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The Insult Thread


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(was this one already posted!?)

is that your face, or did your neck throw up!? :blink

is that your head, or are you carrying a watermelon on your shoulders?

(here's a classic...)

if my dog had a face like yours, i'd shave his butt and teach him to walk backwards!! - max clinger, mash 4077th

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A knave, a rascal, an eater of broken meats, a base, proud, shallow, beggarly, three-suited, action-taking, whoreson glass-gazing, superserviceable, finical rogue; one-trunk-inheriting slave; one that wouldst be a bawd in way of good service, and art nothing but the composition of a knave, beggar, coward, pander, and the son and heir of a mongrel bitch, one whom I will beat into clamorous whining if thou deniest the least syllable of thy addition. -William Shakespeare

how does one top that??


with this

You tell a joke and forget the punchline

Why you always wastin' my time?

Hey baby, trust me, you just disgust me

You hair's a mess and your make-up's crusty

I don't know too many females

Who make a habit of biting their toenails

Wo, every time you call, you drive me up the wall

Honey, just the sight of you makes my flesh crawl

I'm sure we'd be happy together

If onle one thing weren't true

Oh baby, I yi yi yi yi

I'm so sick of you

You drink the milk right from the carton

What are you, in kindergarten?

You're belchin' everywhere, foulin' up the air

Then you use my razor to shave your back hair

You don't have an ounce of class

You're just one big pain in the neck

How much more can I take now, give me a break now

You even snore when you're wide awake now

You tell all your friends we're the perfect couple

Well, maybe you should get a clue

'Cause baby, I yi yi yi yi

I'm so sick of you

Baby, you're so nauseatin'

I yi yi yi yi

I'm so sick of you

And when you softly call my name

It's like listenin' to that squeaky chalk sound

And when you look at me that special way

It's hard for me to keep my lunch down

And when you askin' me what I'm thinkin', honey, usually I'm thinkin'

How I'd really like to tie your head completely up in duct tape

So I wouldn't have to listen to you asking me those stupid questions

Over and over again

Well, that disgusting noise you make when you laugh

Gives me a throbbing migraine

(Can't stand you, I just can't stand you)

Until you cam along I nbever dated anyone

This low on the food chain

(Can't stand you, I just can't stand you)

You've got inhuman body odor

You've got the hair of a boxing promoter

Yeah, your teeth are all yellow, your butt's made of Jell-O

You woke up in a puddle, droolin' on your pillow

I hate the way you crack your knuckles

I hate your whiny loser girlfriends too

But mostly I yi yi yi yi

I'm so sick of you

Really now, you're aggrivatin'

I yi yi yi yi

I'm so sick of you

Not to mention irritatin'

I yi yi yi yi

I'm so sick of you

Well, now won't you give my best regards to Satan

I yi yi yi yi

I'm so sick of you

I'm so sick of you

I'm so sick of you

I'm so sick of you

You make me sick

(Can't stand you, I just can't stand you) I'm so sick of you, now

(Can't stand you, I just can't stand you) I'm so sick of you, now

(Can't stand you, I just can't stand you) I'm so sick of you

(Can't stand you, I just can't stand you) I'm so sick of you, now

(Can't stand you, I just can't stand you) I'm so sick of you, now

(Can't stand you, I just can't stand you) I'm so sick of you, now

(Can't stand you, I just can't stand you) I'm so sick of you, now

Or better yet

Since you've been gone

Well I feel like I've been chewing on tinfoil

Since you been gone

It's like I got a great big mouthful of cod-liver oil

Well, I'm feeling like I stuck my hand inside a blender and turned it on

You know I've been in a bundle of pain

Since you've been gone

(Well, since you've been gone, since you've been gone)

I couldn't feel worse if you dropped a 2 ton bowling ball on my toes

(Since you've been gone)

It couldn't hurt any more if you shoved a red hot cactus up my nose

Since you've been gone

Well, it feels like I'm gettin' tetanus shots every day

Since you've been gone

It's like I got an ice cream head ach that won't go away

Ever since the day you left me

I've been so miserable my dear

I feel almost as bad as I did

When you were still here

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  • 3 years later...
Guest GodfallenPromos

Oh crap.. I'm not good with insults..

"Your Mother Was A Hamster, And Your Father Smelt Of Elderberries ..." *blinks*

How'd I do?

First off...she was a gerbil...not a hamster....

and secondly....it was gooseberries

so all in all....poorly

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Guest GodfallenPromos

You couldn't promote free beer to college students....

lmfao....nice....and probably true...cuz me and my boys would drink it all...lol

your face reminds me of an apes ass...hairless and full of shyt...

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Yo momma's so ugly they filmed "Gorillas in the Mist" in her shower

Yo momma's so ugly even Rice Krispies won't talk to her!

Yo momma's so fat, when she went to the beach Greenpeace tried to drag her back in the water.

Yo momma's so nasty, she puts ice down her drawers to keep the crabs fresh.

Yo momma's so nasty, I called her up for phone sex and she gave me an ear infection.

:shock::rofl: :rofl: :shock::wave

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