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"You, sir, are a few worms short of a whole can"

"You're a few lights short of a whole strand, arent ya?"

"You're a few bullets short of a magazine"

"You're a few pearls short of a whole necklace"

"You're really begging me to kick you in the ass all the way down the street, arent you?"

In the words of Happy Bunny...... "I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."

"Okay, ninny...... try using the spell check."

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Hehe, Dyno, I love those quotes. They're so damn funny.

"I'm here because it annoys you."

"I'm not a bitch, I'm THE bitch."

"Things ever needed to know I learned from the people trapped in my basement."

"This morning I woke up with one nerve...... and now you're getting on it."

Or, another personal one.....

"Hey! You see that wall? Your head's about to make contact with it."

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This one is mine, and tyou may all feel free to use it, unless you take up standup comedy, in which case it's mine all mine!! LOL

" With friends like you, who needs enemas." :laughing

I say that to my boss when he's "on my ass" for something or just plain "breathing down my neck" waiting for me to finish some work.

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That works for me too Phee. :cheerful

Being that I'm an environmental scientist, when engaged in "spirited" conversations about proper working conditions and procedures with MORONS, I use a similar standby:

Me:"Where do you live again?"

Moron:" I live in _________. Why?"

Me:" That would explain a lot, knowing what I know about the neurotoxins they've recently found in your water there."

LOL, It pisses them off, and I say it as CONDESCENDINGLY as I possibly can. :devil

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"Don't be so picky, I wasn't"


OOOOUUUCCH!! :woot: :laughing

"How many times were you dropped on your head as a baby?"

This is an action I happen to do when someone has just said/done something really stupid.........

::: Pinches her thumb and pointer-finger on both sides of her head and pretends to lace an imaginary piece of cloth through her ears..... 'Brain Floss' :::

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::: Upon being preached to by a stranger..... :::

"You, sir, are a narrow-minded idiot."

(( or...... ))

"Go get a dictionary and look up the word 'Preacher', I think your picture will show up."

Or, here's another one..... "You remind me of Michigan weather ---- really shitty."

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