? it's because that precisely what you expect! in fact, in each of these cases, you are entirely rsponsible for these things existing in your life! most people won't accept that - they'll say things like, "well, i didn't ask to get in that car accident!" or "i didn't want to get fired!" but there were things in your belief-system that brought about that incident.

whenever i say these things, people get mad at me. they think i'm accusing them of "wanting" bad stuff to happen - that's far from the truth. nobody *wants* bad things to happen to them, but most people actually believe those things will happen to them. some people think that i'm talking about "perception" - that you can see things as either good or bad, depending on how you look at it. while this is true,it'st not quite the point. during my "clinical depression" phase, i was convinced that i had the worst luck in the world. everything broke on me - my car, my furnace, even my health! i was so convinced this was true, that i spent all of my time showing people just how bad my luck was - "my truck got a flat today!", "my furnace died this week!", "i slipped on my stairs & strained my ankle!", "i broke 3 plates today when they fell off the counter!", "my truck broke a belt, and i was stranded!", "i had to walk home 5 miles the other night because a friend left me!"... on and on and on, i focused on all that bad stuff.

i seriously haven't had any bad luck happen in years now. everything that happens, does so for a reason, and usually, it creates a better opportunity for me, or "tells" me if i'm heading down the wrong path somehow, somewhere. i'm making the same (as a percentage of bills) amount of money i used to, and yet, i don't have the same kind of money issues, and i know it's because i believe i have money. i don't have a lot, but the universe always provides, and i'm covered. ever have a bill come up, have no money for it, but suddenly you receive an unexpected cehck from someone that's just enough to cover it? that's not coincdence, that's the universe providing for you, and you can accentuate that by being open to it - by allowing these things to come into your life! but you also need to surround yourself with supportive, uplifting people - your social circle will also have an influence on you and your life. if you're surrounded by depressed, mpey, life-hating people, it will drag you down. this is why support groups work so well - they allow for a cahnge in mentality - a change in your thought pattern, from negative, to positive, and that's how we succeed!

wow, sorry - it's been so long since i've had the chance to talk about this stuff, i got a little carried away! sorry if it comes across poorly (preachy, pep-talky, motivational-speaker-ish) but it's how i feel, and i know it works.

i'll shut up now...

Ever think that it's your negativity that attracts the negative people in your life?

Trust me, I'm not criticizing you, I'm just saying this because it's exactly the way I have been for the past eight or nine months. I've been negative, thus attracting negative things into my life. It's just a simple mind shift, think positively and you will start to attract positive things.

I agree it's a bit extreme (some of it), but in order for people to believe the unbelievable can be achieved, you have to think extreme. Anything IS possible. We just have to be open for it.

Trust me, I am the first to say that I am the woman of catastrophic/hopeless thinking. I have decided that I need a change in my life. I need to be more positive, and put more positive spins on things. I've decided that NOW is the time to start this.

I was telling someone that I have so much negativity around me. The people that I work with have been very negative, the person I'm involved with and I seem to feed of each other's negativity (we're working on shifting this). So there's all this negativity surrounding me. I've decided that I will work on the people at work, one by one, because I love my job, and I know they're capable of more positive results.

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So, there is this force.. that creates everything... and as long as you are a good and positive person.. it provides everything you need.... but if you are not, you get crap... and you need to surround yourself with good and uplifting people of the same mindset...

Sounds really familure...

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So, there is this force.. that creates everything... and as long as you are a good and positive person.. it provides everything you need.... but if you are not, you get crap... and you need to surround yourself with good and uplifting people of the same mindset...

Sounds really familure...

not quite - you don't *need* to surround yourself with people of like mind, it's just that for most people, it can help. and yes, it does sound familiar - but this force isn't separate. you don't have to pray/petition it in the hopes that you're deemed worthy of help. this "energy" is you, and it's me, and it's everyone. "love thy neighbor as thyself" is actually fairly literal to me - we're all one, as far as i'm concerned. there is no "them/us", there is no "this religion sucks, mine is the only correct one". there is only "do good things, be good to others and yourself, and keep your intentions positive and healthy".

it's entirely your fault (not god's, not other people's) if things in your life suck - that's my stance. you've brought the suckiness to yourself. it's entirely within your abilites to change that situation, too.

*add - this is the thing i'm talking about with organized religions... they kind of had the right idea at one point, but they became corrupted by humanity over time. (my opinion) at their core, i think most of them still teach kindness & harmony

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Wow, you really do live by this. You have said many of the EXACT same points as "the secret". :thumbsup:

what i get from this (and no, i have no experience/exposure to 'the secret") is that the concept is similar to wayne dyer's thought - "you'll see it when you believe it!"

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So, there is this force.. that creates everything... and as long as you are a good and positive person.. it provides everything you need.... but if you are not, you get crap... and you need to surround yourself with good and uplifting people of the same mindset...

Sounds really familure...

Well, they describe it as... Energy. you can't create it, it's always there, it's constant, everything is made of energy, not a BEING, but a thing. (for you sci-fi peeps, "the force"). It surrounds us and penetrates us...blah blah..

One of the people in the video had a really great quote, I wish I would have written it down, I will post it later.

The thing is if you FOCUS on the crap, you don't allow yourself to see anything positive. Like if you FOCUS on the positive, the negative things don't seem as important.

To simplify it, say you break your toothbrush as you're about to brush your teeth. A negative person would think. DAMMIT my toothbrush broke, and the rest of your day is shot. Where the positive thinker would think.. DAMN this toothpaste is yummy! (yes, I love my toothpaste) and continue to brush with the broken brush, your day is still FILLED with positive things.

It's like when I go to the bar, and I think my outfit is great, my makeup is good, and I go out and have a GREAT night. Whereas, if I think somethings wrong, or wear uncomfortable shoes, the night is basically shot.

I agree with Torn, I'm not saying that I NEED someone of the same mindset, but I prefer it. It helps me, especially since I'm so new to all of it, I would like to get a good firm stance and root in my positivity, than muddle with the ones who are so negative.

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The thing is if you FOCUS on the crap, you don't allow yourself to see anything positive. Like if you FOCUS on the positive, the negative things don't seem as important.

To simplify it, say you break your toothbrush as you're about to brush your teeth. A negative person would think. DAMMIT my toothbrush broke, and the rest of your day is shot. Where the positive thinker would think.. DAMN this toothpaste is yummy! (yes, I love my toothpaste) and continue to brush with the broken brush, your day is still FILLED with positive things.

That's me exactly.

When I was younger I was really super positive and accomplished a lot of things (moved to Florida by myself for a job, ended up moving my job to a home office, doing lots of things people said I couldn't do) and then somehow I became this negative person.

It's like learning to ride a bike - you have to look where you are going because if you stare at a tree for fear you'll hit it sometimes it makes you run right into it. If you look beyond the tree at the lane you are aiming for you will stay on track.

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Just not me...

I'd be like... "Damn, my tooth brush broke... remember to pickup a new one." and then forget the incedent and most likely the need to get a new toothbrush...

I really hope you don't swallow that toothpaste...

sounds like you're more "life's what it is" rather than being an optimist/pessimist - is that close?

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