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Latex...anything. Yup..I carry non latex condoms and gloves with me everywhere....If I eat a kiwi I could die, ingesting it makes me stop breathing.

(tropical fruit is high in latex)

Many soaps and shampoos I will break out in a itchy red rash so I use hypo-alergenic baby shampoo usually

Avon products make me break out in wierd itchy rashes as does clinique products......

Paul Mitchel hair spray is like golden rod (rag weed) to me nose

Darvon, Sypro...Ibprophen

And yes the hay fever. I HATE those damn cotton wood trees!!!

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Jocks/Cheerleaders. They make me breakout in this nasty rash in about 30 minutes after exposure, anywhere from 1-3 hours later and the homicial tendencies kick in, and I feel mentally slower for the rest of the week at least. I try my best to avoid TikiBob's. :tongue::laugh:

No but in all seriousness, I'm mildly allergic to bees. I won't die or anything, but I swell up much more than your average person should. But due to my awesome running-from-things and swimming-in-clothes abilities I've been able to avoid any stings since like 1993.

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I'm allergic to:

Cats (especially the long haired kinds)





grass (prolonged contact with my skin, I break out in a horrible rash)

something they add to tap water at the water sanitization plant (seriously, I sneeze when doing dishes, washing kids or dogs, or showering myself)

My car (don't ask)

I sneeze when it rains, but only outside ... something in the air.

... and there's probably a lot more if I was more broadly tested that I don't know about.

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I have a friend who's house is so damn nasty that everytime I'm there when I leave I itch incessantly. Maybe it also has to do with the fact that black mold permeates every nook and cranny of the house. I try not to go over there, I've seen abandoned buildings in Detroit that are cleaner and less hazardous to your health.

The funny part is that the people living in the house are always pissed because nobody EVER wants to come over, and they just can't figure out why. Like if they throw a party people might duck in for a second to say hi and then leave. One of the guys who stays there has an immaculately clean room so we usually hang out in there.

There was even a MOUND of garbage bags full of old garbage (like kitchen garbage, think rotting) sitting near their back bathroom. Seriously...this hill, yes hill, of garbage was taller than me and I'm five foot nine. I tell the guy, "So uhmm...I like that nasty mound of festering shit in black bags you have sitting by your bathroom door, ready to assault anyone who needs to pee". He says, "Yeah we missed garbage day last week."

I reply: "Who the hell are you trying to fool? 'Last week?' To me it looks like you've been missing garbage day since last Christmas."

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Some chemicals, "seasonal allergies", cats (though that one is going away more and more now that i have 2), cigarettes, and adhesive.

i've had problems with a mystery allergy that keeps making me break out in hives, but we think we have that one narrowed down to the washing machines in the basement of our building. Everything we wash down there makes both of us break out BADLY. Anything from ma's or the laundromat seems just fine. Maybe someone in the building is using something weird in the machines.....

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Orange juice = instant migraine.

My allergies can come and go. I used to be sensitive to strawberries and mangoes (broke out in hives) and now I can eat them. I found that out by accident when I ate a fruit salad and didn't react any more. I still can not drink orange juice though. :(

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some cats

some dogs

seasonal- that i am uncertain of specifically


some chemicals in cleaning stuff-so i use natural cleaners

some perfumes

I got the seasonal allergies too .... I also sometimes have issues with cleaning products.

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Oh I forgot to mention...I used to be allergic to cheap metals.....its like my body is the body of the princess in the princess and the pea lol

But after years of wearing only gold posts (even surgical steel or silver made them swell) my ear piercings got over the sensitivity and so did the rest of my body.

My kid also has a princess body hell even her jean snap makes her break out

I am also alergic to many cheap perfumes but few expensive ones.

I dont just get sneezy itches but my whole chest will itch a bit inside and my eyes water.

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The biggies for me are hornet and bee stings. I carry an Epi-pen for emergencies. I also can not take sulpha medications like bactrim along with a list of other medications and antibiotics. I do suffer from seasonal allergies, especially ragweed, tree pollen from flowering trees like cherry, apple, etc., and mold is a biggie, but those are all usually short term reactions and allergy medication usually works during episodes.

The oddest allergy I've come across is a girl who used to be in my troop when I was a Brownie leader. She is allergic to anything root beer. The pop or candy, anything root beer and she has a serious reaction to it. I'm not sure if it's the sassafras or other spices/ingredients for that flavor that triggers her reaction.

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Oh I forgot my lips break out from too strong toothpaste and/or not organic lipsticks.

I am suppose to carry an epi pen but I dont

*slaps HH on hand* If you are supposed to carry an Epi-pen, then carry the damn Epi-pen! Fortunately, I only have to haul mine around in the warmer months when hornets and bees are flying about.

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seasonal allergies


most laundry detergents (Tide is the worst)

I've heard of quite a few people, including my ex-husband, who are allergic to Tide. I wonder what chemical is in it that is different from other laundry detergents that seems to irritate so many people. Hmmmm.....

On a side note, Tide is fantastic at washing off tar splatters from your car!

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im allergic to all metals but surgical steel, yellow gold and im not sure about platinum

all others contain nickle (alot of people are allergic to) and even white gold contains it :(

other than that im allergic to bee midly not a kill me type just i swell up alot more than most but im a night person so i dont go out in summer months haha and i run from em :thumbsup:

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Pseudaphedrine.. (in most cold medicines) So I'm guessing that I'd be allergic to Methamphetamines because that's what they cook Meth with.

Mahi Mahi/Tuna type fish (heat abused) - (they produce anti-histamines in their bodies much like sudafed).

I am also allergic to the skin test for TB (not the reaction that they look for, I get a dark bruise all over the infected area, no bumps, It gets worse every time they do it)

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The only allergy that I'm aware of is preservatives. I can't remember the abbrevations for them, but they are the ones that are found in Little Debbie snacks and snacks of that nature. It used to be a lot worse when I was a kid. It would make me super hyper. My mom said that after she gave me one, I rode my bike around in circles for hours. If I have them now, sometimes they will give me a slight headache. The oatmeal pies don't really seem to bother me though.

I am also allergic to Depo-Medrol. It's a steriod I think. Cortisan is the laymen's term for it. My doctor gave it to me for some swelling. I went to work an hour and a half later and the left side of my face started swelling, I couldn't open my eyes they were watering so bad, and I was drooling all over myself because my tongue was swelling. I was so pissed when I got to Urgent Care because I was standing in front of the Admitting Nurse, drooling down the front of my shirt and barely able to talk and she hands me a clipboard and tells me to sit and fill out some paperwork. I sat there for 20 minutes waiting to be seen.

Then I had some more swelling about a week or so later and I went to the doctor and he said that he was going to give me a shot to reduce it. I asked the nurse before she gave it to me what it was and she said that it was Cortisan. I figured that it was okay because it wasn't Depo-Medrol. I walked outside to have a cigarette with my mom and she asked me what they gave me. I said Cortisan. She was like, "WHAT? THAT'S THE SAME THING AS DEPO-MEDROL. GO TELL THEM RIGHT NOW!" (My mom works at my doctor's office) I went back in there to tell them and I guess the doctor was so pissed that he screamed,"Dammit!" and scared the crap out of the nurse that told him. They gave me something that stopped the allergic reaction, but he made me stay there until the swelling was completely gone and I didnt feel faint or anything. He didn't want me to drive like that.

What was so scary though was the fact that the first time that I had it, it took an hour and a half to affect me. the second time that I had it, it only took 5 minutes!

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Today in art class we were talking about allergies and I remembered that I'm allergic to sleeping pills. Any pill that is blue ('cause obviously if the pill is blue it means that it puts you to sleep) makes me stop breathing, and well, breathing is good. I enjoy it regularly.

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I've heard of quite a few people, including my ex-husband, who are allergic to Tide. I wonder what chemical is in it that is different from other laundry detergents that seems to irritate so many people. Hmmmm.....

On a side note, Tide is fantastic at washing off tar splatters from your car!

I hate Tide! I don't know if I'm actually allergic to it, because I never use it, but just smelling it at the laundr-o-mat makes me gag. And no, I'm not pregnant, which is the first thing everyone asks me when I share that. Unless I've been pregnant for the last 10 years.

I get seasonal allergies, usually worse in the fall than the spring, though this year spring is kicking my ass.

I'm mildly allergic to cat and dog dander, but it's not bad, and I love my kitteh too much to let it bother me. She doesn't shed too bad anyway. I definitely notice it, though, when I visit my mom with the 4 animals.

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