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Industrial Music And Lyrics


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Often considered the "weakest" link in the industrial music genre (as the focus is more commonly the "SOUND")...

What are some of your favorite bands as far as lyrics in the genre?

Some of mine

Eisntruzende Neubauten

Skinny Puppy

Machines of Loving Grace

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kmfdms lyrics are about the message they are trying to portrey i particulairly love their lyrics for that

hocico i think is really good at it

and i really dont like catogorizing vnv as industrial but they have some pretty powerfull stuff

deadsy is good at lyrics

deathstars are pretty good

pigface i think is better lyrically than with the music

pig is also a favorite in the lyrical catagory

i think the more industrial-metal/rock side of the spectrum performs better lyrically than the dancy stuff

but there are exceptions such as xp-8 where the lyrics are good as well

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one one twenty twentynine the stars are shining bright tonight

but yea agreed such as tragedy for you

Their later stuff... yeah... Tragedy for You.... Up Evil.... Evil Off.... etc...

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puppy, hands down.

good old uncle al (ministry) has written quite a few decent chunes.

"anal fuck fest, thrill olypics"

kmfdm are industrials ode to hip hop, always dropping their name in lyrics.

how about cabaret voltaire or thrill kill kult???

.... christian zombie vampires ... anyone??? bueller? anyone???

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Seabound would win in my book. Excellent lyricist and his vocal delivery is just as strong.

Ned form Stromkern writes some great stuff too.

Project Pitchfork for the most part - awesome lyrics dealing with a variety of topics others won't even touch.

agree on puppy, foetus, neubauten, 242. KMFDM is just all so tongue and cheek for me.

Yeah but most of the time the vocals can just ruin an otherwise excellent song. Perhaps why my attraction to rhythmic noise has grown so much lately - still tough as nails but often without the crap lyrics. Remember kids, screaming all distorted isn't going to change the world ;)

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Name me a polluting, conservative, war-mongering industrial band that advocates narrow-mindedness? (Please do, I'd listen to them in a heartbeat).


Noise makers from the heart of Mormon country - Salt Lake City.

and it's not even good noise - thus noise pollution to some.

Conservative? You betcha - most of their lyrics are biblically influenced and right-winged stances.

War mongering? Sure - they've been known to go to drastic measures with war-like tactics for their beliefs...

Advocating narrow-mindedness remains debatable as the band members must certainly feel as if their Religious right message is somehow worthwhile... I'm certainly not subscribing to their beliefs ;)

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